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How many of you atheist are pro-life? Just curious

Greenheart 7 May 20

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Political views? Lean right or lean left?


When the anti-abortionists first came out, they did use pro-life. Once they were laughed off the stage of life, they changed their name to pro-life to confuse things. I'm still laughing at them. They just want everyone to believe like they do and are willing to kill for it. (at least 1 time in MA).


Do you mean pro-life, pro-birth, or anti-abortion? These terms may not be used interchangeably. Most so-called pro-lifers are really anti-abortion.


The governor of Iowa just signed into law restricting termination when a heart beat can be detected. So many women will not know they are pregnant when the miniscule ticker begins. The anti choice movement is often pro death when it comes to capitol punishment when we could be studying these criminals while incarcerated for life.


I can understand the pro-life argument (hypocritical tho I think it often is), but I still think this is a decision best left to the mother. I'm far more in favor of measures that have been shown to effectively reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies.


Rather anti choice, cus being anti choice is very often against lives of female human beings, so term pro-life doesnt fit


As a man, that is absolutely none of my fucking business.


'Pro-life' and 'Pro-choice' are unnecessarily limiting and disingenuous labels for this stupid, merry-go-round topic. An atheist should really be beyond subscribing to the juvenile simplicity of it.


Pro-choice all the way! And I mean real choices with viable economic options for women who may prefer to give birth. Women who feel ambivalent should have access to knowledgeable, empathic counseling so they don't feel pressured into whatever choices they make. Privacy, dignity and safety for all women.


Completely pro-choice, that so far demonstrated to be the kind of attitude that kept abortion at the lowest rate. All that happens to make the abortion illegal is that the number of women in a butcher’ hands to abort grows.

Giosk Level 3 May 20, 2018

I am very much pro-choice. Anti-abortion activism forgets a number of important things, not the least of which is that considering life to begin as soon as the sperm enters the egg makes nature the biggest abortionist, since a notable percentage of fertilized eggs do not implant.
Another problem I have is that the fetus is inside the woman as a parasite, and that creates health burdens and risks that are generally ignored by anti-abortion folks.
Finally, abortions will happen. If you care about life, making such procedures safe is better than ending up with senseless deaths from botched procedures.

And if we take their argument to its fullest capabilities, masturbation will be classified as mass murder!


hopefully none


I think, like most people, I view abortion as a last resort, when giving birth will cause immense suffering for all involved. In the past, when abortion was outlawed, it led to risky procedures that often resulted in great harm or death. I don’t believe the state has any business telling people what they’re allowed to with their own body. Obviously, we just don’t do enough for sex education, birth control, and new mother support — actions that would reduce the need for abortions — but the stupids seem to prefer pretending that’s not the problem. So it goes.


In my opinion, it shouldn't be a public issue. The choice one way or the other is a private and personal one. It's not my business nor my place to judge. As far as I am concerned it is a religious and political play for control and it needs to stop.

Betty Level 8 May 20, 2018

Pro-life is a deliberately deceptive term, using to mask the fact that the user of term is simply anti-termination of a pregnancy for ANY reason. You will find that most of the members of this site are not "true belieers" in ANY ideological dogma..


It's a conundrum. I am pro-life only in the sense that I believe each life is valuable. I do not believe that government gets to make choices for me.


I'm pro-choice, pro-education, pro-prevention, pro-respect and pro-consent.

scurry Level 9 May 20, 2018

I’m pro choice, and not my choice.


I will hazard a guess: All.
rephrase your question


Many people that I know that identify themselves as "pro-life" are just pro birth. Once the child is born, the parents and the child on on their own. Even if puts the parents in a life of poverty, hardships and sometimes it hampers their future education.


Pro-life. What is that, exactly? Until we understand what you are asking, we cannot be expected to have any answers. Please, spell out specifically what you mean by 'pro-life'.


Sister Joan Chittister, a nun in the Catholic church has this to say: "I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is." []


keep your hands off of MY hard earned money! i do not wish to pay for any more welfare brats that end up hardened criminals i will end up shooting as they try to rob me!


I'm pro-choice up to about 28 weeks. I know if I had a preemie born before 28 weeks I would be very cautious to what interventions I consented. So many parents seem to take great pride in the torture they allowed doctors to inflict on their children.

It depends on the capabilities of the hospital and obviously each case is individual, but when I had my micropreemie twins 14 years ago we were told that if they were delivered under 22 weeks that they would not be viable. From 22-25 weeks, it would be our decision to have the hospital staff provide all life saving intervention or to pot for compassionate care and let them go and after 25 weeks gestation the hospital would automatically provide all life saving care possible.

There are no circumstances where I consent to a g-tube or vent.

@PhoebeCat Our twins lives were saved by having g-tubes placed. Lasted about a year. They are 14 now. Also had to be on vent for a while. You have the right to refuse those things for yourself, but no one else.

Who but me can protect my hypothetical children from being tortured by doctors just because they can? Trust me, I see the long term effects of medical intervention daily. Death is far from the worst thing that can happen.


Since apparently there is not a definition forthcoming from the poster, I'll tell you my definition. I think if you are going to be 'pro-life' you must not ONLY support the unborn fetus. You MUST support care for both potential child and mother during the pregnancy, you must support appropriate medical care after birth for both mother and child, you must make sure that all humans are fed and housed and offered opportunities to access education and health-care for life, you must treat everyone wounded in body, mind and spirit in wartime, and you must provide care for the elderly. Now, as far as I'm concerned, if you only are opposed to abortion, you are NOT pro-life, you are just anti-abortion.

I like the way you think. 🙂


Trick question as the opposite of "prolife" could be anti-life, which I am NOT.

I abhor abortion as much as I do neglecting unwanted children, that fact any child could be unwanted (why not prevent pregancy? we have the means), or of inviting strangers into such a private situation and decision as an unplanned pregnancy.

Zster Level 8 May 20, 2018

"why not prevent pregancy? we have the means" that is a really complicated question. There are all kinds of reasons unwanted pregnancy happen; lack of access, lack of education, lack of money to purchase, lack of facility to purchase or acquire, rape, incest, birth control misuse and failure, sterility failure, etc., etc.

@AdorkableMe I know that. The religious strangle hold where I live is a huge reason young folks won't use birth control; that's what I was getting at. Anti abortion but not up for preventing the need for one.

@Zster I misread your post. In that case I completely agree. Lol

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