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What position do you sleep in?

Mea 7 June 26

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You're a little too young for me, but if I could shave about 20 years off I'd be delighted to see if you might be interested in finding out the answer to that question personally.

Lol, even then I would not because I am in a happily committed relationship with my significant other. 🙂


Awesome! Glad to see that you've found something good in your life. Enjoy each other passionately and often while you are still young. Those years go away more quickly than you'll really and truly understand until you look up one day and find yourself suddenly turning 50.


Usually "unconscious in the gutter". (But still looking at the stars.)

Jnei Level 8 June 26, 2018

Not very good at sleeping if you’re still seeing stuff, try more tequila.

@ScientistV You're not helping 😀

@Jnei sorry, vodka?


Hanging by my toes, with my wings folded.

skado Level 9 June 26, 2018

Hey Batman.Where the hell you been? We sent up the bat signal on election night!

Yeah, I kina fut dat one up. But I was trina get Debbie to play fair.

@skado hahahaha!


Sleep? What is this thing you speak of?


In a star fish configuration right in the center of the bed

GwenC Level 7 June 26, 2018

That sounds like how my kids would sleep when they were little 🙂

@HeraTera my chiropractor would prefer I slept a different way


Fetal position, then on my stomach, then my side, then in that sort of crazy position of left arm over head-left leg straight with right leg bent all the way up and right arm tucked into my body...sort of like a rock climbing position. Then I toss and turn and then I get up and play on my phone just like I'm doing now


On my side, knee up And holding a pillow or my balled up blanket. Or my back which sux and then i snore like a demonic ass bitch

SuziQ Level 4 July 17, 2018

On my left side with my cat curled up behind my knees.


Bring out the Twister spinner and let's just see what fresh hell you can create for me.

Duke Level 8 June 27, 2018

Spooning a nice ass, laying against soft titties

Scratch whatever my previous answer was.


Quasi fetal on either side, sometimes on my stomach. Prefer spooning. LOL!


Horizontal. Beyond that, I don't know: I'm asleep and not paying attention.


Mostly horizontal.

Wrytyr Level 7 June 27, 2018

Left side, hugging a pillow. If I lose the pillow during the night, I wake up feeling like someone took a bat to my shoulders.


On top !

madmac Level 7 June 27, 2018

The recovery position.



Like a gecko stuck against the wall

Nardi Level 7 June 27, 2018

Sigh... That depends on which position I fell asleep in.


Most often I sleep on my right side or on my stomach. I find lying face up the most difficult way to fall asleep unless I'm really tired and it happens involuntarily. I don't know why my body prefers reclining on my right side over my left. I have to ask, given your interest in biological studies, is this question part of a larger research project?

Not a formal research project, just a consensus question asked out of interest. 🙂


On my side with my cat in my arms.

ronmon Level 3 June 26, 2018

sleep? I don't remember. but I'll get back with you if i happen to do it again.


On my side, but I turn all night long! I am in search of the perfect sleeping position.


I generally sleep on my sides , yourself?

I alternate between several positions. Sometimes I sleep half on my side half on my stomach, other times on my back. Sometimes on my stomach, or all curled up, or with my limbs sprawled all out in all directions. I don't really have a particular way. Lol.

@Mea dang i wish i could sleep in all those different positions thats sounds Awesome..


Ha !! This late it doesn't matter, as long as I sleep sound


Asleep at the wheel


On my back and I am looking to sky when I'm sleeping

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