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Do you believe that there is life after death

Costaludus 3 Dec 10

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Yup. There will be life still. Just not mine.


Only in the memories of the ones we left behind and the legacy of the impact we made on the world around us.


If I find myself alive after death, I would be quite surprised. 😲


Science tells us that energy doesn't die... it just changes form.
No one knows for sure what happens to our "energy" after death. I'm ok with that.

Of course we know. It passes on to the organisms that will devour our rotting flesh.

The heat energy gets absorbed back into the environment and any energy locked into our chemistry goes to feed the worms. There is no other mysterious "energy".


Not for me. Dead is dead. The energy from my rotting corpse will be transfered to the creatures and microbes that consume it and then again be recycled in their death over and over never ending. Energy is forever.

Leelu Level 7 Dec 10, 2020

Pretty much said my thoughts 🙂


Death is literally the end of life. You're not going to die then wake up after getting hit by a train, or shot in the head, or however you buy it then live forever on some other plane of existence. That's a ridiculous claim told by liars and believed by idiots.

You die, it's over, deal with it.


These last few months there has been no life before death.




It’s as simple as this most profound sentence a sentence so few use enough in life, a sentence based in humility... I don’t know.


Let's all be honest about death, we don't know. The only time we will know is when we die.


yes. everyone i leave behind will continue to live until they die too. for the person who has died, life after death? no.



I firmly believe that, after I die, I will go on to a new existential plane full of adventure, opportunity and countless friends — all of them bacterial ....


I don't know if there is an afterlife. We will find out when we die.


Brain function and memory rely on chemical and electrical processes. I don't see how these processes could occur in some "spiritual" entity. When you're dead, you're dead.


Sure, just not mine.


In my case, there will be no embalming. Other organisms will live in and feed off my remains.


Yes, other people will continue to live after I am dead.

Once I am dead, my consciousness will cease to exist.

Too easy! 🙂


Sure. After I die life will continue on; and what was me will hopefully be buried in a mushroom suit so my atoms and energy can be returned to the earth thus allowing other life to continue to exist.


Have you ever seen a dead animal get up and start living again?

Garf Level 7 Dec 11, 2020

Not in a religious sense

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 11, 2020

Yes. Just not mine.

I'm sure things will get along fine without my direct observation.


NO. I will be dead nothing else will be unless it died too.


No, why would I believe that?


Nope. I mean what, exactly, would still be living? My body would be dead, and my brain is part of my body.


There is no good evidence for life after death in terms of survival of consciousness. But Leelu said it pretty smack on as far as I can see.

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