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When I joined this site years ago, it was a place where people openly discussed genuine philosophical and political topics without bitterness or and with real attempts at objectivity, where people simply shared thoughts and experiences and sometimes sought advice, where sought to help each other by providing factual information from informed sources, where people consoled and praised each other. . Today there are far too many simply silly posts showing little thought or feeling. And, even worse, the site has become infect extreme right wing ideological "vermin" spreading hate, anger and a constant stream of attempts at deliberate and willful misinformation. It is not at all the same place.

wordywalt 9 June 14

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It's clear that the number of people here has plunged and stayed low. One of the groups I'm in with a thousand members has only had one post in the last half year, and that tells you that most of those people are no longer active here. That leave a higher proportion of people with agendas which they want to push, which is why you see more of the extreme right and left wing fascists and genocide deniers promoting their hate as peace.

People left when the site disappeared for awhile; I suppose many never checked on its availability the ones who did may have been put off by the hateful people who propagandize often.


The extreme right has been here since the beginning but it seems to have gotten worse. This is a reflection of the extremism of politics (mostly conservative). A certain orange POS has led the change and I often ask myself where would we be with this convicted felon. It might still be here but not the extreme it is now. Still, you won't find the low thinkers (I term them as the illiterati) on groups as philosophy. LOL, got a thought and looked up the word (I thought I had invented it) and there is actually a game called the Illiterati.


First of all, I see nothing wrong with sharing posts that are light and amusing. There is, after all, a need for that in this troubled world. I am a staunch liberal, and I personally have not noticed an excess of "extreme right wing ideology". Quite the contrary.

This is, after all, a site to exchange ideas and philosophies. We don't all have to agree. When users begin judging which topics are acceptable and which aren't, then you are defeating the very objective of the site, which is that "We want to be defined by principles, not what we don't believe" -- religious political, and otherwise. I agree that it is important to keep a respectful tone, and there is some deviation from that, but we always have the option of blocking those we don't want to hear from and it is the admin's responsibility to decided which posts are acceptable to this site and which aren't.

In general, I find the site to be informative and engaging, except for the occasional rancor of some posts, case in point, this one. We may not always agree, but we can disagree and discuss the matter respectfully, or choose to ignore a post or block the poster.

I mostly agree but also agree there are too many conspiracy theorists and people on the ultra conservative spectrum here. They are frustrating to say the least. I joined the site when it first started in 2017. Glitches in the log on system forced me off twice and now I'm on my third run. Even then we had a number of ultra-right wing nuts (usually southerners and most against Obama and then Hillary). They didn't last very long as most simply ignored them. Doesn't seem to be the case now but we try to carry on. For me coming up with a logical and respectful reply doesn't often work (they always resort to personal insults) but we can't let ourselves fall to their level.

@pedigojr I do see your point, and heartily agree that they're aggravating, but I believe the best response with the fanatics is no response. They love to push our buttons. If we don't react, they stop. I guess that's why they don't annoy me, because as soon as I get the idea they're conservative nut jobs, I disengage and block them. It's no fun to argue when nobody is arguing back 🙂

@pedigojr @TheoryNumber3 Your positions are perfectly understandable, but there is also something to be said for calling a spade a spade.

It's usually a lot more work to debunk a lie than it is to tell one. And no matter how factual, logical, and well written the response, we are very unlikely to change a lying troll's mind. Therefore, when I do take the trouble to respond to some right-wing nut's calumny, I'm basically writing to set the record straight for other readers. And I have been gratified to find significant support from the members.

In the 6+ years I have been on this site, I have only blocked one person. And that was only because his rants were so lacking in substance, so centered on schoolyard ad hominem attack, that there was really no argument worth the writing to be made.

