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HOW the hell is this not a Sex Crime against a Child? [] Seriously, if a man did this to your daughter, would you NOT have a problem with it? If not, you have no business having children. PERIOD

Captain_Feelgood 8 Apr 2

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There is a huge difference between sex education and sexualization, and it seems to me that the pedophiles are trying to justify and normalize their behavior. Also, I think that American society has a problem that boils down to the habit of dehumanization and objectification, which is a direct circuit to exploitation.

Capitalism is the biggest part of the problem, in my view, because it takes power out of the hands of the many, and places it in the hands of the few. When I was growing up, this had started, but had not developed to the extremes we see today . . . . in my experiences, I recall that we had things like local television shows, you know, High School Quiz Bowl, a show where students competed with each other on knowledge questions, (This elevated young people's ambitions to excel and gave them a sense of at least some limited power), Bozo the Clown, often ridiculed, but LOCAL . . . . Nowadays, it is all centralized to the extreme, controlled, packaged, militarized, commercialized . . . . So folks on a local scale, have very limited self-identity, no sense of self-respect, and worse of all, no sense of personal power to change things. That leads to despair, a feeling of powerlessness, and suicide . . . . and . . . . school shootings. The shootings give the shooter a sense of power, albeit, very short-lived. Blaming guns is superficial, the problem is society itself, and this is clear and provable, because back in my early years, we had plenty of guns, and did not have this kind of fuckery going on.

If you don't think we are living in a fascist society, you have not seen a socially responsible society.

I can't say that during the time I was growing up was a socially responsible society, because it was early-stage capitalism. But we had mom and pop shops all over, small businesses thrived, people on a local scale could start a business like renting video cassettes out and make a living doing it . . . . then we had bastard politicians who sold everyone down the road, and later stage capitalism raised its ugly head, and we are where we are as a direct result.

Power corrupts. Give power to the corrupt, and end up corrupted.


Might want to re-check that link, it goes to a student attacking a teacher.


Normal is statistical. We are all normal & not normal in some manner. It amazes me that a person in silly costumes at a venue which was voluntary is castigated, when the actual problem is the continued mass murder of our youth with the guarantee of the 2nd Amendment.

An assault weapons ban like Biden wants will not solve the problem as there are already millions of AR15’s and other weapons out there. Only arming qualified teachers or hiring security guards will help. Also we need to address the mental health issue.


How do you know it was a child exactly? I checked several sources. Some indicated out was a college student, some said they couldn't even verify it was a student at all. Please cite your source.


I agree it is a problem. The real serious problem is that now they want kids to know all about drag queens from first hand experience by seeing shows. This seems to be forced and is wrong. Tell the kids about drag queens at a certain age and show movie and video clips to explain. We are not talking trans here. We are talking Mrs. Doubtfire. Whatever your take on this a lap dance by a drag queen should NOT be happening.


Say this happened at a colledge? Where fourteen year olds attended, and don't say what age was chosen to be given lap dance, nor if any dis-comfort was displayed...I had a daughter that attended colledge, learned about life we as parents had shown her, was not anything like life in reality........hell....she
Frequented a male strip joint......had the time of her life if what she told me was half of it.

Not sure what your point here is. Are you actually suggesting this is an acceptable thing to expose children to?

@Captain_Feelgood you say children....children don't normally go to college,

@HankSherman Normally? Maybe not normally, but some of us did. And we (sane people that is) all know kids are too impressionable to be exposed to this crap.😏

@Captain_Feelgood begining to sound like you were personally involved in some way. You keep skirting the issue that you are harping on....were there children at this event???? And was a child accosted by the bad man. And should kids learn there are gay people in the world??? Or, is it just that you are homophobic????

@HankSherman "Were there children at this event????" Did you not look at the link? Here's another one in case that first one didn't work for you. [] For the record, having a phobia entails being afraid of something. I assure you, I'm not afraid of gay people. Why would I be? You obviously don't care about the children in today's society and their mental wellbeing. Welcome to the 'ignore' list.

@Captain_Feelgood I tend to think you put alot in that list.


Yeah, that's disgusting, no doubt.


That woke crap started with Obama and continued in Ernest under Biden.

