16 13

Got a message from a woman on a dating site. Hadn't heard from her lately, hadn't been a connection anyway.

The message was a period ".". Could hardly see it. Her name and a period. It was obviously a mistake, but I answered.

"Nice of you to say so" or something like that. I've since deleted the messages.

She responded something like "just goes to show I don't know how to use this phone."

My response was "surprised a woman your age still has periods."

She didn't like that. Said the age was off on her profile and that wasn't funny.

I replied, "We were talking punctuation, were we not?"

Yes, I'm an unrepentant smart-ass, but did think it was worthy of a little bit of a chuckle. (Probably not for women)

david75090 7 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah, it's called having a sense of humor. I saw meme that pretty much applies to this situation, "I will be killed for saying something completely fine to somebody who took it the wrong way"

lerlo Level 8 Dec 5, 2019

I may have to hand in my feminist card over it but I thought it was a bit funny.

I think that he was rude, not funny. Chacun a son gout.


Never mention age trying to communicate or even joke with women, had you made the witty remark about the period using a different set up, you could have probably scored more points, but by basically saying "you are a menopausal old woman," I'd say you blew it.

Oh yeah. Even hinting at that is bad form. It was just that I couldn't resist the opportunity. Like the Ron White bit, "I had the right to remain silent, but I didn't have the ability".


Well, I thought it was funny!


Sounds like she doesn't have a sense of humor. 😁


Clearly her sense of humor could use some pad-ding. 😉


Well done, I love it!


Old adage is fuck them if they can not take a joke!!

In this case it would be some sort of non sexual harassment!!!



I don't hold myself responsible for others that lack even a reasonable sense of humor. Someone with no sense of humor would be a dealbreaker for me.


Most excellent.


You sound like a first class jerk and I hope she blocked you immediately, as I am about to do. No way I'd consider dating such a rude misogynist.

@ birdingnut I guess you should if that bothers you


I chuckled.
Life is short. People need to have a fucking sense of humor.
Then again, I laugh at some pretty inappropriate shit sometimes.


"fucking sense of humor" Ha!

@Jacar And your problem is?

@KKGator You need to learn what appreciation is.

@Jacar That's cute. You're telling me what I "need to learn".
You are hilarious.


we live in an age of emotionally weak people

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