I feel that our society's disdain of prostitution is derived from irrational religious morality so I'm curious to learn what you heavens think about this topic.
Here's what I think-
The exchange of sexual services for money between consenting adults is not immoral and should not be illegal. Porn actors are paid to have sex and that is legal but if a sex worker is paid to have sex he/she has committed a crime. How does that make sense?
Legal prostitution is safer/healthier because it can be regulated and is not pushed into back alleys and seedy places. Currently, prostitutes work under the thumb of often brutal and manipulative pimps who take advantage of them. They can not go to the police for help so they must rely on a pimp for protection. If it were legal, they would work in regulated brothels and would be protected by the law rather than persecuted by it. They would also be tested regularly for std's which would help control the spread of disease.
Regardless of how you feel about prostitution personally, the freedom of others to make their own life decisions should not be infringed upon if those choices do not cause harm to others.
Prostitution is as old as civilization itself. People always have and always will exchange things for sexually services and attempting to end it is folly. The prohibition of it causes much more harm than prostitution itself.
Prostitution prohibition is a result of a paranoid society sexually repressed by irrational religious beliefs. I see no detriment to allowing prostitution to operate freely and in fact I think it can be beneficial for people to have the choice of gaining sexual release without a need for commitment to a relationship. There have been lots of societies throughout history that allowed and even encouraged it without issue.
One of my big problems with organized religions is their unmitigated gall in telling others how to live! Legalize it so the pimps are OUT & women can choose this career path if they wish!
It sure worked out great for Melania Trump. She bagged a rich guy, and now she is "First Lady" of the United States.. not bad for a "working girl"
I think she is actually quite unhappy. I'm guessing she got much more baggage than she anticipated. I feel sorry for her actually.
It worked for all of trump's wives.
exfuckingsactly i have all the respect for actual prostitutes who sell sex directly for money but I just need them to actually fancy me sincerely. if you film prostitution its all fucking legal.
@SACatWalker Do you really think she likes him?
She also wasn't a prostitute....there's a difference between a nude model and someone who does penetration for money. As much as I hate Drumpf, I kind of feel sorry for Melania...you can sense she really hates even being around him.
Some people argue that prostitution is different from other forms of work because it involves the exchange of money for access to the intimate self (or something like that). I disagree, as I think that's a decision each person can make for themselves; what's too intimate for one person is routine for another. Prostitution will always exist, but it's dangerous when it's illegal. When women feel trapped and cannot go to the police for protection, that's a recipe for real exploitation and abuse.
I started to read some articles because of this debate. on first scan legalization does not solve the problems people hope it would
@btroje I think you are right that legalization will not solve all the problems concerning this complex issue. But it will be a step in the right direction. We also need to further the cause of feminism and teach men to treat women with respect and dignity. These problems that you are concerned about will not end until chauvinism is dead.
the only difference is you get to sell your product, take it back and sell it again. footballers wives are just prostitutes pretending to be something else. I know at best im average looking in my younger years and for my age not bad. I like real people even if its a quick bit of lusty fucking once or the rest of my life. im realistically probably going to stay single really and im good with that.I want to fuck someone I fancy and make love to somebody I fancy and love their very life force, personality, their honesty, their mistakes and their faults. I want them to be the same. my biggest sex organ is either my skin or and my brain. in the meantime, I can watch Pornhub and imagine anything I want and be a bit lonely. I don't need women but I would just like one. if she's a lady treat her like a lady, if not fuck her. I know given the opportunity I would have been a right slag and potentially am. id be happier with someone I treat like a lady in public ish and like a complete passionate no holds bars erotic tart in our own time. it's the same both ways. I don't care what you used to be within reason ie kiddy fiddler or cruel fucker etc. I probably wouldn't care if you used to be a prostitute or porn star or even still are as long as your straight with me in the first place so i have the choice.
In my country New Zealand prostitution has been legal since 2003, Here you get anything for your street workers to high paid women in great jobs doing it on the side. Alot of women do it and a lot of women also pay tax, so treat it as a normal job, This legal prostitution is called the New Zealand model, there is also the Nordic model, which is completely different.
