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I only read about this about two years ago. I had no idea human beings were being put through such torture.

"Gay conversion therapy: Hundreds of religious leaders call for ban - BBC News" [www]

TimeOutForMe 8 Dec 19

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It is ILLEGAL in California because religion and science CANNOT BE LEGALLY MIXED..... if the alleged science is FAKE...... "THERAPY" is legally defined in all 50 states but only California has the votes against " Scientology " & bigotry against gays/teens .... most Atheists on this planet consider all religions fake so case closed


I am somewhat surprised by your outrage, though welcome, just because I thought the existance of conversion therapy was old news. It certainly has been around many decades, pretty much since homosexuality itself came to be viewed in a medicalized way, as something defective rather than willful rebellion. The thing in the bbc piece that is somewhat new is numerous mainline religious orders decrying the practice, instead of leading it, as their fellow religionists have done for an age. Before conversion therapy there was exorcism. Same shit, different mechanism.

Here in the U.S., "land of the free," ...if you are a corporation or a church, Puritan zeal in our cultural dna has guaranteed a stubborn and staggeringly widespread obsession with other people's sex lives, whether reproductive issues or lgbtq issues, and that obsession has been all bad. I blame it directly on Christian culture. Islam is just as bad....but then it is kissing cousin to Christianity. Even though secular culture and many years of brave individuals fighting for their/our rights has improved things both socially and legally, Christian power and influence in every aspect of our society guarantees a protracted struggle remains ahead, probably for generations more. This toxic sex-phobic hatrid is, above all else, why my gut says "Fuck religion!"

There are quite a few documentaries on this subject of conversion therapy, btw, plus a number of dramatized movies. "Boy Erased" is a recent example of the latter. "One Nation Under God" is still one of my favorite documentaries. It was first aired on public television back in the early 1990s. Most of these conversion organizations have eventually collapsed under their own weight of dishonesty, hypocrisy, and futility, but unfortunately religious fundamentalism guarantees they are quickly replaced by other crusaders. It is truly awful. And these are not just hateful heteros leading the persecution. A lot of self-hating internalized homophobes are mixed up in what they desperately call "ministry."

Sorry for the rant. The whole topic angers me. I grew up steeped in evangelical bullshit, which is partly why it took me decades too long to finally come out and be at peace with myself. Yeah. Fuck religion! 🤮

Thank you for your insightful response. I will surely look up on some you've shared. The religious have spewed so much division, hatred, human torture and all things ugly on this planet. F**k religion - I agree.


Playing on peoples fear of" the other" . Religious leaders need to have an opponent to their deity's wishes to point at and declare unfit for society. Minority groups are easy simply because of the fact that they are fewer than the group as a whole. What happens to their target is of no to concern to them as long as they can convince the majority that their beliefs are right. If there were no gay people than they would point at anyone who enjoys sex in different positions as blasphemers who would need to be changed for the good of all. I am amused at all the people who would punish homosexuals but conveniently forget that its just as much a sin to eat shrimp, oysters, lobster, clams and anything else from water that has not fins or scales. Would they be willing to electro-shock all the diners at a seafood restaurant who ordered these items? This proves that its about the control of the masses by demonizing the minority.

Great response. Makes many think about what you've said. ...that they'd rather single out or focus only on same sex preferences.


It's not "torture." It's therapy, don't ya know. We'll be getting better so ya all can feel more comfy.

Normal people like ourselves don't condone such torture because we understand evolution and don't pay attention to god fallacies. We embrace differences.

@TimeOutForMe If we can justify doing this to people then I am not of the opinion that humans should continue to survive another day. I'll vote gop and scuttle climate change, by God. (read that last in the voice of Groucho Marx.)


Amazing the things some people will go through to support their warped beliefs. Funny, how this comes from people who claim to have the high road to morality.

Such people are blind to their own immorality.

@anglophone I wonder if they are so blind? I think they know full well their failings but have an actual need to cover for them so others don't see it. Feigning humility before God, and becoming pious, heals their ego for another week. Yes, they're deluded in a way that creates many other problems but this is normal for human society. This is why we have checks and balances, or trust but verify, and laws about conduct.

