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Climate change deniers..... here's a small sample of the recent weather disaster headlines that are rocking the planet.

  1. It's not Joe Biden's fault
  2. It's not a conspiracy theory
  3. Much as you hate science, it is composed of facts

Death toll from weeks long rains in Pakistan rises to 282

At least homes destroyed by Texas wildfires

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

North Texas wildfire continues to grow amid high heat

UK breaks record for highest temperature as Europe sizzles

Wildfires raging in Europe

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France and Spain

Microburst destroys mobile home in Mesa area

Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

Fires scorch Spain and France

Drought in Northern Mexico threatening livelihoods

Wildfire rages in Bordeaux.

Moroccan soldiers, firefights battle firest in the North

Fireplane pilot dies in Portugal. Wildfires rage in Eurpe

Flooding in Virginia washes out homes, roads

Yosemite wildfire latest threat to giant sequoias

and many, many more...

Source: []

TheoryNumber3 8 July 21

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People who use horrorific Jeffery Epstein ilk black mail have been in power for a very long time now

The creator & original owner of the weather channel has said that the 97 percent climate scientists are bought to agree..

Former leader of Greenpeace also called out bs..

So many failed predictions..

Can't you see it's about controlling everyone. Through fear..

Where Ghislaine Maxwell trafficked children to?


One major part of Climate Change is it costs insurance Co. billions of dollars. Premiums are going up and smaller insurance companies are going bankrupt. Maybe if there is push back from industries on this issue it might wake a few numbskulls up (but don't count on it).


You don't really hear conservatives trying to claim it is all a hoax anymore... like they did originally.

Now, they claim climate change is happening, but it isn't man made. I think they'd have been more convincing with the second argument if they did not use the first argument, first.

Scientists have been saying at least since the 1970's that the climate was changing. The exception was some scientists who looked solely at the distance of the earth from the sun, who predicted we would bo into a mini ice age. However, if you consider the earth is slightly farther away from the sun, and the planet is still warming, it is hard to make the argument that this is just a natural climate change cycle. Yes, if you look solely at the distance of the earth from the sun, the earth should be cooling.

Again with the 'it's not our fault' crap. Next thing you know they will blaming Democrats and Biden.

The science that suggests a pending ice age has more to do with minimum and maximums in solar activity than distance between the earth and sun. Wether or not we are on the cusp of the next solar minimum remains to be seen….🤔
Hard to say how global warming and a solar minimum would impact each other….🤨


Climate change has been happening for billions of years. Get over it. It is not a reason to fill some billionaires or multi billionaires pockets. Mother nature sowing us just insignificant our efforts are.

Climate change caused by harvesting fossil fuels and burning them off into the environment is a new phenomenon created by man. The science behind climate change is undeniable. Try reading something other than Facebook memes.😉

The problem with “man made” climate change is that the changes in the environment happen way to fast for species to evolve leading to mass extinctions, which we’re already seeing.

The exceptional weather events we are seeing now are just the tip of the iceberg. The heatwaves and flooding and extreme weather events have increased exponentially over the last 20 years and will continue to do so.
Anyone who has been reading about climate change daily for the last 40 years like me knows just how real it is, and just how right the scientists have been.
You clearly READ NOTHING and have no business even opening your mouth about the matter until that changes.😉

My guess is you couldn’t even be bothered to read the article TheoryNumber3 attached to this post? 😉

@Buck Tvery thing you own have owned or will ever own comes from the earth. Why coal it is because of it being the biggest competator of oil and maybe that is the real reason it is being targeted.

@Oldman51 Of course you didn’t read the article!? It’s easier to remain ignorant and bigoted I reckon!? No need to respond, I get it…..😉


I wouldn’t put myself in the denier category but I don’t buy into the sensationalist headlines of huge sea level rises. I read a UN report that said it could be 2inches to 3 ft over 100 years but media only focuses on the 3 ft. Also the models used for such predictions have so many variables that just a slight change in one will completely change the model.

antman Level 7 July 22, 2022

It's not unusual to consider the worst case scenario when looking for solutions.

You fall into the same category as Oldman. Try that reading thing, it does wonders.
The melting of the glaciers is very much REAL. And it will indeed cause “significant” sea level rise. Look around you at the worsening heat waves, droughts, and flooding events?! And we haven’t even reached 1.5, let alone a 3 degree rise?
You’re either in denial, or it’s like I said, you need to use your eyes to read and turn off your tv?! 🤨

@Buck I mentioned that I did read. I also know a lot of things I was told 30 years would happen already have not happened at all. I do not believe the world will be as bad as we think. 1. The planet will adapt and help correction, 2. Once someone finds a way to profit from solving this problem, investments will be made and humans will find a way to solve this.

@antman Interesing, damn near everything I read that would happen has happened and MORE!!
So where is the disconnect I wonder!?
You either don’t read, or are in denial like I previously stated….😉

You are in denial about climate change, fact. Not only are you in denial about climate change, you’re in denial about your denial about climate change.
I just love it when people like you say, “I don’t believe….” as though they can simply “believe” facts away…..🤔
I’m guessing in your denial you couldn’t even be bothered to read the article?! Well spoiler alert, it contains all the weather extremes I’ve been “reading” about our scientist predicting for 40 years!?
Maybe the disconnect is I’ve been “reading” about climate change for the past 40 years, and you’ve been being “told” about it!? 🤠

@Buck is there a prediction from 40years ago that has materialized as true?


