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Please raise your hand if you're an atheist AND antitheist... You are my peeps and I'd like to follow, and befriend you. πŸ’•

antireligious 5 Sep 19

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I'm atheist, I don't believe in god(s) and theism is a curse upon the world.


I'm an atheist... To be antitheist, I'd have care about theism..

I respectfully disagree.
I absolutely care about theism, inasmuch as it effects all our lives.
The influence of religion on public policies should matter to all of us.

"The influence of religion on public policies should matter to all of us."

Of course, but I'm still not antitheist...


Humankind must end religion before religion ends humankind.


All gods and god-like things are imaginary. Believing in them is actually a form of mental illness.

yes, and it pleases me that there are professionals working in psychology and related fields who are making this claim ever more openly -- from my reading and documentary watching.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.


Yes I am antitheist, what uniformed people call militant atheists.

I'm not particularly bothered by being called a militant atheist.
It kind of keeps people from getting in my face with their religious bullshit.

What do people who don't wear uniforms call you?

@LovinLarge uninformed my bad. Fingers can't keep up with my mind.

@DavePeet Thank you for accepting my jest in the spirit it was intended.


Hello πŸ™‚

Mvtt Level 7 Sep 20, 2020

Cool shirt design!!


I am atheist and anti-religion, though I'm not automatically anti-religious person. My view is that the congregation is the preacher's first victim, so I like to give religious people a chance... If they start trying to convert other people though... 🀫

Then that’s where it ends. I judge by who you are as a person, moral code, manners. What I cannot deal with is anyone who is a manipulater, controlling, and one who looks for excuses for their misdeeds or bad doings.


raising both hands, been both since childhood.


I don't have any beef with religion or religious people, as long as they don't try to push extreme religious beliefs on me thru legislation or govt. policy. Live and let live...I just want them to leave me alone to be me.


I'm a religion hater. I don't want to hear any of it.


My hand is raised, my friend and companion in the quest to explore the universe.


My profile identifies me as exactly that, and I don't care who knows it.

@antireligious That sent me to his bio too. Very good. Though I think that R. Dawkins is acutally more prepared to compromise, sometimes he goes soft on the high theology woo end of religion.

@Fernapple wow! Never heard that. Usually the anti Dawkins brigade, including agnostics on this site, attack him, i think unfairly, for being too strident against religion. I just think he doesn't suffer high profile religious fools gladly, though with everyday people who babble on about religion he is very polite.

@David1955 Yes sometimes he throws out remarks like. Interesting talks with sophisticated theologians, who do not take the bible literally. And says that he has more respect for that. He also pedals, the bible as heritage line, a little bit too often to be healthy to my mind. And although I have great respect for the man, I do sometimes wonder if his judgement is not a little distorted by the fact that of course he lives and works in Oxford Uni, which is the main seat of high theology and BS capital Britain.
A lot of the popular view of him of course is made by appologists attempts to straw man him as the untimate in intollerant atheism, which is not true by any means, he is a great deal more nuanced than that.


That would be me.


I'm more complex than this, but this description does fit a fragment of my life.



Garf Level 7 Sep 19, 2020

I am not an antitheist because it implicates theists as people to be against. I have no problem with the many theists in this world who I call friends, those who do not proselytize. Live and let live, love and let love.

@SeaGreenEyez yes.

@SeaGreenEyez I completely understand that. But there is an implied bias towards theists in "antitheism".I read alot of prejudice towards theists on this site. I was just making a distinction.

@SeaGreenEyez I’m trying to understand. Are you saying one can be anti theist without being disdainful of theists? And that anti theism is not like anti semitism or anti-black racism, because those are cultures or skin color? It seems like a fine line to me. Maybe anti theism is more tied to the Christian faith?


Of course I hate the harm that religions does. But insofar as it helps or does good, there is still a part of me which despises its lies, and especially arrogant belief in those lies.

He who says he knows anything, does not yet know as he ought

One for you

@SeaRay215ex Not trying to be difficult, but I'm uncomfortable about whether that analogy holds? Perhaps for those instances when when the claim is that religion helps society and if the addition is made that the rapist claims that his victims weren't really victims at all because he gave them pleasure? But in my statement above I was also thinking of the situation in which someone claims that religion helps them personally, and of the quote by George Bernard Shaw: "The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality of happiness, and by no means a necessity of life.” In any case, I thank you for giving me something to ponder further as I have not fully resolved the issue to my satisfaction at this time.


My hand is up.


I am and I am.

BDair Level 8 Sep 21, 2020

Aye πŸ‘‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰


I raise my hand and say hi.
I say love the believers, question the beliefs.
Atheist, antitheist, existentialist and not spiritual at all here.


I do not believe there is a god.
I am against all organized religion.

My Youtube Channel is called CompelledUnbeliever.

I do take much caution in calling myself an anti theist. Many automatically think it is someone who is agaist thest the human beings. Apologist will pounce on the wors play whenever possible.

It is interesting that your channel specifically targets believers and challenges them, though I suspect most watchers are non believers. I find that approach ballsy, but also proselytising, in some way. My problem is that, from my experience, the more doubts one puts in believers' minds, the more they dig in and double down. People hate to be told, even politely, that they are wrong or mistaken. Now, if they 'change their minds' then that's OK. This is especially true of religious people. I've never known a person say, ' I was religious, then I heard atheist arguments, and now I'm an atheist.' But, I have heard such as, ' I was religious, then all these people I know died young, my best friend died of a disease, and my cat was run over too, and then I stopped believing in God." Honestly this is how people often "lose their faith."

@David1955 You are correct. In my case I doubled down for at least a decade. It was actually studying the Bible that was the straw that broke the camels back. After so long I jist could not ingnore the glaring evidence that the Bible was not inspired by god. Down went the playing card house.

My channel is directed at challenging Christian Funamental beliefs. I do not know who most of my subscribers are. I know most are ironicaaally atheist. I title many of my videos in such a way to try to get the click from Chistians. As a result my target audience does not want to hear a thing I say. Though I have gotten some feedback from Christians that said "I never thought of that".

My channel wil always be very small for this reason. Also frankly I am not that good of an entertainer. I simply say it how it is. My production quality is limited due to my ingorance. I had no idea how to even edit when I started. I still learn new things every day. If I go to your little island (lol) I would like to meet you and my friend Notja Witness from YouTube also.

@DavidLaDeau that's interesting. Your channel is a hell of lot better than anything i could do, so keep at it. We can never know how influencing just one person might have enormous consequences. Such is life.


Yes to both counts.


As a lifelong atheist, the vast majority of my friends are Christians. They love me for who I am.

We don't discuss religion.

That’s a good way to be. We would all be better off. Good you can find that balance.

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