Do you think your orange dear leader will smile for his mug shot?

@Trajan61 Aren’t you sick of these annoying assholes like Buffoonfuck above who are so obsessed with Trump that every time anything is mentioned that they do not like they use Trump as their pathetic weapon to assault your common sense .

@richiegtt Yes I’m sick of those people. Hell they automatically assume you are a rabid Trump supporter if you disagree with them. I probably won’t even vote for Trump in the Republican primary but if he wins I will definitely support him against any democrat.


Yeah that's definitely crossing the line. How did they go from reading a storybook to lap dances?

Questionable for a high school assignment, even in the written description. What the father told was far worse, but not accurate. Youth absolutely should learn about sexual acts and pregnancy/disease prevention in "high school" in "health class."
I certainly did learn about STD's in health class in high school.
But that was before the christo-fascist moral majority forced their backward thinking onto society.
Abstinence only sexual education is a joke and an abysmal failure.


The obstructionist regressive republican christofascists mage death cult followers have been doing these type of illegal perverted acts against children and ladies without any consequences for far too long!!!


In this new degenerate woke society it depends on who commits the crime in regards to the punishment if any

Can we please be done with the word "woke"? It's so overused that it has lost whatever meaning it once had.

Also: society has always had its degenerate elements. The KKK, for instance. And, yes, men who like to fuck other men in the ass. The difference? The former is a terrorist organization, and the latter generally happens between consenting adults, and, if kept private, is nobody's business. In any case, it has always been there. Alexander the Great was a flaming homosexual!

I think the very public displays of the LGBTQ community (gay pride parades, etc.) are a natural (over)reaction to the many many years of oppression and abuse they have suffered. I hope for their sakes they learn to tap the brakes....before there is a backlash to the backlash which followed the other backlash. Everybody needs to chill out.

"woke" is a pejorative term people without an education use to make fun of people who DO have an education.

@Flyingsaucesir I have no problem with LGTBQ but it’s not normal so keep it under cover. And kids shouldn’t be exposed to it.

@Trajan61 Kids shouldn't be exposed to narrow-minded christofascists either. Yet here we are.

@Flyingsaucesir The reich-wing has weaponized the word. They use it as an pejorative because what it represents fucking terrifies them.
The idea of everyone else having the same rights as they do makes them shit themselves. All they want is to control everyone. Especially those they deem less than they are.
They're pathetic.

@KKGator Agreed! The Republican propaganda machine is very adept at twisting others' words to suit their own crooked agenda, and, failing that, simply making shit up. Remember "death panels," the phantasm fraudulently ascribed to the Affordable Care Act?

@Trajan61 What's "not normal" is you.

@Trajan61 I don't disagree. However, if the parents want to take their kids to hear a drag queen read from a storybook at the public library, that's their lookout. Niether the government not the Proud Boys should interfere.

Parenthetically, I don't think there is any harm in young kids learning that the clothing options and pronouns we typically associate with one gender or the other are essentially arbitrary. Look at the traditions of certain pastoral tribes of Sudan and you will see what I mean. The men get prettily dolled up and stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder, while the much more plainly dressed women parade before them...exactly the opposite of what we see in our meat market nightclubs.

@KKGator Both the leftwing sex deviants like the one mentioned above in the OP who believe nothing's wrong with pedophilia, and the rightwing theocratic fascists are annoying, so why not criticize both? I'll readily do so...

As someone who at one point in his life worked a side gig taking his clothes off to entertain women, I never would have thought to give a lap dance to any female under age eighteen, or for that matter engage in any sort of act with a minor that could have been considered sexual in nature. Lap dancing is considered adult entertainment, so let's leave that sort of thing for the adults. Also, it said the video was age restricted, and why do you suppose that is? Even YouTube, whose parent company Google tends to favor progressive left causes, found that video to be at least somewhat controversial, and that unto itself says alot.

Some guy wants to perform in a drag show that doesn't involve doing sexual acts with minors, all good, and I'm all in favor of them expressing themselves like that. Adults should be free to live their lives as they see fit and express themselves freely, but I draw the line on involving children in anything like that. I'd also defy any people like that to try to convince me otherwise. I disdain the holy babble due to the many references of adults sexually exploiting and abusing children, so why would I react any differently to frustrated wannabe-stripper adults who give lap dances to kids.