@Flyingsaucesir I don't disagree. Posting a correction to a misleading article is a good idea. Of course the original poster will respond with more right wing gobbledegook. I just recommend not engaging further. As I said, they love to get under your skin

@TheoryNumber3 I think I'm getting under their skin more than they're getting under mine 😂

Seriously, if you just keep hammering away with the facts, the trolls, in frustration, resort to ad hominem attack, or block you, or take down the post, or just fade away altogether. Of course it helps that, with the passage of time, many court cases have come to fruition, showing how tRump is everything we suspected: a liar, a cheat, a thief, a rapist, a defamer, a fascist,...AND the climate is changing in exactly the way the scientists predicted,...AND the data on COVID mortality with or without vaccines becomes available...In other words, in winning a debate, even in this age of gaslighting, it helps to have the facts on your side 😂

@pedigojr I also feel that the site Admin, whom we don't see here now, likes a more reactionary conservative flavour on this site. I understand that there is a sister site to this one, though I've never looked at it, which is even more a vehicle for toxic conservatives.

@David1955 Can you give us the name/address of that other site?

@Flyingsaucesir It's, but it's an insecure site.

Well now my feelings are hurt. And I thought we were friends, Scott.  I'm not sure I will be able to get over this. I hope you all understand if I just,,, you know,,, DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOU THINK THERE SCOTTY .  

Yes but it can change again. And you can block people who post things that are unprofitable.

When I first joined I thought that I would never block anyone, because I wanted to hear alternate opinion, but now I am coming to think that it may be good to use the block feature, not because some opinions are too extreme, but just because they are boring. Bring better things to the front.


This site is a sad state. I joined hoping for discussions on several topics that interest me. I started five groups with that in mind. My groups are still out here, I use them when ever I can, but discussion is one thing no one seems to be interested in. Little wonder there is so much repetitious negativity posted, it seems that is the only thing consumed.
Aside from the serial posters of negativity, the naysayers, so often called free thinkers, bandy about misinformation and conspiratory theorist as a very effective weapon to kill any discussion.
We are all individuals who see the world around us a little differently from each other, this makes discussions and exchanging views so valuable.
Unfortunately, the censors and the worst of national and global politics have won over this site.
I yearn for honest discussion knowing there will be posts for which I thoroughly disagree, but as everyones opinion is just as valid as mine. I have no right to censor or belittle anyone.
This site is far from perfect, WE made it what it is WE have shaped it as it is today..

"It rarely never fails."


When people can be incognito they sometimes become horrible. I find that there are still nice people here, who are happy to listen and try to help.


I feel the same. The site also reflects a lot of the modern toxic American discourse.

I also dislike the flood of picture posts which are nothing more than cheap posting.

Even pictures take time to post.

"It rarely never fails."


Your last 2 sentences hit it all just right. I either ignore them or give a short satirical answer. As for religions, they have no evidence. How can I debate a religion with someone when we all know it was men who taught us about religion?

As for this site being abandoned by admin and many of the right wing political nuts, it might be true. I was led to believe the original idea for this site was to get a strong right wing following. It seems the Don and Christian Nationalists have taken that into another level. No Agnostic or Atheist Nationalists to be seen here.


I'm alway open to any sides or point of view. No enemies, not against anyone, it's Yin/yang here.

Although if anyone gose pass my red line, BS detector, they will be ignored.


I find a majority of the posters here to be thoughtful, insightful, and genuinely funny.

But then there’s @FrayedBear, @captfeelgood and a few others who aren’t.

"It rarely never fails."


I am unsure. My open contempt for aggressive imbeciles seems to have resulted in them either blocking me or leaving me alone. It may also have something to do with the sorts of groups that I have joined. See also @Flyingsaucesir's comment.


Honestly Walt, I don't know what you are talking about. Admittedly, I don't know what is going on in the various groups; I stick to the general page that is open to all. Here, most of the right-wing nuts seem to have largely disappeared. Or is there something I'm missing? Have they merely blocked me, and I just don't know it?


That is partly because @Admin grew tired of us and abandoned us for other pursuits. And partly because everything changes. Stick around, it will change again. More that it evolves.

As you know I've personally felt the impact of the changes (as having to start over 3 times) but at least we still have something. In the beginning we knew it wouldn't last but, so far, it has lasted longer than we thought.

@pedigojr Hopefully it continues on…

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