If only we had been warned


Here's another way to look at it. Not many things can grow at 100 degrees plus and farmers do not have water to help get that situation under control. Look at your lawn to confirm what happens then. Next, ask yourself how do we grow food then. Deniers seldom take this situation as far as looking at our food production.


Think of a seasonal graph that waves up and down. Those ups and downs are still happening but the trend of the graph is creeping up. As the trend changes, the graph will start getting more spikes away from the norm as it is in flux, once the new averages and medians get settled, the spikes will again lessen so the flowing graph will again be mostly smooth with spikes not as extreme.
Climatically, the Earth is in flux and those spikes are extreme weather events we are witnessing, which go both ways; extreme heat and cold, rain and drought. Once a new stable climate is achieved, the spikes/ extreme weather will lessen but the new normal will be hotter.
This is what I am witnessing with my main concern other species other than our own. This century is a century of mass extinctions.
PS rising sea temp is what will do us in more so than air temp.

puff Level 8 July 21, 2022

There will not be any "new normal" as long as we keep pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It's just going to get hotter and hotter.

@Flyingsaucesir It will stable out, geographical time, but possibly not ideal for most carbon based life though as it has been.

@puff I think you mean "geological" time. That, BTW, is a very long scale. Too long for any future stabilization to do us any good.

@Flyingsaucesir My bad 🙂 Yes but geological (time wise) changes tend to happen via events rather than a slow steady process. If we are still around, reviewing human activity from 1900-2100 and the changes of diversity in life on Earth during that time and it will be know as an event in both human history and worth a mention in evolutionary and geological time scales.

@puff The human impact has already been recorded in the geological record. That's why they named the present and ongoing geologic age the Anthropocene.

evidence deniers
refuse to see evidence


We are, after all, the only species determined to kill ourselves off by depleting the resources we require in order to exist. We have poisoned our air, water and food supply. Thank you big oil, big chem and a special shout-out to the medical care facilities that used to be called hospitals and are now profit generating corporations

We are the only species - at least some of us - to recognize the danger we pose to ourselves and others. Other species will also deplete their resources to theor own detriment, but they appear to have no awareness of the effects their natural behaviors when overpopulating their environments. Consider the lemming. They breed and eat up all their food sources until they finally go on a mass migration which lead very many of them into the sea to die.

Exactly.... although I maintain that most humans ARE lemmings. If they weren't, we wouldn't be in this dilemma.


Human beings are the only species that ever engineered their own demise because they can't live without plastic, styrofoam, chlorofluorocarbons and industrial waste of every kind.

Well, they can but they don't want to. They rather destroy themselves first.

I tend to think we can't. It's not that we don't want to but it requires skills which most do not easily possess so many remain frozen in the headlights. I would go so far as to say a species consumption rate, and waste, is what causes evolution to make that species go extinct. One should control their appetite.


Nice list, but it only scratches the surface. There are so many negative effects of global warming that it is difficult to compile a truly comprehensive accounting. But one thing is certain: burning fossil fuels is the prime cause.

Those were just a few very recent events. That's why I included the link


the term "Climate Refugee's" and famine will become daily news. But hey...corporate profits are fine. So there's that.

Leetx Level 7 July 21, 2022

Humans have created the circumstances of our own extinction. It's only a matter of time before we reap what we've sown.

I'm glad I'm old!

I just noticed we kinda said the same thing. Great minds thinking alike, I guess.

Yes, and we humans are not above Nature, but mere products. Chances are just as good as not, that our 'destructiveness' is part of intentionality of Nature herself.

Talk about Narcissism!


This desertification has been going on for over 10,000 years and it is arguably human caused, but only arguably. It has progressed since long befote ourvexascerbation and pollution in the environment and will cycle with or without our contribution. We aren't really that important.

This may be true. But what is also true is that we are the catalyst, speeding up the process dramatically.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. We humans are not unimportant contributors; we are prime movers. Were it not for our burning of fossil fuels, the Earth would be headed towards a cooling period, possibly an ice age. The fact that we are breaking records in the other direction is all down to us. This was predicted more than 150 years ago. The relationship between burning of fossil fuels and rising CO2 levels is well understood. And the relationship between rising CO2 concentration and increased atmospheric and oceanic temperatures is also quite well known. And the relationship between higher temperatures and more frequent and severe storms, heat waves, drought, flooding, etc. is well documented. Humans are forcing climate change. So significant is our impact that a new geologic age has been named for us: the Anthropocene.

@Barnie2years We are also, to the discomfort of the 'science' crowd, products of Nature. This 'ain't her first rodeo'...

@flyingsuacesir @Druvius I'm not disposed nor prepared to discuss matters of natural history with proponents of the latest popular 'science' with a preponderance of findings wrought by generous grants. Go to history to understand my opinion, (and that is all it is) and in what it is rooted.

The Sahara and Central Asia were once fertile and in geologic and hisorical terms it wan't at all long ago. Many influences have acted on our 'climate' over and before the entirety of recorded history. Open your frame of reference a little. It won't contextually invalidate your notions but merely give them a little balance as new perspectives.

@Silver1wun Your assertion that global warming is not anthropomorphic is just so much brain-dead science denial. You can try and dress it up as something else, but if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.

@Silver1wun Well, sure. Environments are always in flux over eons but that's not the main driver of this acceleration. Our population has reached critical mass for our consumption and waste. Since we didn't have the tech for green energy back in the day we got accustomed to the dirty stuff. If it hadn't been that we'd have killed off all the whales (for their fat) so we were just too slow with technology. It might also save our species from total extinction, though. I won't be here to find out.

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