I might have fucked up on Facebook, ya’ll. Oh well, see who disappears this time.
I lost my temper and fired off a screed about how Xtians are NOT ‘oppressed’. One too many memes on how god must be returned to the schools or some such bullshit. I pointed out that when I was practicing as a pagan, there was some oppression: death threats, protestors.
What is oppression to you? What does it mean? Personally, I think Xtians are just mad that THEY can’t oppress others.
They think everyone has to be an extian. Just like Muslims. How about we put prayer back into churches. That would have prevented church shootings, by golly!
F them . Y even bothering . Entitled delusional critters
Every time a hear one of them bragging about their morality and their faith and their great kindness “ Bcz of Jesus , I want to double check the zipper on my pants , secure my back on a wall , hide my wallet , and open my arms to hide and protect all the children of the world .
And if evolution was litle more generous , I wish I had a third arm or a nice big tail like a kangaroo to punch them on their face at the same x .
Honestly Carolina, don’t sweat over this . Ain’t worth the dirt under your nails .
Thank you! If I’m ever in a fight, I pick you to stand with me
On FB I like to point out the Constitution or I do a search to find something Biblical to contradict what they're saying.
Those who feel "oppressed" are usually those who are trying to force their religion on someone else when someone says something about it. I like to point out the 1st Amendment with it's Freedom of Religion, along with a comment that it's not Freedom to be the same religion as everyone else or Freedom to be of the Christian Religion.
The other day one of them was crying about food stamps. Helping the needy with food was somehow going to make them dependent. Quick search on what the Bible had to say lead to a page with probably 30-40 quoted passages about helping the needy. Love using their words against them, with citations. After I posted my response with a link to that page, there was no other comment on the thread.
Of course! Crickets.
Oh well, you didn't need them on your FB anyway.
When someone posts that infantile screed about putting "prayer back in school", I gently remind anyone reading the thread that prayer has never been taken out of schools. Their kids can pray all they want, the teachers can pray all they want, anyone there can pray as much as they want. They can have prayer clubs if they want. They just can't force my kids to pray, or kids of other religions, and/or the non-religious to pray.
Unfortunately that's what pisses them off. They WANT to force everyone to fall in line and worship their god. Many of them would take us down to the dungeons and torture us till we prayed if they could. For our own good of course...
In the Bible it reads that followers of Jesus will be persecuted, oppressed etc. because they follow him. And, this is supposedly a sign of the end times. So, they look for persecution and oppression everywhere they can, and when they cannot find it--they invent it.
There is true oppression of Christians in this world; and there is true oppression of many other religions. AND, there is absolutely true oppression of agnostics and atheists in this world--to include the US.
Here in the US, Christians call it oppression and even persecution just because they are finally being told that they do not hold a special status here.
What we see happening now is these people who claim oppression and persecution are trying to wrest control of the government via the courts, the White House, and Congress so they can use the government to, at the very least, oppress other religions and the non-religious; but, in time, I have no doubt, it would turn into outright persecution.
I agree. They want full xtian theocracy here.
I agree with you. Your last sentence nailed it all. The basic idea is that Christians think they are oppressed because their book says they will be oppressed, and we all know that book is correct. LOL They tell you that school shootings happen because we no longer let god in our schools and it is absurd. I'm 73 years old and I do not remember god in our schools. At one time teachers said those that want to can have one minute of silent prayer as the classes started. O'Hair's lawsuits stopped that. This leads me to conclude that the disgruntled student who shoots and kills others in public schools today is very pissed off about that missing minute of prayer. On closer look the whole idea of this is ridiculous. As far as your bible beliefs being taught in public schools, it never happened. Never ever! Regardless of what they try it is not likely to happen, or at least not the way they want it to happen. This is what religious institutions are for.
Don't worry a lot about Facebook. I'm there too and I see Jesus arm wrestling a red Devil sometimes. What is that about? We need a lot of likes here. My Trumper relative tells me that the current impeachment is all about Joe Biden and what his son did. Taking those billions of dollars illegally and he was not qualified for that job. I point out that Biden was not a president asking for someone to investigate his rival. As for siblings and job qualifications, how about Ivanka and Jerad Kushner. Two overpaid NY Democrats who haven't got a clue what they are doing. On top of that nobody cares and it all shows so badly.
Facebook plays games and they want you to play also. They want all your information. They already have way too much information. If all of this goes bad on you just change your FB identity and be your alter ego. Play that game right back at them.