@rainmanjr That's an interesting viewpoint. Thanks for sharing it. 🙂


It's a cruel, totally misguided, practice that's been around for decades.
Those who continue to engage in it, and support it, are beneath contempt.
They should be imprisoned for the rest of their lives, with no parole, or opportunity for early release.
Yet another reason to be an anti-theist.


Not really sure why people can part ways enough with the Christian Bible to recognize that god's hatred of homosexuals is wrong, but not realize the rest of it is also a huge load of bullshit as well.

I attribute that behaviour to such people's inability to think.

Yes that book is the cause of much human hatred, division, intolerance and non-acceptance of human differences.


It's not going to happen for as long as psychopathic heterosexuals continue to exist.

@anglophone Religion, religious leaders and religious communities, parents and even state taxes, made way for these pathetic psychopathic heterosexuals to exist, to snatch and forcefully take from someone, their identity and try to change it. That's like attempted murder.


It's been around a long time, just wasn't given a name before. As bad as it is, there are countries today in the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe where being gay can land you in jail or executed. Like so many things, human's are not big on accepting things they don't understand. Conversion therapy as bad as it is, is not the worst thing that can happen if you are gay.

"Conversion therapy as bad as it is, is not the worst thing that can happen if you are gay."

Why would you think this? I doubt the child or person this is happening to, gave the go-ahead for such inhumane so-called conversion therapy. The parent/s and church community or church leader is the driving force. Those so-called" therapists" or "psychologists", performing such "deconversions", should be stripped from their roles and tried in the Courts.

@TimeOutForMe Because as I said at the top of the post, being tortured to death or jailed are all too common solutions in so many other countries. Most people survive aversion therapy, as they do most of the other mind torture used by the "religious" to enforce their draconian and misguided beliefs. Few survive hanging, being pushed off high buildings and the dregs of prison.
This is only a sample of countries where a conversion therapy would be a blessing compared to what they face:

@TimeOutForMe for further reference:

@Barnie2years Thanks for making that clearer.
I knew about the few African and Muslim countries. They're murderous nations who harbour all kinds despicable crime yet inflict the worst on innocent human beings. How can one hide from their identity, who they were born to be. Being gay is not a crime! Those countries leaders are all f*kd up. In South Africa, gay unions and marriage unions are recognised. Employers and Banks cannot discriminate against them. Ffs they are human beings just like everyone else and shouldn't be terrorised by govt policies.


These retards performing this should be required to have their tubes tied. It’s too bad their parents were never kicked in their nuts so hard to prevent them from fouling the earth with pieces of shit like this in the first place.


Imo, as soon as the Bans are ratified then it will all go underground and continue on.
The radical religio-tards won't give up that easy imo.

It's illegal. Those who are caught performing these underground operations must serve a long time in prison.

@TimeOutForMe Illegal or not they WILL still continue on with it unfortunately.
And those that are caught and punished will be yelling "Religious Persecution" and be proclaimed as being Martyrs for Jeebus and Gawd.
Instead of just a small footnote in the media, I'd suggest Public Naming and Shaming in addition to bringing back the Stocks and having the decent people throw rotten fruit, etc, at them for 12 hours every day of their prison sentences.


Yes, gay conversion therapy and also parents concerned with male children whacking off. This brought back a resurgence in circumcision. Image a fear that your male child might be playing with it and enjoying it. What does this say about the adults?

Religious brainwashing distorts the natural mind.


The Jebus freaks still think you can pray the gay away even after decades of proof that you can't.

...because the freaks buy into Adam and Eve crap.


GCT needs to be banned and the people doing the treatment lock in prison for at least 20 years. They need to repay all the money made by the scam artist.

"Locked up" is exactly my opinion. Messing with someone's identity is a crime. You are who you are. No one should attack or challenge that.


GCT needs to be illegal, all over the planet! It is fakery, based on religious bias and bigotry. Oh, and Michelle Bachman's husband makes a lot of money on it, by way of Medicare, or Medicaid.

Yes - religious bias and bigotry. Medical professionals making money on this should be locked up.


I've never heard of such an instance in South Africa.

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