Women can work on the street in some cities/towns, in brothels, for agencies, or privately in their own apartment. It is illegal to have unsafe sex, which i hope most people abide by.
Though as prostitution is legal here, it has attracted many women from China/HongKong and Brazil who choose to work here without the valid visa. (Although I have seen no complaints from men about that ) Also it must be why New Zealand is so peaceful... everyone is getting laid
It falls under regulating & controlling a woman's body. It wasn't illegal until the advent of Christanity.
As long as men control it, there will be abuse.
@GoldenMean I agree. I was just scanning a wikipedia article about legalized prostitution in Europe looking for something else. Germany has had major liberalized laws for some time. THere has been increased human traffiking there since sex tourism has become such a big business.Legal or not I think of the effect on the individual exposed to abuse and trauma and the ripple effect through society in present time and through generations. The current situation is horrible along those lines and I think legalization would not necessarily adress those issues
Hi, as one who has a Doctorate in Theology ( also is a Life-Long Atheist btw) I can tell you that the Catholic Church, the root source of ALL modern Xtian Sects, did attempt to make Prostitution Illegal in the 8th and 9th Centuries C.E. however it was only done because the 'so-called' common Whores and Bordellos were operating in opposition to those Owned, Operated and frequented by the Church Hierarchy right up the line to including the Popes and were eroding the Profits the Catholic Church was gaining from its 'little' SLY Enterprises.
Even to this day there are still Bordellos Owned and operated by Catholic Cardinals, etc, and frequented by ALL members of the Catholic Hierarchy especially in Rome and Italy.
As a point of note here, The R.C.C. still holds to the ideology that NO Prostitute can receive Absolution, the Sacrament nor be buried in 'Holy' Ground even if she/he is employed in a Bordello/Brothel owned by the Church.
Another PRIME example of Religious Hypocrisy indeed.
Charlie Sheen was once asked by a reporter what he paid for sex, he said he didn't pay for sex, he paid for them to leave. Face it, some guys just don't do well in relationships, why should they have to have a relationship just for sex? $100, in, out, satisfied. Is that hard to understand?
Yeah, for some people this is what works best for them. Sheen is something of a poor example as he knew he had an STD, did not inform partner(s) or use condom. ewwww that's pretty low life. I get the impression most of the people posting or commenting to this post act in a responsible manner regarding their sexual activity. It HAS been an interesting discussion.
We recently had a post on this. I do believe in the legalization promoting safe sex and welfare
of the sex workers.It seems to work in Nevada except Clark County.
What's different in Clark county Compared to the rest of Nevada?
its not legal-Las Vegas is in Clark county.
If a tax can be generated from the pathetic men that utilize this type of meaningless and degrading sexual gratification I am all for it .The only type of prostitution I was always against is when a female is controlled against her will by a pimp etc . Hopefully this practice will be eliminated
Wow! Pathetic men sounds way too harsh but if that's your opinion, so be it.
Personally I have yet to hear of a woman (I can't speak for men) who has "chosen" prostitution as a lifestyle option . Most have to resort to drug use to be able to "do" it with multiple men per day. I don't think "the freedom of others to make their own life decisions" comes into it for most prostitutes.
I think you have it backwards. The cases I've known were led to it to obtain money for their particular problem.
And, by the way, I do know people who have chosen it as a lifestyle and profession. I will admit that they are not street prostitutes, but on call for a select clientele. They make a great living and don't have sex with multiple people in a day.
Personally I have yet to hear of a person who has "chosen" ditch-digging as a lifestyle option . Most ditch-diggers have to resort to menial tasks to feed their families.
I don't think "the freedom of others to make their own life decisions" comes into it for most ditch-diggers.
People find ways to survive. Some sell the use of their back, others comodify other body parts. As long as there is a buyer there will be a seller.
Dec 30, 2017 Like1 Report Reply
In countries where it is legal there are many women who choose it through free choice, at the same time there is still some trafficking but legalising it does seem to reduce the forceful element of it
if it was legal then women couldn’t be coerced into doing it. If they didn’t want to, then it would fail. Judicious monitoring by the state with serious legal ramifications for coercion should ensure a free selection.
