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Would you rather work day shifts, night shifts or graveyard shifts?

I personally always preferred the day shift where I work 7 am to 3 pm. I was on night shifts for about three years where I worked 2 pm to 3 pm, 2 pm to 11 pm or 3 pm to 11 pm and absolutely hated it! Felt like I had no kind of life and my life consisted of sleeping during the day and up at night.

EmeraldJewel 7 June 29

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Morning shift...even though I hate waking up early.


Personally, I'd rather just have been born ridiculously wealthy and live a life of luxury without working at all.

Jnei Level 8 June 29, 2018

That is just a dream it probably will not come true LOL

Don’t be all hahaha!



Coldo Level 8 June 29, 2018

I really, really like being retired. I'm all shifted out.

Retired for over 23 years now and still going strong and enjoying every minute of it.


I play music for a living so l am a night person. A real job is something l have seldom experienced. Whew!


I work graveyard and love it! The heat isn't as bad for the ride in, the ride home is cool, and the office fools are never to be seen. Sure, I don't have much of a life, but neither does this town.


I work 3-11 pm and I love it

I work 3:30 to 11:30pm. I also work weekends.


I would rather be rich and not to worry about going to work!! LOL

vmedel Level 6 June 29, 2018

Me too... wait a minute.... im

That would have been my choice also, if I would have had a choice.


I have worked all of the shifts mentioned and to me it matters much more on who I'm working with then when I'm there. I prefer to sleep in so 3pm- 11pm shifts were my favorite. Now I own my own business and make my own hours so I would pick that option if that's a choice.


We used to run a 24 hour shop, Monday through Friday. Working midnight to 8 AM was my favorite shift (and yes I worked all of them). It was quiet, not as much to do, no one around to bug you or whine about things. And I loved my social life. Sleep from 9 to 3 when everyone else is at work, and then you have all evening to hang with friends.

Yes, exactly! Granted I lived in the base dorms when I worked that shift, so I didn't have much "house" to clean. I'm talking about 179 square feet of living space, lol.

That's the truth! Cleaning certainly was. And the free Chow Hall food was mostly serviceable.

I think if I could pick between Chow Hall food and an attractive woman cooking for me, I'd also go Option 2.


I would rather be on a beach sipping something strong with a young lady who is naughty. But that's me.



Day shift.

And Monday through Friday.


Middle shift was always the best for me. I am retired young. So any time of day works for me now.

azzow2 Level 9 June 29, 2018

I rather not work at all now days.



Find have worked all 3 in my life in multiple jobs. There are lots of advantages to each.


I've worked first and second shifts but it's been first for many years because that's when my clients need me. Back in the 80s I adored second shift!


9-5 for life!

That’s a cook shift. Bank hours lol.


I've worked them all. I like how quiet graveyard is and I can concentrate better, but over time you get tired no matter how much sleep you get. I think I choose day time.


Until the proliferation of 24 hr. grocery stores, I could not eat properly when I worked afternoons. Graveyard shifts messed with my sleep patterns immensely.


I'd rather not have to work at all just sit in the sun drinking beer and listening to good music.

Parich Level 4 June 29, 2018

Night shift for me has more benefits than Day shift right now. Traffic nightmare on days and hate getting up to an alarm. Plus a little extra pay on nights and more time to get appointments in without missing work.


I worked 3rd shift for one week for a summer job I had in college, and it was the longest week of my life.


Days.... to humid in the summer and to cold in the winter. 1 dollar more for working nights don't solve tbe problem.


Some companies have rotating shifts,this is, every so many weeks of being on a shift,you'd go to the one after your's I.E. day to night shift,totally messing up your body for a while and then do it all over again. The retention rate must be horrible.


Have done all kinds of work hours. I've never had a nine till five weekends off job. Would say nights though as they seem to pass quicker and less managers and pen pushers about


I work 24/7 I own my business but I have children and grandchildren it's all about finding a balance

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