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Does anyone have advice for a person that's been an atheist less than 3 months? I would appreciatte any tips of any kind.

freedom41 9 May 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Relax, feel free, consul your inner lovely self if needing guidance.


Don't become one of those rude, arrogant, condescending, judgmental atheists.

I try to avoid becoming one of those myself🙂

Too late! For me, at least. But then I was that way before I was an atheist, which is fairly recent.

Most religious people see all atheists as rude, arrogant, condescending and judgmental already. It's like they are looking into a mirror.


Congratulations! Be kind to yourself and also to your friends and relations who have probably not got as far as you have. I think it is worth reading as much as you can to make sure you have the evidence to back up your new position if people criticise you. Richard Dawkins' 'The God Delusion' is an excellent book to use if you haven't already read it.

I plan to pick up an copy when I;m near a book store again. I'm sure it will be very helpful.


Read the bible cover to cover, then do the same with the Koran. .this will not only give you time to figure out how to aproach your christian loved ones, but it will give you the knowlege to use their own books against them. Just remember to respect their beliefs. They probably had those fairy tails shoved down their throats from the day they were born.

good assessment. Many are devout theist not because they read scriptures but have accept the interpretation of scriptures from an interpreter (i.e. priest). When a man speaks on behalf of (a) god, I hear a man speaking.


Continue to do what you've done and always strive to learn something factual, everyday. But keep in mind that while the truth may set you free, you may no longer be blissfully unaware.


My advice is that you don't need advice. You are free now, and atheism has no rules, no membership, and no buy in. Go be yourself- god isn't watching.

Thank you very much.

Dang! I thought I would get a toaster once I reach level 10"

@Lukian you do get a shirt at level 8 (on this site)! 😀


You are now free to think for yourself. Now facts matters. Science is real it's been tested. Question everything!


i've been an atheist for 50 have to look at "believers" as you would look at a 3 yr old know santa doesn't exist but why burst their bubble?........they enjoy it and get reassurance from it......for some odd reason people quit believing in santa very early in life but they don't use the same logic and reasoning with any case,i don't recall ever "converting" a single person.....don't go that'll drive yourself crazy...good luck!!

huey Level 3 May 2, 2018

I don't want to convert anyone yet. Still thinking about my beliefs and resisting the urge to go back to the bs of religion/god.


The orgies and satanic sacrifices are every third Tuesday of the month.

Jk welcome I hope you find comfort and answers


Be true to yourself honest and be happy

Rosh Level 7 May 2, 2018

I'm defaintly happier since rejected the bs of religion/god. I wish I had the courage to become an atheist years ago. I guess better late than never.


From what I have gleaned on here, dont be too quick to mention this to other people. Its ok here in the UK but in the US you will get all kind of judgemental (with the emphasis on the mental) theisists trying to get you back into the fold. I am not saying lie or try and hide it just don`t bring it up unless asked.

Us Brits are such a set heathens, literally no one cares. I could go out on our street and shout, 'I am an atheist' and most people would just turn Corrie up and open another tinnie. You might get the odd concerned neighbour but they would just call the crisis team 😉

@Amisja Well the US get fast talking evangelist preachers with snakes and people talking in tongues. We got "Stars on Sunday" zzzzzzzz

@273kelvin Oh dear


Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Just because religious "morality" includes things like "Thou shalt not kill" does not mean you have to do the opposite. That is good ethics, no matter who adopts it. Loving your neighbor as yourself is good advice, and can be an excellent foundation for the ethics that you develop to take the place of religious "morality," which is in some cases flawed, and in other cases spot on.

Good point!


It sounds like you're making a big deal out of it. It's just a life choice; it's not a life sentence.

I am not atheist per se, but atheists and agnostics, etc., are just like everyone else: some are good, some are jerks.They don't need special instructions or tips.

marga Level 7 May 2, 2018

For someone just leaving the "faith", it is more than "...just a life choice;.." it is a huge decision. It takes a lot of courage. There is almost always pushback from friends, family and the church. For them losing someone from the flock can create doubt and introspection and that can be painful because it isn't a small thing to admit your life choice has been a fools' errand. Most believers will defend their belief out of fear, guilt, and shame which are used to control the religious believers.

@DavidBingham It may be huge choice, but it is a choice.

Although I never had any problem not going to church, I understand that it can be difficult .However, I stand by my words: it is a choice, albeit a difficult one.

@marga I didn't find it hard not going to church anymore. I didn't go regurly after I moved out of the house anyway. Maybe my sub concious was telling me something.


First, congratulations & welcome to reality. Second, don't let the whole "but what happens when I die?" thing bother you. Nobody is certain and everyone who has the answers is lying or delusional.


Logic and evidence is all important. I became atheist late in life and knowing just how the bible came into being was a part of all of that. There are no holy books and holy scriptures. Gods did not appear or instruct the writing of any such documents. This shows the whole crap is all made up. Holy books are no more sacred than Harry Potter. They prove nothing.

I did consider throw my bible in the trash or burning them.


Just enjoy it. You're free.

Enjoy being able to think, to question, to be yourself.


Don't become angry at religion and lash out at everyone around you. It'll just make things worse. And learn quickly; there's a lot of mental gymnastics some religious people will perform to try and get you to reconvert. Don't let them. There are always simple counters.

Thank you for the advice.


If it's a written guide you seek? these tenets are a good start:

One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason.
The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
Beliefs should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world. We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our beliefs.
People are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and remediate any harm that may have been caused.
Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

And never read a book of fairy tales again.


Just be patient with yourself and try not to take things too seriously. You will be seeing the world a little differently without the blinders and filters that religion gives a person, it can be a bit of a shock sometimes so give yourself some time to adjust to reality as it is instead of how you've been told it is supposed to be according to religious dogma. You may find yourself backsliding and that's perfectly normal, old habits die slowly and there is always pressure to return to old ways, religion has a great advertising program that is very effective and Atheism only has the truth going for it and no PR Dept.

Thank you for the advice

There were brief times I thought returning one of the religious cults. I use to belong to baptist one and was considering the catholic one before I saw the light.


Remember that we will not send you to hell if you change your mind.

No, you can't send me to one of the lands of make believe. it's hard to believe how corrupted I was with religious bs/god. I'm glad I'm free of it.


Just think back to your birth. The default setting for all babies is nameless, stateless and areligious. You just recovered!

Thank you. I do wish I recovered earlier in life. Like shortly after I moved out my parents house. I think I would be happier all these years.

@freedom41 You'll be right, mate. Don't think back, just forward.


Trust yourself. Question EVERYTHING and do not be afraid to make mistakes. This is your journey so claim it as your own and have fun exploring all your options!

There are alot more options since I did away the fairy tales and other bs.


Ask questions and seek answers. Oh shit, you’re already doing that. Good job!

Keep in mind that many religious people have misconceptions on what an Atheist is and does. Break the shackles of ignorance with the freedom of knowledge. Good luck out there.

Marz Level 7 May 2, 2018

thank you


Do some research, ask lots of questions and make up your own mind. Your life, your future.

Here are a couple of sites I found helpful.


Betty Level 8 May 2, 2018

Simply ask yourself how you know what you know what you know. Is it based on fact or on what you want to believe or have been taught to believe.


I think you need to understand what you do believe now you know what you don't believe.
I recommend getting onto Google and look up "reality is absolute" "the primacy of Existence" and Francis Bacon. If you follow through Bacons explanation you may see how to easily make future judgements and maybe how to debunk a lot of things.

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