Don't worry. You spoke well. If people unfriend you, they are the type you don't need bothering you anyway.
I agree that these days, Xians are the oppressors. They try and try and try to force their nonsense on others, and those who refuse to accept it are treated horribly.
Christians have enjoyed the privilege of having goverment endorsement and support for a very long time in the US. More recently (like over the last 50 to 70 years) this privilege has been challenged and the courts have upheld the rolling back of this privilege. For Christians, many will see their loss of privilege and support as oppression since they no longer have what they had before. The fact, however, is that tnese Christians now experience what other people of other religions have experienced. It isn't oppression but the change may feel like it.
That’s it exactly. They have NO IDEA.
It is a condition of "group think" that humans have. If the majority is bigoted it is okay according to culture. It generally is not considered oppression as a result.
I do not agree with this or support this notion. It just appears to be how it is.
Actually, they can & do oppress others, and throw tantrums when thwarted, by, say, the ACLU.
Near as I can tell, from reading some history, Christians started as an anti gay, anti sex mob. They put all of this disparate religious shit together that fit their madness and a religion was born.
@PedalingOn 35 AD ? This birth of Christianity thing went on for a few centuries
@PedalingOn OK......
You must have some creepy friends. I rarely get any of that crap. I have unfollowed the acquaintances who post that crap.
You are correct. If they can't take the criticism, point out their hypocrisy.
I completely agree and I post about it, comment about it, and reply about it on fb on the daily. I've never gotten banned. Lost a few friends and pissed off a lot of family members, though. It's ok by me, because with friends like that, who needs enemies?
Been in FB jail more times than I can count on two hands. Fuck 'em if they can't take the truth.
I have posted many articles about the hypocrisy of Christianity claiming to have morals while others do not, and I have used the statement "Self-appointed moral majority" too many times to count. I, too, point out how they cry about being persecuted while persecuting others for not being Christian. If they don't like it?...too bad as they seem to think nothing about offending others with their ceasless memes and their claims of how great and good their god is, and that we should force Christianity onto other people's children by way of legislating, or trying to, God into our public schools.
So, I totally understand your need to rant. Keep up the good work! All we want is for them to step closer into the light of reason if not all the way into it.
they think that their hate is OK because it's religious. that's their oppression. they think that if it is the result of religion then it's justified and calling it "hate" is oppressing them.
Xitians are frightened.
They have been the dominant religious and social group for centuries, and that is changing.
NOW they are being challenged in public over their ideas, that has not been the case since the McCarthy hearings when Xitianity was used by our nation as a test and safeguard against Communism. The idea was that if Comrade Stalin is Atheist, his followers are also, so Xitainity would somehow block the Atheist Communists.
A lot of Hogwash, but it got the Country's representatives to change the Motto to in God we Trust and to add Under God to the Pledge.
Now that the nations is balancing out, not being more white and christian than anything else, they feel frightened, as if our national tribe would not include them. Telling them they do not deserve special treatment but equal treatment feels like a loss, and thus an oppression.
Its not.
Love your post. Don't worry, you won't be alone in getting run out on the rail and tarred and feathered. I'll be right there with you. LOL
Today at work, there were two people standing outside with pamphlets and such. I felt they were church folks. I told everyone at work, if they had tried to hand me a pamplet, I was going to say, "Oh no worries, I'm a witch and did a spell of protecticon just this weekend. I'm good." LOL LOL I'm quite sure that would have sealed my fate in this one horse town.
Good one! I also hate the proselytizing. Once a group littered a rest area restroom with pamphlets; I grabbed a bunch and loudly said to a state cop outside:"littering! How disgusting!”
I agree with that last statement. I also think that xtians are mad that they can no longer oppress or force others to convert (or else). It is the reason why they want the courts, so they can pass laws that conform to their religion and force those who are not a part of it to have to tow the their line anyway. They are, unfortunately, getting their way.
They want a theocracy, which is a scary thought.
@CarolinaGirl60 Yes they do, Dominionists... They are currently in our government. Very scary.
Christians claiming to be "oppressed" in the Americas or Europe is patently ridiculous. Of course evangelical Chistians claim oppression anytime we oppose their attempts to ram their religion down upon us and our children.
From what I’ve read in the posts on my newsfeeds, none have experienced it, but they believe everything they read in fake news and right wing media.
I purged my FB account years ago, went at my friends list with an axe, friends, family business associates, it didn't matter and I got it down around 50 people from all walks of life. No religitards, a few believers and mostly agnostics or atheists - it works just fine now.