What we know and do not know about Greta Thunberg?
Here is what we do not know:
Greta is right we only have this planet to live on. If we don't take care of it, we are all screwed.
Did you notice that the post is not about the message but it is about the messenger?
An old, worn out feminist argument. It does not work any more. We slap men but ignore women because slapping a woman is against the law.
@St-Sinner Can you let us know why you identify as liberal on your profile? Usually embarrassed conservatives identify as independent, moderate, libertarian, or unaffiliated. I've seen people paid to troll dating sites, are you paid to troll agnostic? Then again, you are from Texas and think women should have an education. Maybe you are liberal, for Texas. Can you name one liberal viewpoint you share? Trump is bad does not count.
@UrsiMajor What? Are you interviewing me but I will be kind to you.
Because I am a liberal but not as extreme as some here or Bernie for that matter.
I like free and sensible healthcare without breaking the treasury but I do not like illegal immigration. I like more civil rights but also strong defense.
I do not have to to be like you or others to be liberal. There are sensible liberals and democrats. There are some who support illegal immigration. To me, supporting illegal immigration in any role is unpatriotic.
I happen to live in Texas but cannot run away as fast as would like to. I spent 18 years in New York which is my progressive core.
@UrsiMajor Nobody has to inform me because.....
I am talking about immigrants crossing borders at night or day illegally. Refugees do not cross borders illegally. They apply for asylum. Domestic abuse is not grounds for seeking asylum.
Once they get the visa the U.S. is a fun-filled nation as you could say.
Yes, Texas is too conservative for me. I am running away. I am looking for a girl friend who will take me in.
@UrsiMajor I have opinions, stand for something, believe in something, am not with extreme views, can see good in both sides, an independent thinker, open to others' thoughts and like to stand my ground. I do not worry about attacks including petty and mean because when we make those attacks, they are making a statement about them, not me.
No, I do not but you should sure take the time to think about this
@St-Sinner You know, in 5 billion years, the sun will become a red giant and envelope earth, and there is nothing we can do about that! Shit. Why bother with anything then. Let's party!
The question isn't whether a catastrophic climate change can always be prevented. A slight climate change can however bring catastrophic results for human conditions that will affect the vast majority of human beings who are poor and lack resources. The answer by the ruling class is, too bad but we can take care of ourselves, and who cares what happens in say a few hundred years.
@AtheistReader You are right so what is stopping you?
@St-Sinner No worries. As part of my geology degree, I studied periods of the earth's history when there were rapid fluctuations in atmospheric CO2. We even had a special name for them.
Mass extinction events.
@MrBeelzeebubbles Before you come here making a bad argument again, may be you should complete a degree in civil discourse.
We are not disagreeing with the cause of climate change. Better, more respected scientists including Nobel laureates have told us what it is. The issue is her stupidity and bad messaging.
@St-Sinner Thanks for the tone policing.
1 - She's making the headlines. The Nobel laureates aren't.
2 - If you want to chastise my uncivil discourse, please feel free to lube up a 12 inch dildo and make sweet, sweet love to yourself.
@MrBeelzeebubbles I would but I am not a woman in this life.
Greta: Wake up, you morons! Your house is on fire!
Moron 1: What does she know? She is just a child.
Moron 2: She shouldn't be swearing. We need a civil discourse.
Moron 3: How rude. My feelings are hurt.
Moron 4: Ten thousand years ago before this house was built, there was a raging forest fire on this very spot. That proves that there is nothing we can do about fires. She is just a tool for the fire fighters.
Moron 5: She brings no new information.
Keep calm. There is no reason to panic.
We will all soon forget Greta, the false Messiah like Al Gore was. At least Al Gore captured the Nobel.
@St-Sinner "You have to make your argument better than that."
@AtheistReader Please read the post again.
@St-Sinner I was just quoting your response to another comment. I've read your OP. There is not really an actual "argument." You keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means. And subtleties of logic escape you.
Good luck with whatever you think you are advocating.
Thank you.
"The reason they taunt her with childish insults is because that’s all they’ve got. They’re out of ideas. They can’t dismantle her arguments, because she has science – and David Attenborough – on her side. They can’t win the debate with the persuasive force of their arguments, because these bargain bin cranks trade in jaded cynicism, not youthful passion. They can harangue her with snide tweets and hot take blogposts, but they won’t get a reaction because, frankly, she has bigger worries on her mind.'
