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Dating after 50

Is it just me, or is dating after 50 a nightmare?

It seems like almost everyone is so religious, which narrows the pool significantly.

Then out of those who are left the majority fall into one of these categories: looking for a nurse/care giver,
looking for someone MUCH younger to recapture their youth or REPUBLICAN

Then of the 10 people in your region that are don't like 5 and the other 5 don't like you.

OYE! I think I just need a gay best friend to do things with and a new vibrator.

Crimson67 8 Jan 6

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Call me..


Haha. What happened to the old vibrator ?. Seriously though it seems like that is most age groups. I’ve found an awesome person on here and looking forward to meeting her soon. But most apps the people that contact me I’m not keen on and the ones I contact don’t respond.

antman Level 7 July 17, 2018

Maybe some of you looking for love/sex/relationship should visit NYC and see about going to a singles bar or a club, they're thousands here, and get togethers are frequent and common place lots of times turn into long term relationships. Just a thought ? oh, and you won't find many Bible thumpers there either hehe


Well said.

soquel Level 6 July 10, 2018

If I had the moral profile that allowed me to date married women, I'd have it made, at least a far as dating is concerned. For whatever the reason, married women are fascinated with me. No I don't go there. It's been tempting.


I love it. hell, you are dead spot on. solitude is highly under-rated. just have to make sure you humans are far enough away for me to spill my guts.


Not quite 50, but I think many cut out potential mates for odd reasons. I'll date republicans who are rational, can articulate their motivations and are respectful of others. Sadly many of my fellow liberals can't do those three things we should have learned before high school.

Personally I haven't found dating in my mid 40s to be bad. I'm a social guy, several of my female friends and acquaintances have single friends. I think it's essential to cultivate platonic relationships, I met my last two GFs through acquaintances.

One odd aspect of religious dating that seems to infect heretics and infidels is men have to be assertive and women need to be demure. I usually figure out if a woman is interested so this helps me, but I've known a lot of women who never make the first move or make it OBVIOUS a guy they like should ask them out.

LOL, btw I've been in OK, TX and UT for ten years, it's not like I'm surrounded by a atheist hotties 🙂

I haven't found dating Republicans to be particularly fulfilling. Either we completely avoid speaking about anything that matters, or I'm subjected to "libtard" jokes. Living in Arizona, it means I've pretty much given up.

@GinaMaria I only lived in AZ for 1 year and no dating. My parents live there so I visit frequently. Just anecdotal, but conservatives in AZ seem a little less civil than conservatives I've met in the South or Utah.

I'm not sure I could date a liberal who is consistently toxic to people she disagrees with politically so I definitely understand not wanting to date someone who uses "libtard" with any seriousness.


This is brand new to me. I'm 61, and having been married to the man I very recently divorced since I was 44, have not even attempted dating yet. I have plenty of gay friends, too. I do recommend a vibrator... even if you do eventually meet the partner of your dreams.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 17, 2018

Hm...well...I am over fifty...and I am NOT looking for a mommy, a nurse, a caregiver or...a sugar mommy. I am for the most part self sufficient...except for SOME things I need help with...tying my shoelaces...buttoning my shirt...chewing bubblegum and walking at the same time. LOL. I am NOT religious...I am by NO MEANS...a republican...I don't know WHAT I am...liberal to a degree...I like women...My MOM was good to me...NOT looking for another, lol. Just a really NICE girl to hang with and grow together with. I can help you with the vibrator work if you'd like, you won't seem to be doing EVERYTHING alone. And I am a REALLY good friend...NOT gay but I LOVE shopping, for WHATEVER...and just hangin' with a cool chick...PLUS...I LOVE RED HAIR...OH YES. I am an Itallian girl said...OMG...I DO NOT KNOW WHAT SHE MEANT. lol I'd LOVE to hear back from you.


I was told that at my age I shouldn't think about, I can't answer. 🙂)

You are unique you can do what you like please don't stop on other accounts

@Rosh Thanks; the 🙂 should have told you I don't care about what people say.


