A lady came into my work place, wearing a god is perfect hoodie. I don't if wanted to barf or laugh. Of course, I would have got in trouble for either.
You can't really criticize her, but you CAN show up tomorrow wearing a "God is a figment of your imagination" hoodie.
I was watching film the other day and there was this guy with a t shirt saying "Jesus loves you but I don't." Doube edged sword.
I wonder if they make that hoodie and how much it costs.
For a number of years I worked in a health food store in the bible belt. I bought a black hoodie with flowers embroidered up the front and rainbows striped around the sleeves, hood and pockets. It wasn't until I had worn it a couple of times that I realized, the rainbows were actually the pride flag. That made me smile, and I wore it to work every chance I could. The many Christians who entered the store would see my hoodie and say, "Oh look, it is Joseph's coat of many colors." It is retail, so I would nod, smile and go about my work. Then there were the times when someone from the LGBTQ+ community would enter the store, and see my jacket. They were the ones who would smile and nod. In return, my face beamed with joy, and my step was a bit lighter for the rest of the day. I still have the jacket, if not the job.
I plan to buy some pride gear in the near future.
Eh, god is perfect. Why not? God is whatever you want god to be.
I sometimes wear a Humanist button when it's in an appropriate setting. Small 1" and not in your face but not in a commercial setting. Usually a protest march or other setting where many different views are represented.
"YOU NEED JESUS" was on a shirt worn by the checker at the UPS Store. Big white lettering. A large cross nestled on his chest.
It felt like obnoxious Christian proselytizing. Was tempted to call the manager.
Maybe talking to the manager or better yet corporate is appropriate. Otherwise, this type of behavior is normalized and might become more common. Thanks for bringing this up.
I would have busted his balls directly. Probably asking him a question about: does a customer's religion have an affect on how he does his job?
How about a t shirt of your own- Jesus loves you but I don't.
I go to GOD to take care of my hair... Gents Of Dublin, I mean. I better get a hoodie from that barber shop...
People wearing "god" things don't bother me near as much as people wearing trump things.
Totally agree!
Unfortunately ones that wear one commonly also wear the other.
Many Trump supporters think he is god. Trump himself seems to think so.
He is perfect for those who find human companions unsatisfactory. Humans are imperfect, and that is what makes us interesting, real, and not figments of the imagination. She might as well wear something with the slogan “My imaginary friend is perfect “, but then she’d be laughed at, wouldn’t she? Why don’t you wear your Agnostics T-shirt as retaliation. But no puking please!
@OldMetalHead yes dogs are definitely real & better in every possible way. ❤
I wonder what her reaction would be if you wore a hoodie stating “Allah is the only God”. How about “god is the perfect delusion”? Or finally “my hundreds of gods beats your one apparently pretty powerless god”?
I'm partial to the last one suggested.
I'm all about religious tolerance - as long as she's promoting her beliefs rather than denigrating others' then I'm fine with it. Headscarves, crosses, hoodies, turbans or colanders . All fine by me.
I appreciate your outlook!
So you would not consider saying "my god is perfect" as a statement that denigrates others? Wouldn't that statement by default basically say your gods aren't? Not that I really care, but passive aggressiveness is also despicable.
@MattHardy Exactly the argument used by those who want religion to give them the right to be bigoted, homophobic, racist xenophobes.
"I am just promoting my religion, and the word of god as found in the bible. So kill the gays, and god will be happy and stop giving you runny noses and boils."
@Mofo1953 no I would not infer that from the hoodie as described. not when there are more charitable interpretations available. I have religious friends, I know they believe in a perfect god. They know I have no such belief. We both respect each other's belief systems. Based only on the information in the OP I have no reason to conclude that the hoodie wearer had any disrespect for other people's philosophies. That said I recognise that I'm lucky with regard to the fact that I live in circles where inter faith respect is not uncommon and I know that not everyone is so lucky. So if you're working on the basis where you have a prior probability that someone displaying their religion is likely intolerant of their out group I do understand.
@Mofo1953, @LenHazell53 the keyword is tolerance. Bigotry, homophobia etc don't get a pass, and certainly can't be defended by an argument for tolerance. That's denigrating others which I explicitly said would be a problem for me.
@MattHardy Tolerating intolerance is a sure way to wake up and find yourself living in a totalitarian dictatorship.
Tolerance is only effective to a certain level, beyond that it is a very dangerous practice.
Would you have asked the Jews to tolerate the death camps, because, well you know them Nazis, the little scamps.
@MattHardy Yeah, @MattHardy, try asking for this 'tolerance' of yours from the other 54+ million people who also died as a result of the War in Europe against the Nazis as well as the yet, untold thousands, perhaps millions, who suffered and died under the Japanese as well?
Ask the survivors of those who were forced to build the Burma Railway for the Japanese about this 'tolerance' of which you preach, OR, ask the Prisoners of the Japs from Ambon Island where my late Uncle Arthur was held captive and survived though dozens of his fellow mates were either starved to death or worked to death by the Japs.
Yep, 'tolerance' is a great example of the old " Ostrich burying its head in the sand and hoping it will all go away" isn't it?
I'm sure at least ONE of those VICTIMS of tolerance will agree with you, NOT.
@LenHazell53 I don't suggest we tolerate intolerance. I haven't suggested we tolerate intolerance. I've specifically said we shouldn't. You're arguing against opinions I don't hold. Someone wears a hoodie with a religious slogan and you compare that with the holocaust? This is very very silly.
@LenHazell53, @Triphid and you too Triphid you daft muppet.