If god made man in his own image ...
Why make something in your own image anyway ? Can you have a meaningful conversation with something that sees the world exactly as you do ? And if god is perfect, then any deviation from that, is logically an imperfection.
Therefore, either god made humans imperfect, and is personally responsible for all the effects of that imperfection, or human existence is meaningless.
( See, what fun you can have with the seeming complexities of theology, and many do think its fun, seemingly. But, "I am having fun." should never be mistaken for, "I am finding truth." Though sadly mistaking fun for truth is a very common human failing. )
So does God have genitalia, and if so, why? Did Jesus pee living water? If God sees everything, what color are his eyes?
The intrinsic absurdity of the OP statement given that many notions of God are formless, and that human form is so variable and could very well have had many other characteristics: scale, feathers, egg-laying, marsupium pouch, etc.
In a nearby church, in the center of the stage is a 24" gold-gilded sculpture of Jesus on the Cross. It is gaudy in its gilded fake-gold splendor. But Jesus and the Cross imagery are repeated over and over on the walls. The focus on the death, rather than the life of teaching, appears grim and pessimistic.
In listening to a choral recital, essentially all the lyrics are given over to standard Christian gibberish of "glory be to God" and "Halleluyah" "resurrection"... it might as well be the nonsense that Deepak Chopra puts out. It is beautiful music, but it's so sad to realize the lyric content is one bullshit lie after another. Hitchens got it right: religion POISONS everything.
Then how come we aren't all invisible?....
Man made god in his image as a flimflam to suckers and Trump is merely following the business model.