Anyone can pull out links out of the ass
She has done more damage to the cause = [cnbc.com]
Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg’s Plastic Boat Trip Will Require Four Transatlantic Flights = [wattsupwiththat.com]
Greta Thunberg's two-week trip across Atlantic in 'zero-carbon yacht' may generate more emissions than it saves as two of the crew have to FLY to New York to bring the boat back to Europe = [dailymail.co.uk]
Pierre Casiraghi says he is not here to change the world, but if he can offer carbon-free transport on his gleaming eco yacht, he is happy to help = [thedailybeast.com]
@St-Sinner Yes as you have demonstrated with this very post it seems XD
What we agree with is = good and moderate
What we don't agree with is = fake news and extreme
@St-Sinner except that your source is a pretty crappy right wing online paper and online blog... you want me to take your sources seriously post less inflammatory sources. Simple.
This post is an aggressive attack intended to damage and diminish a courageous and moral young lady. You should be ashamed.
Facts sir and yes, it is intentional. Very much so.
Sorry to point out about your favorite little girl but the truth must come out. I have given references for the facts. You do not like criticism?
I want to argue that you should be ashamed for ignoring the facts and buying the hype.
I am glad you asked the question. We are stupid and have been stupid many times in our lifetime and so were our parents, grandparents and forefathers.
Yes, stupidity exists. I am not saying you know about it yet.
@wordywalt I try very hard not come across condescending although I admit that I am naturally strong in my arguments. I never have the intentions to look or sound superior but I argue forcefully because.....
Just like Trump... I like to win, win and win and never want to stop winning so much that you will say one day, St. Sinner, you are winning too much. Can you please lose once?"
This is the same block headed tactic employed by climate deniers, science haters etc. . That is misdirection. Attack the messenger because you clearly loose in terms of the message.
We are denying the false messiah, not the science. You are doing the same cry baby tactics.
Damage to what cause? What prince and what yacht? This is pure gaslighting because the young girl spoke up against Trump's stand on climate change and nothing more. Trump himself is so pissed that he tweets about her badly at 3 AM.
It is not gaslighting but it is if you don't like the facts.
She has done more damage to the cause = [cnbc.com]
Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg’s Plastic Boat Trip Will Require Four Transatlantic Flights = [wattsupwiththat.com]
Greta Thunberg's two-week trip across Atlantic in 'zero-carbon yacht' may generate more emissions than it saves as two of the crew have to FLY to New York to bring the boat back to Europe = [dailymail.co.uk]
Pierre Casiraghi says he is not here to change the world, but if he can offer carbon-free transport on his gleaming eco yacht, he is happy to help = [thedailybeast.com]
@redbai You do not understand. We is people on both sides of a view. We cannot be you alone because you are not unique.
Your definition is the same as of the people who will disagree with you. Just that they will show you a different evidence. I hoped that you knew this in the years behind you.
@St-Sinner You haven't demonstrated that I don't understand and I say I do demonstrating a presumptions comment.
You haven't demonstrated that my "definition" is the same as those who disagree with me. "Different evidence" is just another way of saying "alternative facts", which is just a way of saying lies. Evidence supports the facts and your "evidence" doesn't support your comments. Which probably explains why you don't quote from the articles that which you believe makes your points. Can't quote what's not there.
@St-Sinner So basically, you've assumed things, defined me based on your assumptions and then self-servingly decided (without a shred of evidence) that your assumptions were factual and thus your assumptions about me to be factual.
That's pathetic.
Regardless, uou cannot demonstrate that the articles that you claim support your assertions are relevant. Your attempts to make this about me instead of your inability to provide evidence to support your claims is obvious to everyone, but you.
@St-Sinner Again, you pretend that your characterization of someone you don't know is correct and allows you to make all kinds of assumptions. So very Trumpian of you; the not-so-skillful utilization of the tools of biased thought. It apparently allows you to believe you can make all kinds of unsubstantiated claims and then attack anyone who points out your claims are false, instead of you attempting to demonstrate any veracity in your claims.
So you believe it all, because these points were organized into a list ?
Like many out there - this seems to be a post based on the need to discredit, and undermine. Why ?
"disrespecting rant at the UN ?" ... more like well deserved and long overdue.
Many moderate people would not agree with your extreme views. I would not teach my child to do that. But good luck with your approach. Hope it will serve you well.
