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People describe me as a sinner. What is sin? In my perception, sin is everything which involves Harresment of human values.
We atheists also have feelings like others we love,we have anger,we may have unjust proud,we care,we may kind,we may helpful.
Ultimately most of us have true human values,which make us true human without any hatred.
I don't even have fear of hell and love for heaven.
My heaven is a farmer who grow food for me,a tailor who sew cloths for me,a doctor who aware about my health,everyperson of human civilization from whose struggle of thousands years I get knowledge to make this world better.
If to be an atheist is a sin ,than I am happy to be a sinner.
Because I am from the community of those people who are real human beings.

FAIZ 5 Mar 30

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Denying the existence of imaginary deities is the ultimate sin. So, in essence, HONESTY is a very bad sin!


Sin is a violation of religious law. If you are not under the law you can't be a sinner. Where there is no law there is no sin.


This is my second post...but just want to say. I can really relate to your post. I began my experience of questioning my faith by a decision to acknowledge what I knew to be true...and this included the world around me: daily life, nature, etc. I found communion with people outside the faith who I could be honest and genuine with, who didnt have a script they expected me to follow.


Just to define terms, and to define the culture I was once a member: and to build upon the aforementioned archery analogy...... And also, it depends on who you ask. But generally "sin" in biblical terms is described as "missing the mark....". even if we did our best to hit the bullseye God has defined, we will always "fall short" because we in our "fallen nature" arent capable of doing so. So its a human nature problem first and foremost. God already kbows this and he has made the way to bridge the gap....he provides the solutuon.aka Jesus. So therefore no man can brag he has the way to god and it can't be accomplished by any mans works, its all to God's credit. The archery/ bullseye could be described as our attempt to commune with God, God doesnt expect and knows we cannot,even though we try. So sin, is a problem of nature as well as action. Hope this helps. I think its always a good thing to understand the opposite perspective.


Why are you worried what other people think of you.
Is what you think of oneself is the important factor.
Humans love to judge
I will not worry about it
Sin is a man made word too

Rosh Level 7 Mar 31, 2018

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
Me: (Throws stone)


Sin is a religious construct. I reject the idea of sin as completely as religion.


sinbad the sailor comes to mind


I think a lot of people have there own core ideas about life, I haven't stepped over the line I mentally drew in my head. its all about perspective. the word sinner is a derogatory religious term to me anyway so to them I am a sinner. murders think they're right.


You got it right, brother. You know what's right and what isn't. When someone else tells you what is right or wrong, the assignment of sin is an enforcement mechanism. I don't like anyone defining my morality, and especially not with an enforcement mechanism based on a subjective definition of sin. You're on the right track here. ?


A sin is anything which prevents you from improving yourself. You really don't commit sins against others, you're really commiting it against yourself.


I think you have it right, life is more real without heaven and hell in our minds. This life is what we have, we should work to make it pleasant for us and everyone else.


Without getting all preachery and religous on everyone let me explain "sin" in a simple way like Paul did using archery terms. This is in the NT and Paul illustrates it as an archer shooting an arrow at his target but he "misses the mark." That means he is trying to hit a bullseye and doesn't quite do it. This is why you hear that old preacher saying "we have all sinned and come short of the glory of god."
In other words, you mean to do your absolute best at something and you set out to do it but so often we come just a little short of our best efforts.
That's it. Sin is not calling someone a bastard, a rat fink, or stealing money, etc. Sin is doing less than the absolute best that we know we should strive for. Most of us try to live a meaningful life.


Never believed in sin myself.


Sin is just some bullshit for the religious. If I'm viewed as a what, nobody on the planet has the right to judge me.


Sin is a transgression against "god". No god, no sin.


There are morals - which are a social construct and then there is sin - a religous concept.

Sounds like your morals are in perfect working order.


Sin is a made up concept designed to in still fear in followers and create an obedient populace.

Mea Level 7 Mar 30, 2018

Yes, and sin, being an affront to [insert your deity of choice, here] is the basis of controlling the population at large. That's why freethinkers are such a threat to the establishment, especially religious components of it. Sadly it is freethinkers, who are surely turning over in their graves, who created our government in the US. If only we could follow their examples, at least intellectually.

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