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Have you thanked god today? And if someone is Xtian, shouldn't that person WANT to be dead and living with Jesus?

Gwen_Wanderer 7 Oct 24

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From observing the people turning out for early voting at my local public library, I'd have to say at least half of them shuffle along like the Walking Dead. An Apocalypse of Trump Zombies is taking place!

They are obviously under and evil spell and what's worse, they are drinking the Kool-Aid voluntarily.


Ohferpetessake, at 76, I ain't got 7 extra seconds to blat to imaginary friends

Me, either--I'm old! I need to focus those seven seconds on something which will benefit me.


I see they are delaying this post also.... I guess the conservatives moderating this site haven't yet figured out that a post like this is NOT offensive to non-believers...

(I thought it was inappropriate for this site...)

@racocn8 It is the moderators that are not...

I am a non believer! It is satire.

And I just realized something. I had a dream in which I told someone, "And nevermore will I take you to see the Lizard of Ahaz." I had NO idea of where I had gotten the name and even Googled it. Now, I realize that your name must have stuck in my subconscious.

@Gwen_Wanderer They just deleted another of my posts making fun of Trump... Also the one about Ukraine blowing up 3 of Russia's vodka distilleries which will not only force the population into sobriety but will damage their ability to manufacture gunpowder and other explosives....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Whoa! I didn't know that "they" deleted such posts! They must be becoming PC.

@Gwen_Wanderer I just noticed one of Trump at a McDonalds window yelling that "we are serving the dogs and cats" that is being tampered with in Just for Laughs....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Does that mean this site is censored? No more free speech? 😟

@Betty Unless you are pro-Trump and Pro-Russia that appears to be the case...


No, thank you.

Betty Level 8 Oct 24, 2024

Also my sentiment!


I've always said, and this is proof positive, everyone says they can't wait to meet Jesus, but not just yet. These people try to stop the Death with Dignity movements in the country (the whole west coast and Canada are part of this movement). They say its playing (a) god (all religious groups are part of this crap) yet no questions 'playing' god when it comes to staying alive.

Yes, being a super hypocrite comes easily and fast without the hint of a thought!

Decades ago, my husband had a friend who was an almost a fanatical Xtian. We went to church (or I did) but were not fanatics. The friend kept saying that he was READY to meet JESUS at any time! However, he came to our house one night very shaken--he explained that in the rain/fog, he had nearly driven his car over the bluff into the ocean.

I asked him why he just did not let the car go over the bluff as he was READY to meet Jesus at any time. He never used that phrase again!


Someone my age is already dead but I am still alive. My take on this is that i am alive because i am not dead yet. No gods are needed to keep you breathing or cause your heart to continue to beat as yo are sleeping. people have strange beliefs about one busy god who really does nothing.

In addition, what about people who would rather be dead than alive? My sister suffered from cancer for many years and as a god believer, often wondered why god "allowed" her to live. What did he gain by "allowing" her to suffer?

thoughts to ponder


Hmm, GW has not written a bio. To me, she is not yet alive.

I don't exist--I am a figment of your imagination.


You kind of missing the point because you are so obsessed with that god doesn't exist. Especially at your age, many people have died at a younger age, so you should be grateful for the time you had to be alive, because a lot of people didn't get the time you had. So you can still appreciate you had this opportunity without believing in god


Thanked God because my friends and people I know died instead of me? Talk about egocentric. Nope. I miss my friends but have good memories, thanks.

I used to think, why should I be happier that someone else's life was worse? Then they explained no, it's gratitude for what you have, not happiness for someone else's pain

Want something to really thank (a) god for? How about if a certain POS were to have a stroke or heart attack and drop dead.

Exactly. Trump's continued existence strongly suggests God doesn't exist

@pedigojr IF there were a god, I don't think she would concern herself much with the affairs of humans. She has never demonstrated much of an interest.

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