@St-Sinner At this stage moderates are cowards. Moderates celebrate the status quo that got us here. Moderates play it safe and hide behind reasonableness in the face of evil. Neville Chamberlain comes to mind. America is at a crossroads and needs a voice of anger and focus against Trump and both parties established, entrenched old guard.
umm who the fck at age 16 actually has a human rights activism record?? Hell, as adults who has these records??! Most adults, probably even you, do not have such records. And how come when youth are trying to or are engaging in activism they are nothing but pawns?? So adults have never been pawns? Teens cannot fight for causes of their own volition? Because I guarantee you teens can and do... I was involved in activism as a teen and I guarantee you my parents were useless "loving christians" that didn't do shit for the needy.
She is obviously bi-lingual. Who here can claim fluency in more than one language?
In that case, she should finish school, finish growing up, learn about the world and come back another time. The UN is not a playing ground for the impolite, disrespectful and immature.
@UrsiMajor well I am bi-lingual as well... not sure for mr sinner though >.>
@demifeministgal I speak 6 other languages, since the age of 5, but not Western
@St-Sinner scientists haven't. They still aren't. Everything they have predicted is happening. Rising sea levels, increasing temperatures world wide, increasingly unstable weather patterns. Eventually the planet will be uninhabitable by humans if we do not curb our emissions. Look at the actual science.
That timing of the eventuality is the question. The urgency and doomsday scenarios happening in 5 years, 10 years and 20 years is the question. The majority of the American people agree that we should reduce the human contribution of pollution but Al Gore and alike came and went warning us with dire warning the Earth would freeze by 2014. We were so grateful and so taken in and that we even gave him a Nobel and an Oscar. And guess what, we are still here and prospering.
My point is the false warnings of super urgencies, not the seriousness of climate change. It was the same sense of urgency that the climate activists' prop Greta Thunberg disrespectfully yelled at the world body at leaders recently.
@St-Sinner eventually it will be a doomsday event and it is likely to happen in Greta's lifetime. The increasing acidity of our oceans as it absorbs more and more co2 will cause food shortages. We would be experiencing it already if scientists had created new strains of wheat to feed another billion people.
Thats just 1 of the things that we can show is happening right now. The erratic weather will get worse and worse. The list goes on and on. We arent talking doomsday but every day has a worsening effect. That's the science and ypur OP is making personal remarks about a young woman who knows how much this will effect her generation and is brave enough to shame the countries who do too little. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Some one actually tells the truth and did it in a ranting manner!
The Obstructionist republicans rant and yell and take us further into oblivion!
So this woman ranted the truth!!!
What the fuck is your problem!
To tell the truth seems to be a capital offence any more!
When you blame one individual to make them demonic, despicable, unethical, and immoral for stating the truth with facts you are just evil and demonic as those who are profiting from this dire situation they created out of pure greed, power, and domination over us.
Seems you, like so many other take one individual to slander the cause they are only one part of!
This is so typical of the Fascist playbook!
Demonize the truth and any one capable of speaking the truth!!!
So, what if she is being used, it sure as fuck you are trying to use us for your limited world view!
You like so many harp on things which are only superficial are so short sighted and uninformed that you are perpetuating the same rhetoric the wealthy and their corporations have push upon us all the while giving us the illusion of prosperity and freedom!
Again who gives a Fuck you distain a young women who is yelling and ranting the truth, those like you will only make her out to be a pawn, like the pawn piece you are, being used like yesterday's paper!!!
No slander, Just facts. And yes, I give a fuck and many others give a fuck.
You sure the fuck do by showing you bias, when you clam be a moderate, when in fact you are just another closet Obstructionist republican claiming to be some softy of moderate
What a fucking joke you have become!
Only here to hear Your own warpped wrapped bullshit spewed upon others!
Fuck off!
Those who Hide behind a Cartoon deserve None of My Time.
GpsyOfnew...What does a real photo mean ?Any one can put up a false photo of themselves on this site and according to the annoying troll police on this site it happens regularly here .A cartoon character is more honest than a fake photo .
I entirely agree!
@richiegtt If you don't get it... you don't get it... if you don't offer your likeness you are not playing with a full deck.
@richiegtt You sound like the Unpresident… blurring the lines between real photo and fake photo... Well I am Real... I know what Real is. Maybe fake and real is the same to you... that is you. I am happy with my Likeness on a Mirror or a Photo. I need no reason to hide or fear. That is what Real suppose to be.
