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Two million-year-old skull of human cousin found by Australian team in South African cave [] HOW MUCH MORE EVIDENCE DOES RELIGION NEED?

Charliesey 7 Nov 10

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To the religious mind, prejudice trumps evidence 100% of the time. I no longer waste my time on such deadheads.


No matter of what science unearths, they will never change, at least not the fanatics, but more and more people stop believing.


The believers don't care about evidence. Their faith of the unseen, in the absence of evidence, is what sustains their subculture.


Perhaps the Faithfools evolved not from Homo Erectus to Homo Sapiens but are still examples of the small brained, large toothed and mouthed Paranthropus Robustus given the brain and mouth size it sounds like a great probability to me....LOL.


Come on. Give god a break. He obviously had a few attempts before he got it right.

@Diagoras Judging by the way we are treating the earth he may have to create another one in due course.

Got it right? Who says so?


....been all over the news yesterday👍
...just sooooo much evidence for our evolvement😉


It's obvious they do not care but I noticed the sideline in the article that they're building a bypass around Stonehenge and The druids lose, you got to build bypasses you know. Ask Arthur Dent


They don't want to look at evidence. They are way dumber that 2 million year old human cousin. They'll tell you God put a 2 million year old skull there 6K years ago when he created the world. He has never done anything else after that.


Ancient small brained relative to the trumptards. How interesting, they go way back, don't they?.


Why nothing will change most Theist's beliefs, to be an apostate is a certain ticket to hell.


They will never accept any evidence, at all, whatsoever. Well, a few (as I did, as I was making my way out of religion) will see the light of reason and go toward it rather than shun it.


No amount of evidence will satisfy them because they already have all the answers LOL


It is not that simple. Religious people think that they are "special" because of their beliefs. They envision themselves as "better" than everybody else. They are not about to give up their beliefs, because that would mean they are just like everybody else. They prefer to live in a fantasy world where they are "special".


Religion is not interested in evidence, period! It's all about not thinking, as the plague in an acquaintance's hose says "Just Believe."


Why do you think "religion " needs anymore evidence?

In a survey of 909 people, 77% of its respondents in India agreed that enough scientific evidence exists to support Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, and 85% of God-believing people said they agree with evolution as well.[6][7] According to the survey conducted by Pew Forum in the United States, 80% of Hindus agree that evolution is the best explanation for the origin of human life on earth.[8] [].

Word Level 8 Nov 11, 2020

It will be rationalized away. When I was a kid, I remember a newly minted Sunday school teacher who had attended a Christian college who told us that the skulls presented as evidence of evolution were too few to be acceded as proof of evolution. But then, I remember another Sunday school teacher telling the class that woman were created from Adams rib and that is why women "have one less rib than men." For those who have not studied anatomy, they both have the same number of ribs.

Even if that were the case, I fail to see how such a result would follow. To me it would make more sense if all men were missing one of their ribs.

@Rossy92 I may have gotten it with one less rib than women.

@dahermit On the subject of ribs, fourty percent of us humans have ribs that are missing, fused, or not fully developed. I am missing two ribs.

@dahermit Surprisingly often, people have extra or missing ribs and vertebrae. Most people have a pair of floating ribs at the bottom of the ribcage (ribs 11 and 12), but a few have a third stubby little floating rib (13), and even fewer[]

@PondartIncbendog There you go...proof that a woman was made from your ribs. 🙂


You want logical thinking from the brainwashed?


Not all religions are young-earth creationists that deny evolution. Of course, this opens an entirely new can of worms for Catholics, for example.


That’s a long time to have to wait for the revelation!

Mvtt Level 7 Nov 10, 2020

Oh come on. Everyone knows that the earth is only 10 thousand years old & was created in 6 days. These remnants have been placed there by Communists.


If it was an Australian team it's probably a case of incest.


The find was about a 47km drive from here I stay in Johannesburg about a 50min drive.

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