Yes, dating after 50 is very difficult. I think you might be on to something. Find a male friend who is gay, who is easy to talk to and smart .... and make sure you have several working vibrators. Life is not fair. Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo.

SKH78 Level 8 Mar 10, 2018

And then, when you do find someone who seems perfect, they are either the same gender or in Kentucky. :-/


Even after a few years of being divorced my faith in believing there is some vibrantly beautiful woman to become in love with, is out there somewhere is firm. Am more OK than last year being alone but my friskies isn't going to let me be content in lonliness. Hugs and squeezes are more thsn an urge... I'd term them nutritious in an essential nature...

Kraig Level 3 Mar 6, 2018

Hope you find a woman you get along with. It is horrible for the men to be w/o a partner. Women would like a partner, but if they cant' find one, they just make sure they have a good circle of friends and a good vibrator.


Gave up on finding. someone near me am 57 and find that a lot of my peers aree now bigger asswipes than me and I've spent my lifetime pissing everyone off


No FWB for me. Nothing casual, either.


There are good people out there. I found some secular groups around town, and went to some meet ups, met some cool people, but I like for my wife to accompany me in social settings and she being Catholic doesn't always enjoy going to atheist meetings and such.
All that to say, I wish I had found some of those groups when I was single. It would have helped me to meet like minded people.


It's tough but I still try????


Since I am a 70 year old man. Dose that mean with all the cougars on this site I will have to settle for an 80 year old lady looking for a boy toy?


I think it's pretty sad that we've reached a point where so many people are so closed minded that they would let politics be a prohibiting factor in an otherwise perfectly viable partnership.
In a relationship where both people think the same way, one of you is unnecessary.

@Crimson67 the same could be said for those who ignored all of Clinton's misdeeds. The fact is that neither you, nor I nor anyone truly know anything even remotely related to the truth about Trump or Clinton. What we think we know is nothing more than what we've been spoon fed by the media and social media and choose to believe. The main difference between you and I is I know they're all full of shit. My last g/f was very liberal, but she wasn't a brain dead liberal. We managed to have rational conversations that led us to realize we had more in common than not, even though Im not a liberal. At some point, you might realize that this divisiveness is exactly what the powers behind the curtain want. And you're basing decisions on propoganda, not knowledge. Regardless of your party.

@Crimson67 I didn't mean to imply you did, (although I can see after re-reading my response that kind if did, sorry about that) I was just making a point. I didn't vote for either one myself. Im not a single issue voter, not for presidents or partners.

@Taijiguy There is a lot of difference in a Presidential blow job and a Presidential buffoon and moron.

@Sticks48 you really think I was referring to Bill? Oh you poor naive thing you.

I spent 11 years married to someone on the opposite political pole to me and yeah, living with someone day to day who has an utterly different view than you can really get old. I want peace of mind in my house. I don't want to cook dinner while being forced to listen to conservative talk shows telling lies at top volume while the person I TRY to love and respect sits there cackling in hateful glee. I guess part of the problem of dating after 50 is most of your mistakes have been made and you are determined not to make some of them again. So for the "oh you're so closed minded, try it you might like it" crowd - I did try it, I didn't like it, and I'd prefer being alone to living with Fox News on my TV polluting my life and my mind. And as an added detriment - sex with people full of fear and hate isn't anything to brag about either. Bad vibes all around. I'm not seeking an emotional/intellectual twin but, in psychic self-defense I have to draw the line at certain types of insanity/lifestyles/mindsets, and frankly, that's how I view conservatism these days - pure poison to myself and other living things.


Try dating over 70.


It is a nightmare


Not just women....scary sites....what are you meant to do....don't know anymore....


I'm not Gay, but where does one sign up to be your friend?


Damn, I hate hearing that...
My wife and I just seperated on very peaceful terms and I havent even asked anyone out on a date yet.


Hmm... ok, let’s say you are one of those ten in my region. Would I like you?

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