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When did the "Post" button become red? I admit it has been a weird week and maybe I just didn't notice, but it sure stands out now. And disturbingly so. Post more it says to me.

HippieChick58 9 Nov 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Yah, I made it red today as I realized that many new users didn't see it. Yah, it says "post more"... especially to you 🙂

Admin Level 9 Nov 2, 2019

I think you may know me too well!

Maybe the Learn button should be hot pink? 😉 Ok maybe teal....

I see u are back ! About x .
Are u going to answer my msg by end of year ?? I won't be able to log here ever again if I get a new phone or update this one 😂 I don't remember my password . I don't use it to log in the phone app , I click on app and " poof ", miracle .
Can u email my password just in case ??????😩😩😩😩


If you actually find this disturbing I think you may have mental issues

Seriously, don't we all?


The most intellectually stimulating post of the day.

fedup Level 6 Nov 3, 2019

I hadn't noticed until you pointed it out. Now it does look weird. Red means stop, so maybe it means don't post.


I only use my phone / app and I have no idea what all u guys are talking about it 😂 I guess nothing changes in the phone app .

Tablet here it changed


Whew, I thought I did something to it!


some time today, i think. it scared me!



I noticed it a little earlier today.
Just a pop of color.


I just noticed it today.

Unity Level 8 Nov 2, 2019

I thought I broke something


It is also weird that wen logging in or going to the "signup" page it also appears as red. XD
So it is coaxing users and would-be users to post XD


Yeah! I just noticed that this morning! I thought maybe it was "watching" me or something!


It grabbed my attention too. I think we've been conditioned to think it's more than it is with that particular red. But after a minute or so I lost interest in why it was changed, and why that red.


the red is eye catching ... and distracting but may lead to more posting .... see what the analysis says over the next few weeks

Maybe the tiny gold chat button should have 'Chat' beside it and also be highlighted in colour


I noticed it yesterday. Maybe it means stop and think before you post, haha! I have to admit, I usually just read and sometimes comment, rather than contribute, so maybe it's an attempt to get some people to remember to post something. Some post too much and most likely don't post at all. Different personalities combining for great discussions.


I noticed it yesterday or the day before.


🤷🏻♀️ Noticed it yesterday? but didn’t think about it. To post or not to post?


It is clearly visible, but red is a warning color, IMO teal or pink would be better. @Admin.

1 has been changing this website.

For two weeks, I've had to reduce the size of photos 60% before posting them.


RED is encouraging. A genetic thang.


I noticed it just now at 8:16 PM and I see the plus on it as meaning to post more.

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