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When someone says "There is no god" they're idiots!

At that point it's up to then to prove that statement

When someone says "yes!!! A god does exist"

It's better to say "I don't believe, prove one exists"

Scott_Bohannon 5 Jan 5

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Theists and atheists come from two different perspectives and you can't prove the absence of a god to theists using their perspectives and nor can you prove the presence of a god to an atheist using their perspectives. That is, from my experience, it is pointless to try and argue a theist into atheism. The only way I have seen the awakening after them having spent years of being brainwashed, is to teach them to think more clearly and critically so they can come to the conclusion on their own. That's where tertiary education plays a huge part. Otherwise, it seems to take some trauma to cause people to reexamine their belief system and then it seems it can go either way. Theist to atheist or atheist to theist. It certainly never happens by ridicule as then people dig in and shut down to your arguments.


There is no god.
Prove me wrong.
I'll wait.

Unless and until there is credible and verifiable PROOF that any deity has
EVER existed, there is absolutely no rational reason for me to accept that
there "might be" one.

Show me proof and I'll change my position.

I agree with what @powder said, I am also quite comfortable in my idiocy.

You may have a very, very long wait, he has no proof and we know it.

Proof is not the right word. Evidence is better.

@Spongebob More semantics. To me, they're the same.


I am so tired of all these circular arguments. I just say to believers....”Show me the evidence and I will agree that there’s a god, until then I’m an atheist!”

So simple, true and correct. Freaks then out anyway


Semantics. "I don't believe in gods" = "There are no gods"

wait... herecy! and now you have dragged the atheists into this!


Absence of evidence IS evidence of absence! I rest my case.


I just posted this in another thread the other day but I'll repost it here since it applies:

If something can't be seen, touched tasted, smelled, heard, or confirmed on any level down to the microrcellular or even subatomic then for all intents and purposes, no, it does not exist. God, for example, meets all of that criteria.

God does not exist..

Prove me wrong.


Actually, I was once told by a professor, answer that question with, "If you want me to tell you if I believe if there is a God, first you tell me what you mean by God and then I will answer your question?" So far no one has come up with anything to talk about. If God can be defined then what one is talking about is not God. Now dog is a totally different matter.

I exist! Watch your language here!


I don't believe in an invisible being that resides somewhere beyond the clouds.

At age 13, I became an atheist when I realized the Bible is just a book of stories written by men. Like Grimm's Fairy Tales.

You guys missed your chance. Had women made up the fairytales you guys would run everything.

@1of5 women DO run everything, and it's fine with me.


Only 5% of Fortune 500 companies are led by women.


@LiterateHiker I mean the things that are important to me.


Let's not be so loose with the word "idiot."


zzzZZZ.... mmhh... I think I've heard something..... Naaahhh... back to sleep


Before you can argue if God exists, you must define God.

gater Level 7 Jan 6, 2020

The sky is green, up is down, Trump is smart, the check is in the mail, I'll only put the head in. Lies are lies and idiots are idiots, choosing to respond at all is the question. Explaining to an idiot that they are an idiot is fruitless so unless you are trying to make a point to someone else in the room, just move on.


Anybody can say whatever they want. There’s no such thing as a burden of proof except in court.

A person’s opinions or beliefs about “God” are of no significance because nobody knows or understands what they are talking about. A serious searcher who wants to understand reality on a deep level will not be slapping on labels or talking about belief or disbelief. They’ll be engaged in study, meditation and contemplation. They’ll be enrapt in curiosity, awe and reverence. They will be disinterested in belief/disbelief, rituals, ceremonies, and dogmas, and that is whether the dogmas are those of the science establishment or of churches.


Sure. There are gods. But they are all myths. Prove me wrong. Start with the god Bastet.


There are no gods, they are all man made and thus fake.


I say there's no god or gods and I"m no idiot. I can say there are no fairies or unicorns either because there is not now nor has there ever been any evidence to support the claims of any of them. The default proposition in the absence of evidence is that the proposition is false so there I stand. It's not up to me to demonstrate the default, it's up to the one making the claim to prove it's valid. If you say you don't believe it, prove it exists, you're saying it's not there. Have the courage of your convictions.

Nobody can prove a negative. Even Dawkins says there is no 100% certainty there is no god. 99.99999%, but nobody can prove that. Exactly like nobody can prove there is.

The burden of proof is on the affirmative statement.

@Scott_Bohannon Exactly. I also put in the context of how long the assertion has lasted and how long the evidence has not been forthcoming.

@MichaelSpinler A big part of the reason it still exists is that those who wish to control others perpetuate it as a means of said control.


You can't use logic against a faith based belief, as faith in itself is illogical. Even if you could prove there is no god, many wouldn't listen or understand.


I think it is a good strategy to keep the onus of proof on the theist. But I would not call the atheist who expresses his opinion an idiot. I might say "poor tactician" instead.


There's no proof of the existence of God but also there's no proof of the non-existence. I would go more for the second one but there's no guarantee it's the truth.

The proof of the non existence of both the Jewish God and the Christian God lies in the first books of their respective Holy Texts.


Perhaps just smile and go on your way.


Exactly correct!

But then the failure starts. They will simply say... "You must have faith!" or "You must believe!"

That's where they lost me years ago. I have learned only to have faith in those I trust... And even some of them I am starting to have doubts about.


You are exactly correct. It is the one making the claim who must provide the proof.


i have found that many on here come from a previously religious background,particularly in the USA, and it is obvious that the indoctrination has lingering effects. It is also ineteresting that you say god singular. That gives the game away.
Coming from a non religious background I can categorically say that there are no gods,fairies or teapots circling the sun.
So says this idiot but you are welcome to prove me wrong if you wish.


I looked for the proof for the existence of god, I studied and did extensive research and put it all in a box, and after days of contemplating, and evaluating the evidence that I had gathered, I came to realization that the only thing that really did exist was the empty box.

That, you can use. And its real.

What did you study?

@Geoffrey51 what do you think I studied?
And if you did any kind of studying what did you study?

@MrDragon I don’t know what you studied, that’s why I asked the question?

@Geoffrey51 why do you need to know? Haven't you done your own?

@MrDragon please yourself. Just asking to see what discipline you’d undertaken.

You say it’s extensive so I thought you might like to share, but If it’s a problem forget about it.

@Geoffrey51 well, it would appear that your not ready to discuss yours either. So, as you put it, forget about it.

@MrDragon Some of mine are in my bio. You just need to look. You’ve presented nothing other than saying to ask and you’ll reply with a need to know which sounds as though you have studied nothing.

@Geoffrey51 so?

@Geoffrey51 I have nothing to prove to you, your not my daddy or my boss or any other kind of authority that I recognize. And I don't care what you think or believe. Plus I am not inclined to discuss anything with you if I don't want too. You don't need to know and now you'll never know. This conversation ends now.

@MrDragon Fairy nuff.


God of cats, god of fish, god of weather, god of the sea, god of the mountains, god of the sky, god of the


You make me think you are a theist. What evidence do you have any god exist. Your evidence has to be objective, testable by anyone. Theist have failed to prove any evidence that a god is real. I don't believe any god exist. The bible is the claim, not the evidence.

No, he's a hard core agnostic that thinks the way he doesn't believe is superior to the way everyone else doesn't believe.

But we're the idiots. 😉

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