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Just a couple of thoughts heading into 9/11. And before I go on I want to say I mean no disrespect to those who lost their lives. "Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It."~ George Santayana.

And another thought; “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” — Buddha. By those two I mean by all means respect those who gave, or was taken away from us.
But living in the past makes it harder to move on and grow.

I've seen quite a few posts with pics with Muslims in the context that we have forgotten on place like FB. I very much disagree with that. Yes there are terrorists, some are from the middle east, some are from middle America. What I mean is that if we are petty enough to claim that all whom are foreign, or who don't dress, or look like us are bad. That's right up there with saying All Christians are rapists, because some of the clergy molested children.

I'm going to conclude a quote from some of the wisest people ever, the founding fathers. Namely Thomas Jefferson. " We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I think That is something we need to focus on.
End of rant.
Peace be with you all.

And before Any one says it. Yes I know most of them held slaves, and No, I don't agree about the whole creator thing that Jefferson mentioned. And to boot I am fairly vocal about anti-religion. But still The thought holds merit.

TristanNuvo 8 Sep 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Some of our "representatives" think that some people did some things. Being nice and preaching love doesn't work with religious fanatics. Never heard of a dead fanatic causing trouble.

zesty Level 7 Sep 11, 2019

"Give them a taste of cold steel" ---- British Army .

@bigpawbullets Yeah, look at them now ...


Thank you for sharing such worthy thoughts! 🙂

I add to that an (unreligious) Amen!


I am very well aware that a lot of people lost their lives on 9/11 - some directly and others indirectly and possibly at a later time and all connected to the tragedy of 9/11. My heart is with you and I bleed for you because of this. Still, I'm tired of a yearly "we will never forget" that tries to build us into a frenzy for some reason. 9/11 is molded into some patriotic mold that cannot be right for everyone.

I do not want to remember the death of past wives every year as their death day comes up. I'm also not wanting to remember the murder of my grandson on a yearly basis. Of course, you will never forget. Pain is not fun. It's just that I refuse to be browbeat with events as others want to turn them into a forever monument.


I live with 9/11 every day, days when I have trouble breathing, days when another friend is gone! On the morning of 9/12 I went to work with 14 other men, there are only two of us left. We as a nation are up in arms about Russian messing with our election and we've been doing that to South America and the rest of the world for decades! We only seem to look inward for a short while and then forget what happened and why!

BillF Level 7 Sep 11, 2019

Can you imagine if all these mass shootings of late were committed by Middle Eastern people? We’re doing just fine terrorizing ourselves.


And it seems many Christians would demonize the Muslim religion as poisonous and are blind the the poison of their own. Thank you for the post. Very thoughtful


Unfortunately, everyone has their own lessons of history. Even professional historians aren't unified in their interpretation of historical events.


Jefferson never used the word "creator" []

Whether Jefferson said/wrote it or not, that is how the phrasing is written in the document.

Actually he did. There were a few drafts, and his original did in fact use the word "Creator".. Although understanding Jefferson's dismay, for lack of a better word, about the Christian "god" is well noted, and would explain the revisions to his original text.

@TristanNuvo doubtful due to the fact that Jefferson was not a believer and as the article says.

@jlynn37 not his doing, similar case to the hypocrisy of the 50s and 60s that added god to the pledge of allegiance.

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