I don't particularly enjoy my job. I go to work out of necessity. Yeah I'd say most of them don't choose to get into it as a lifestyle option but more out of a need to make a living. Perhaps if the industry was regulated and safer fewer who do get into it would have to resort to drugs to deal with it.
@Gatovicolo - Why would it change if it was legal? Pimps will still use vulnerable women/girls//boys to do the work. It's a dirty business, and legalising it won't make it any cleaner. I'd increase the penalties for using prostitutes, not being one.
I think there are some high end call girls and college women who do choose but choose carefully who they go with. But that is not the norm.
@GoldenDoll we are in agreement. Most of the people on this thread voice their opinion only.. I didnt have to dig too far into legitamate research to learn that legalization increases trafficking and increases crimeIn Amsterdam prostitutes were still harmed even with 3 panic buttons in the room..There has been more success reducing prostitution by punishing the johns..
It's not a lifestyle, it's a job. I've known both male and female sex workers who have enjoyed the job, and those who didn't. It's not easy work, but it works for some. It should be a legal job for those that opt for it.
I beleive prostitution should be legalized, regulated and taxed. The reason why is important - legalizing removes the eleiment of crime. DON"T laugh a seemly simple statement. The perfect example is Prohibition, it did not stop people from drinking and actually gave the United States organized crime. The skin trade will continue whether it is legal or not, but under a legitamate business model the workers have legal protection and there will be less abuse. The down side of prostitution can never be made completely safe for the workers but there will be a higher level of protection than when it is illegal. Just my opinion.
Very well spoken.
In Germany and other European countries (Holland) is is legal and the workers work for the state and get benefits including health and retirement.
@JackPedigo Just like every other worker. Here in American, we don't even have that.
@Spinliesel I know, those damned socialized countries?! Funny first it was communism and now it's socialism. We are our own worst enemies.
@Spinliesel Yeah for one of the richest countries in the world it sure seems to lack in areas that matter most. Sad state of affairs. Some countries plainly take care of their people better.
Legalizing prostitution makes it safer for consumers and workers. You can get accredited brothels which must adhere to hygiene and security standards. Prostitutes can unionize. You get rid of the trafficking of women/ vulnerable women who do not wish to be sex workers. Legal brothels could have on premises security, counselor and even shops! It’s the most stupid thing to make it illegal. The illegality of sex work is misogynistic, and is another way in which women are denied safety and agency.
Well Said
I think the safest thing to do is to legalize it and regulate it. Put in into houses, make sure the sex workers get regular checkups, have the right to call police in case of someone getting dangerous, etc. If someone freely chooses that occupation, it is their business. I don't understand it, I could never do it .... but if someone wants to do that, fine. Make it safer. It maybe would cut down on a lot of the trafficking - forcing children or vulnerable adults to do this. Get the pimps out of the equation.
When you realize how much religion corrupted our view of sex it's just mindblowing. Many countries have already legalized it and gained notable income because of it, while providing a safer, healthier environment for sex workers.
@TheMiddleWay I disagree with Wiki. There are plenty of religious and secular accounts that say different. I'm not going to bother to cite them. They're just too numerous.
@TheMiddleWay You win. You're right. I'm too lazy and busy with other things to argue with you.
As we all know, it's the oldest profession known to human kind. This is something that will never be controlled. Pompeii was known for it's brothels, along with the Greeks. It's part of life.. this was just another means to control the masses and religion was a huge part of why this is such a big issue with main stream society. There would be a lot less women out there getting beat up by pimps if it became legal. Its all about the money.
Legalize it, regulate it, tax it...just like they do alcohol
Regulate it with what? You're not coming through clear, and I smell a thirty page bill of extremely strict regulations in the horizon.
Okay, so your idea is to regulate in the same way that do alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. How they do that would be up to the politicians and who is in their pockets. I use your input to show that this idea was fully addressed.
How is that going to remotely accomplish anything? All of those regulations you mentioned are founded on the premise that everyone matures in the same rate, with the same maturation profile, and the laws surrounding alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are so extensive, that it only complicates the issue of what the proper size of government is.
