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What do you think about accepting a friend request from your ex on Facebook?

(I didn't even though we're mostly friendly in real life. The thought of accepting the FB friend request still creeps me out.)

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pixiedust 8 May 25

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My ex called me up last Tuesday at my office and asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with her. I asked her what she was fishing for and she said 'Nothing'. That's a crock of bull. No way I'm doing the friend thing, FB or not!

Stick to your guns, but don't let anybody see you do it.....LOL


My exhusband hasn't talked to me in years and I don't even know where he is now. But I recently reconnected with a fellow I once dated and he bought a painting from me. So depends on the ex.


That sounds like asking for trouble.


I am FB friends with 1 ex, but I would not oppose being FB friends with any of them but 1. All were good breakups.


Yes to me they're like family, once my love always my love. There was another poll recently asking if they showed up at you door would you let them stay. I said yes, no question. Also like family, there are times i would rather not deal with them but I won't cut them off.


I rejected a friend request from my ex a couple of years ago. Ever since then she's been very cold towards me at our grandkids birthday parties and such.
That suits me just fine?


I would have no issue with that at all. She would simply be my ex and I would hope still a friend. If she was not still a friend, it would be her decision and not mine.


It would be so out of character if she did that I'd be so suspicious I wouldn't accept 🙂


I am friends with my ex on Facebook.


No way as I would feel as if I had to think twice before I did any post.


My abusive ex, hell no. But he's rarely on social media fortunately.

The ex that blocked me and cut all ties? Probably not, but there would be a chance I suppose.

I have no other official exes, just two committed relationships before I met my husband, but other people that I dated for a time, probably accept a friend request.


Just like a coyote morning.

What is a coyote morning?

@pixiedust That's when you wake up in the morning with a girl you met last night when you got drunk. She's laying on your arm and if you move your arm she'll wake up. You don't want her to see you leaving so you chew off your arm so as not to disturb her. That's where the term'Coyote Ugly ' came from.


Sure. You can always add them to your restricted list.


I'm still friends with all of my exes and I communicate with pretty much all of them regularly on facebook


That is a tricky one.


There is a reason they're your EX, they are no longer in your life in a personal way. Why would anyone allow someone they just spent a bunch of money getting out of their life back into their personal life? This makes no sense to me.
By EX I mean ex-wife, I have an ex-girlfriend on my FB page, she shares her account with her husband who is a decent guy. My wife doesn't FB anymore and isn't on my FB friends, that list has been pared down to less than 50 from a few hundred back when I used to admin some expat groups and I picked up a bunch of people along the way.

Two people "not working" as lovers is not anywhere the same as them "not working" as friends. It's possible to still be very dear, personal friends with someone you're not fucking

@ghost_warlock Isn't that what I said? I thought that's what I said.


I have a few exes that I'm friends with on Facebook however my ex-wife, no we're not friends anywhere.


I am not friends with every Ex, but I am friends on Facebook with one of them (one out of three, the other two never made a request).


The fellow I broke up with 2 months ago had "blocked" me during our 8 year relationship, so I couldn't see photos and posts of the gals he was cheating on me with. After our breakup, he unblocked me. I can tell because we had some mutual friends and suddenly I can see his "likes" of their posts.

There is no way I'd want to reward him by being "facebook friends" now after he blocked me throughout our actual relationship. He couldn't share with me then what he was sharing with virtual strangers on the internet. It's too bad if he's curious about me and my life without him. I don't care about his.

I have an ex husband many years divorced who is not on facebook, but his ladyfriend is, so I'm sure he has snooped at me on occasion, through her account. Ick.

While he was a lying cheat, he had lots of wonderful qualities as well and was a good person otherwise. But there comes a time when a girl has to say enough is enough and rid herself of the drama. When he was an honest cheat, I could deal with it, but when he decided he "cared" enough about me to lie about his activities, that's when our problems quadrupled. With honest transgressions, I could decide whether I wanted to stay or leave, but with dishonesty, that choice was taken away from me. I don't like being duped.


I don't have Facebook.


My ex and I are on good terms. We are friendly but not friends. We still have dinner together with the kids(in their 20’s). I would never fb friend. I don’t care to know what she is doing or let her know what I am doing

jab60 Level 6 May 25, 2018
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