Ummm.. yeah. Fuck everything about this bullshit post
That is exactly the point of my posting against the false messiah. I said fuck with all that glitz, glittery, shiny, orchestrated media propaganda blitz and bring out some facts. I see it is working. It is pissing off extreme nut cases. It is very important to know your audience so you can tailor next messages better... more like surgical strikes.
Stop trying to shoot the messenger! This is shameful of you...you ought to be ashamed! It reminds me of the “slut-shaming” tactics used by men who sexually assault women and then say “they were asking for it because they were dressed provocatively”. It is called deflection and is a well known tactic. She is a child who has touched a nerve and made us, the so called adults, think about how our actions are harming the future of young people and ultimately could destroy the planet if we don’t change our habits.
@OwlInASack I realise this.
@OwlInASack Don't panic or be defensive. Everybody who disagrees with you is not a Trump supporter or watch Fox News. But if you advocate breaking laws, how can do think any better. Let me guess. You don't agree, right?
Lol! Indoctrinated child? We are ALL indoctrinated. ESPECIALLY those who loudly proclaim themselves to be "free-thinkers." Ugh. Greta has nothing to say except what "adults" have told her? What? Does anyone really expect her to have invented the climate science? WTF?
We can all play the arm-chair quarterback on the effectiveness on her advocacy. Americans love to think of these things as games anyway.
Rage needs to be expressed. From time to time.
Rage but in a sound argument. Yours is not one.
Love this article intro: “A vocal cohort of fully grown human adults seems unable to deal with Greta Thunberg.”
There are articles on the internet to support every kind of argument. I also love the articles I gave as references in my post.
You keep yours and I will keep mine.
I also love the end of the article:
“She is a small, slight child wearing braids and using the best science available to beg the adults in the room to not let her die. Not to let animals die. Not to let the Earth die. Not to let everyone die. Anyone who listens to all of that and immediately wants to punish or attack Thunberg — they’re not having that reaction because they think she’s wrong, but rather because, deep down, they fear she is right.”
@Apunzelle and because they are willfully ignorant. I have many many friends in sweden and anyone who says this child is being led is absolutely clueless. She is empowered by an education system that values science and promotes that each person can make a difference.
@Apunzelle We all love different things. I love these lines in the article I gave as a reference...
"Sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg’s ascendancy to the forefront of environmental activism could end up being a major negative to the movement and the environment. Emotion must not be confused with scientific credibility, and in this case, the “science” behind Thunberg’s pleas for help is (mostly) wrong, and her message dangerously misguided. Despite the tearful claims of stolen childhoods, suffering and death, Greta’s generation has grown up in the most prosperous time in human history."
This is easily the worst post I have ever seen on this site. Wholly devoid of any meaningful substance or anything worthy of rebuttal or debate. It's fucking embarrassing.
No need to be embarrassed. Come on in. The water is warm.
@St-Sinner Wade in your own urine if it suits you. I'll pass.
Funny how a sixteen year old girl who becomes pregnant is a responsible woman who is capable of raising a child in the eyes of some not so bright individuals, but a sixteen year old who takes a stand for something they believe in is suddenly a little girl being manipulated by adults in the eyes of the simpletons who disagree with her.
There are 10 year olds making a difference in the world. Nobody got this much oxygen, wall to wall coverage, all out interviews and cameras filled trip across the Atlantic.
Here are the young activists, some of them do not look like us, some are short and some are black but we would not give them enough light, would we?
We are a society that wants to celebrate more of Princess Diana who died in the same week as Mother Theresa died. So what you say is not surprising.
Funny how a sixteen year old girl who becomes pregnant is a responsible woman who is capable of raising a child in the eyes of some not so bright individuals, but a sixteen year old who takes a stand for something they believe in is suddenly a little girl being manipulated by adults in the eyes of the simpletons who disagree with her.
I also notice that your first point of attack is her Asperger Syndrome, which indicates right off the bat that you have absolutely no counter points to present against her arguments. The first one to resort to personal attacks has lost the debate, and you went down to defeat in your very first sentence. Congratulations. Must be some kind of world record.
There are 10 year olds making a difference in the world. Nobody got this much oxygen, wall to wall coverage, interviews and cameras filled trip across the Atlantic. Here are the young activists, some of them do not look like us, some are short and some are black but we would not give them enough light, would we?
We are a society that wants to celebrate more of Princess Diana who died in the same week as Mother Theresa died. So what you say is not surprising.