That suggestion is actually very mistaken. I don't know what you were told about the real proficiency that any government has in doing its functions, but they are extremely minimal and you have been misinformed.
Okay, so your argument is that both of us are working under different premises. However, we are both working under the premise that prostitution should be legalized, regulated, and taxed, just like they do with alcohol.
I was asking you to go into that more, but you were speaking tangents, and not answering my original question. So I will just ask it again: regulate it with what?
I really avoid posting curse words but here it is rather significant and appropriate. George Carlin once said " Sellings legal. Fuckings legal. Why is selling fucking illegal?"
Sex is at the least necessary for our species to survive. Prohibitions ( barring what actually hurts another person ) are completely arbitrary based on religious influence.
The reason for this is by suppressing and or controlling sex religion could control people. This was done to make people more dependent on religion. The hijacking of humanity and our natural instincts is what is immoral. Not two consenting adults having sex.
Very well said.
Outside of religious and some religion-related societal dictates, prostitution is just a service... If accompanied by simple protection, health screening of customers and agents... Less dangerous than driving on the roads. Plus: The "world's oldest profession" exists everywhere I've been where there are human populations of size.... Legitimize it, and the workers (women and men) and help to keep all disease and pregnancy free.
Legalize it, regulate it, and tax it. I do think you said it well.
I have no problem with legalizing it, but there is still the problem with "Human trafficking". So there would still have to be laws protecting sex workers and children.
That's where the regulating would come in. We already have child protection laws. Legalizing prostitution shouldn't affect those. New laws of course, to protect the workers.
Many problems alleviated or avoided by legalising prostitution than by criminalising it..
Marriage has sometimes been described as legalised prostitution.
There are FAR too many laws in this country. No one has the right to make a law curtailing my right to choose for myself, as long as I'm not clearly infringing someone else's rights. We have given away an incredible amount of our individual freedoms, because a loud, wealthy, active, and christian segment of our population deems particular freedoms to be unsavory and against the teachings of jesus. They're opinions and feelings should only play a part in dictating their choices. They cross the line by thinking they have a right to dictate mine.
Well put and of course you are right
The biggest problem is extortion and traffiking of the workers. Legalizing it would be good, but I propose even more .... Unionize it, provide benefits for the workers, including protection from abuse, legal aid, health care, etc.
Yes, that would be ideal.
During the golden age of Ancient Rome Pompeii, a Roman city of about 6,000 had 40 brothels. The Romans obviously did not have all the modern convenences we had but they certainly had other ways of amusing themselves. Hell they may we’ll have been living better than us with all of our idiotic religous constraints. @Lancer, @SpikeTalon
Australia has legalised prostitution and it's safer for both prostitutes and customers.
@SpikeTalon Are you joking or just ignorant of living conditions for ancient people?
@SpikeTalon no life in general wasn’t better however the Patricians were the wealthy and controlled almost all life
@Trajan61 dear Emperor you are abso right
I feel that prostitution is exploitative, whether it is legal or not. There are but few women who would chose it as a profession if they had any viable alternative and I find it immensely sad that there are women who feel they do not have those alternatives. That said, I am very much in favour of protective and regulatory legislation so that vulnerable sex workers can maximise their safety and limit their exposure to opportunistic pimps and predators.
Thank you. It depresses me that your voice belongs to the minority. It dismays me to hear people defend, what is in essence, the commodification of women's bodies
@Ellatynemouth Just curious. Is manual labor not basically the same thing, the commodification of a persons body for the use of it as basically a tool? Removing the cultural and religious components what is wrong with two consenting or three or six exchanging money or other services for sex as long as it is agreeable to all parties? As opposed to people spending their lives in heavy manual labor, or other professions? Much like the drug war if we legalized it and applied the same labor protections other professions have and a clear framework for the safety of both the worker and the customer as well as allowed for its advertising to be open and honest in society I think it would very quickly destroy much of the criminal element to . The biggest hurdle I see is how we as a society negatively view and treat the subject of sex as purely for pleasure. That needs to change.