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If your god asks you to convert others ...

snytiger6 9 Feb 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Early last year, I began watching videos from the "Desert Drifter". He produced spectacularly scenic videos of his hikes, often enhanced with drone footage. The imagery relaxed me and he narrated with a respect for nature and native artifacts. Some of the videos included nail-biting rock climbing where he clung to narrow ledges overlooking 50-100 foot drops. Occasionally, I had to look away...

Only in the last couple of videos did he reveal his Christian orientation and association with a Christian outreach organization. And we all know how asinine Christians get regarding misfortune. "God took them" and "They didn't pray enough, to the right God" ad nauseam. So, after avoiding death from his free-climbing, the Drifter got into an auto crash resulting in severe brain trauma. Given his talent in producing these videos, I was very saddened to hear this happened.


They do like the power. 😟

Nice to see you get a post through. Missed you. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Feb 9, 2025

Religion is the world's longest running most successful pyramid scheme...

And just like with pyramid schemes, the only people who seem to benefit are those who a running them...

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