Do you want a funeral, or a celebration of your life?
Neither. As very private person, I want to be creamated without ceremony. It may have something to do with the fact that I am a High-Functioning Aspberger's Syndrome person...all ceremonines strike me as illogical and pointless social gestures.
Either no ceremony at all, or a drove of naked dancing girls...I like naked dancing girls.
Ceremony began early in our genus. It is a large part of who we are.
Celebration is a way of bonding with clan members or tribe members. It is a huge evolutionary advantage. It is uniquely human.
I am not surprised by your take on it as illogical and unnessary, as Autism Spectrums tend to be a little detached from others, but also being extremely intelligent
Doesn't matter to me as long as I get my own pyramid.
I actually want a Christian funeral in a church. Unusual choice for anyone on this site, I know; however, as the deceased, I get to choose the music, and it's probably the only chance I'll ever get to realise my dream of having Crass' Reality Asylum - a song for which the band was questioned by police and nearly led to a blasphemy charge - played in a church.
I want to be wrapped in a shroud and buried out back with my old mare, and the other horse, donkey, dogs and cats that are buried there. I hope there is good food, belly dancing, or whatever dancing you like, play Don't Fear The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult, some Irish music, and bagpipes, and people get up and say how nice I was. If no one thinks I was nice, they will agree that I was a funny, Bohemian, and unusual. Maybe a tattoo artist can come and put some ink on the revelers, if they want. Wind it all up with a pagan ritual, and spill some wine on the earth in memory of me, and to honor the ancient ones. Hopefully everyone will go home after having lots of fun, laughs and remember what a crazy old witch I was, but also remember me as a warrior who stood up for the rights of the downtrodden.
Now that's a plan. My wife of 50years died last May. Per her wishes our son & I spread half her ashes on the garden that she & I had created & the other half in the sea in Newfoundland where she was born & raised. The same would be fine for me with perhaps a small post on Facebook to let all my gardening & artist friends know that I was no longer among them....
I want "Pop Goes the Weasle" to be played at the end.
I can just imagine all the people staring in rapt anticipation.
I want a huge rager of a party. Hopefully I'll be able to secure the funds for my loved ones so they won't have to worry about the cost of it.
....and a T-Shirt cannon. Definitly a T-Shirt cannon. And not lame ass advertising T-Shirts either.
Vintage concert T-Shirts , Robert Crumb T-Shirts cool shit that people would actually want.
Just last Saturday we held my Dad's Celebration of Life. We made it very positive and themed it on the Movie Up!. We had photos and tables themed with things from his life. I was really glad we did it that way and when it is my time I want something similar not a depressing funeral.
All of the funerals AND weddings I've been to that were touching and well done, de-emphasized religion and uplifted people. I'd want it to be a celebration.
One thing I always think is funny about serious religious people is the sadness they feel when someone passes. Wasn't that your goal all along? To make it to the "better" place?
I think funerals and celebrations, although meant to honor the deceased, are really as much or more about those still living. If they feel like they want to do something, I hope it would be a celebration but if they don't want to do anything, it will be fine with me...I'll be dead by then. Lol