Funny, how a question comes up and then I read about it. What this is about, pure and simple is called gaslighting.
Gaslighting blurs our reality
“…gaslighters work in the public square to create confusion and prey on public vulnerability, using sophisticated forms of manipulation, mind games and PR spin.” “…the Western mind is increasingly gullible because it is overwhelmed by too much information and rattled by fear of what’s happening in our world and to our climate. In recent years our minds have been faced with a steep learning curve. Demands on our brains have increased exponentially because of the rapid pace of change and all the information we must assimilate, respond to and grapple with. More and more people are less and less able to make sense of, and rationally adapt to, this alarming onslaught.” Dr. Bryant Welch chair of clinical psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. From the book, “I’m Right and you’re an Idiot – the toxic state of public discourse and how to clean it up.”
I recently read an article from the Scientific American about group studies and wondered if it might apply to our group. I can see how a study will sometimes throw a monkey wrench into a discussion to see people's reaction. I wonder if this is the case here?
"They can’t admit it even to themselves, so they ridicule her instead. But the truth is that they’re afraid of her. The poor dears are terrified of her as an individual, and of what she stands for – youth, determination, change.
She is part of a generation who won’t be cowed. She isn’t about to be shamed into submission by trolls. That’s not actually a look of apocalyptic dread in her eyes. It’s a look that says “you’re not relevant”.
Please read above if you are not close minded. But again, no need at all, if you are.
"2. She has no human rights activism or contribution record, none whatsoever - She has no record of any human rights contribution of any kind. She never visited a poor country, never visited Africa, never visited - let living in a refugee camp or a war torn zone."
Non sequitur...her message is solely climate change, not other progressive issues.
She is a prop
What are you so afraid of?
Falsehood, propaganda, misinformation and above all - the false urgency sold through a pawn in the game. This has happened many times before.
Just like Jesus is coming, this has become a cry wolf story.
No she is not only asking to improve. In her disrespectful ranting and yelling at one of the most respected world bodies in the last 70 years that has done tremendous work not just in climate change, disease control, humanitarian aid, refugees crises, justice through international court, education, health and so many other crises... undermined and warned in a way to suggest nothing was being done..
Wind farms have been built, solar panels are used, alternative fuels are created, energy wastage is managed, awareness has increased every year, people have devoted their careers and lifetimes to improving environment. She has a shallow understanding what efforts have been made and what has been accomplished. She is 16 years old and her shallowness is suitable for her age. What she does not understand is she is being used as a prop to sound alarms and give a bigger voice to the movement. The aim is noble but the route and the messenger were lousy.
Tosser of the biggest kind you are.
You have to make your argument better than that.
@OwlInASack You are running away from accepting the fact that you are recommending illegal activities and running around to make your arguments elsewhere.
@OwlInASack You are not despising me. When you respond and tell me what you do and believe in, it is a statement about you, not me.
@Jolanta I told you you have to grow up beyond elementary school thinking. You cannot argue, you cannot respond, you cannot logically elaborate your reason but you like to make petty comments. I bet you never did debates in school. Others would destroy you with your type of comments... such as "I do not like you" in a rebuttal... lol
@St-Sinner Nope pretty sure it's a statement about YOU pig boy.
In all, the original post is a very good example of the logical fallacy of an ad hominem attack. Note that the post does not challenge what she has said in her address to the U.N. or here posistion on climate change, but attacks her personally. If you do not know what an ad hominem attack is, look it up here: [en.wikipedia.org]
It is no different from me saying: St-Sinner, you are a god damned idiot.
What makes you so sure that you are not an idiot?
When I write about facts about her, it is not personal. It is about facts about her. She stepped into publicity with a big bang, right? Now you don't want her discussed? You want to have it both ways?
@St-Sinner "What makes you so sure that you are not an idiot?" You have missed the point on what an ad hominem attack is. It would not be hard to make of list of eight items in which you can be attacked. 1. What your YOUR credentials that make your condemnation of her legitimate?
"When I write about facts about her, it is not personal." Bull shit. Again, you seem to be oblivious as to what an ad hominem attack is. One would hope that you have a better grasp of what the "Dunning-Kruger Effect" is. " It is about facts about her. She stepped into publicity with a big bang, right? Now you don't want her discussed? You want to have it both ways?" YOU have just stepped into publicity with a big bang with your post. Just what credentials do YOU have?