@richiegtt Sounds like someone got irked by you using the word "woke", lol. Can't remember now what post that was on where you had mentioned in the past about being an Independent, but the more I think about it the more I agree with your sentiment on that matter, as after awhile both political extremes with all of their whining gets to be too much. I agree with your comment above too.

@Trajan61 Of course it’s not normal .And I am not going to explain why I think so again like I have done here so many times before .The forced indoctrination to normalize sexual dysfunctions on a gullible population is no different than brainwashing individuals to think it is normal to believe in a celestial dictatorship.

@mischl iAre you actually that uninformed to be under the impression that only uneducated individuals use the term woke to get their point across? May I mention a few intellectuals such as Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris to name a few who occasionally use the term to illustrate the topic of conversation.On the other hand you may not be aware of these individuals.If you were you would not have made such an invalid statement.

@KKGator Being exposed to right wing christofacists would be the lessor of the 2 evils.

@Trajan61 Not even close. There are FAR more predators within the clergy.
It's also not just males, plenty of nuns have been/are abusive.
What's worse, the VAST majority of their crimes have been covered up.
Where's your righteous indignation about that?

I'd much rather have drag queens around than bible-thumpers.

@richiegtt I'm referring to the contemporary political use of the word. Mostly, I've seen it used by right-wing people to make fun of lefties. I've also heard it used by black folks to refer to people who are "awake and aware" of racial bias and discrimination. It's a mixed use word that I avoid.

@SpikeTalon only woke individuals are irked by the word woke

@Flyingsaucesir Not to mention the clergy these assholes support wear the most flamboyant shit ever.

@KKGator Kinda hilarious he tacitly agreed they are fascists. Kinda sad he's so fucking stupid he thinks fascists are a better option.

@ChestRockfield The scary thing is that there really are idiots in our midst who think fascism would be a better option. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

@Flyingsaucesir The venn diagram of those idiots and the assholes who wear "I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat" is likely a circle. What fucking traitors.

@ChestRockfield No shit. I barely recognize my country these days.

@SpikeTalon no offense but hearing a guy use prostitutional behavior,was kind of unnerving,as much as it is with women who engage in that work..

But it's legal and it's adults,not mature adults, but whatever...

That's a civil moral matter that isn't such a peril as to be condemned as criminal ,well not in this economy.. which is criminal itself..

Divide and conquer, using all kinds of psychology for them to profit off of...

RFK Jr 2024

@laidback1 I never engaged in prostitution (either paying for sex or taking money directly for sex in return), and
what I did do would have been considered something along the line of an erotic party caterer (who wore next to nothing, but still wore something).

No denying the divide and conquer part, and more of that going on nowadays than ever before.

@SpikeTalon i just believe immaterial things like that stuff is priceless... I think many think the same but some don't... More people do with actual sex..

It's like i wouldn't want money to entertain women like .. it's like a thing in life that's just fun and playful mutually beneficial.. i don't know how else to explain it .. it's like everything has to be a commodity? I don't think we were always like that... i don't think we had commodities,i think we hunted and gathered 4 hours a day a few days a week and in the north took the winter off cause could dry & freeze meat...

And we just helped each other , barely traded I bet only when had to

I don't know what happened or what went wrong though ..

@laidback1 I see what you're saying, and do not disagree per se. Personally, I didn't get involved in that stuff strictly for the money, and considered it something for fun on the side. Had donated most of my tips to local organizations that benefitted women, namely a local health clinic and a women's self-defense organization (the latter I had directly participated in in my teens, helped my sensei with the monthly classes geared towards women's self-defense). Had the opportunity to meet some really interesting women that way.

@Flyingsaucesir If we’re not careful more children will see LGBTQ behavior as perfectly acceptable and more will become that way. According to some statistics that is already occurring.

@Flyingsaucesir I think there is something perverted about parents who would take young children under 12 to see a drag Queen show.

@Trajan61 I would hardy call reading from a storybook a "show." However, you are entitled to your opinion. In any case, it's none of your business. I recommend that you get over it. It's not worth blowing a gasket.

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