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Dating after 50

Is it just me, or is dating after 50 a nightmare?

It seems like almost everyone is so religious, which narrows the pool significantly.

Then out of those who are left the majority fall into one of these categories: looking for a nurse/care giver,
looking for someone MUCH younger to recapture their youth or REPUBLICAN

Then of the 10 people in your region that are don't like 5 and the other 5 don't like you.

OYE! I think I just need a gay best friend to do things with and a new vibrator.

Crimson67 8 Jan 6

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I can relate! Dating after 50 sucks. I am in a far right area (Northwest Florida) and I'm having a harf time meeting non-Christian women. I don't think I can be involved with a Christian woman again after having been dumped by my wife of 11-years because I didn't fully agree with her Christian beliefs. So, now what? There are few single women in my age group, and the single ones are looking for a good, Christian man. But, you never know what the tide will bring in. I try to remain optimistic.


If you think dating over 50 is impossible, try over 60!
I'm told i don't "look or act like a typical 65 year old", but clearly that doesnt matter... I guess I'm destined to be "the cool old lady with the cats". ?

P.S. I wrote something similar about 4 months ago and it appears nothing has changed! I decided to start doing some things I enjoy alone. I saw a play on Broadway; went to BAM (in NY) to see Andy Borowitz; have a few other events in the hopper. Going alone is better than not going out alone's better with company.

I feel your pain. I'm in the same boat.

So lucky you live in New York so much to do.I am 66 and disabled and no theaters or knishes or people watching.Enjoy and don't giveup on love I am still hopping.You have a great smile.brian


Okay, as a guy that is close to your age. This is my take on what you have said. Yes, as a guy I find a younger woman attractive, physically. But, they don't have the substance to make a relationship work with me. I've dated woman as much as 20 years older than me and 20 years younger than me. I'll take the older ones any day of the week. At our age, it's more about what do we have in common; do we like to do the same things? Then the relationship will naturally happen.


I feel your pain. while I would love to find a long term dating partner, i find it difficult because either they want too much time from me (I am a bit of a loner) or there is just too much drama. guess that is why I live with a cat and a dog.


I highly recommend the Hitachi Magic Wand. Don't get a knock-off. Get the original!


you're not alone


Divorced two years after two decades of marriage. I find dating super fun for the most part..... I've met some fantastic people and a few crazies too. For the record....the women I'm least interested in are those with with a long list of criteria because 'they deserve it'. I look for kindness and honesty and have made some awesome friends with people that are on a different path than myself but are still kind and honest. Currently dating a bisexual Republican Christian who's super nice and seems accepting of my vocal atheism....and far left leaning political views. She's also a super cute tiny heat packing NRA there's that too.

I like dating women that give great head.

@FlyingEagle1952 I like dating men who have a great head on their shoulders.

@DeStijl I have a great head......of hair!! I"m not bawd yet.....ha ha...hope you have a sense of humor. I went to a funeral today.....he was an old friend, same age as me....I'm fucking depressed.....getting old sucks...


I'd date you? I'm a kind gentleman & scholar



And you must be in a better part of the US than I have been. Tennessee and Texas mostly, so back that date up a couple of decades.


I've been lucky so far with that arena in my life.


Lol... I feel your pain. Finding myself both single and alone after 60... (I was raising kids) is a nightmare. Living in Keokuk, Iowa is another. After going through your list, it's not like 10... It's like minus 2!


Yeah i think youre right. i live in a small place anyway. i think we are screwed


You only need one. Hang in there.


I am not even 50 and I am the pretty young vibrant non white immigrant and I agree with you. I have been lecturing guys from the time I am in my 20's, And all those comfort wives, good wives need to stop lying and get a real job that produce. I pay for both section 8 and the comfort wives. These women even call working women less of a women. No matter what the religion pull stirng to get the corporate cushy jobs, enjoying corporate travels, while getting workers to slaves.

Arshi Level 5 Aug 2, 2018

Oh it sucks for sure, and if you are atheist and " not into kids" you are really a blue cow.


As I've said at work many times-I'm too old for the young ones and too young for the old ones.


I'm 65 I have 3 "lady friends" I see regularly.

I read about 100 of these responses and with all due respect you all seem to have one thing in common. The reak of desperation. The ladies universal complaint seems to be is all men want just one thing. Conversely the men's universal complaint seems to be all women want is everything.

Good luck you guys.

I don't know, I'm a straight shooter. I spell out what I want and I don't want everything.

I don't think it's fair to assume people are desperate because they want to be in a satisfying relationship with a compatible person. Companionship is a basic human need.

He can't spell...reek
I totally want a sexual relationship.
But not with someone who is screwing 2 other women and characterises women as "desperate".
There are kind and caring men my age who have a healthy match mine.


It’s complicated, but there’s someone out there for you.

I’m not saying that there’s a soulmate out there for you. There are no perfect fits, but there are millions of men and women in the world, one of those will work for you.


I feel your pain. It's the same story all over, @crimson67: it's complicated because in this age group a lot of people have kids, are at points in their career arcs demanding a fair amount of time, and have been burned in past LTR's (particularly marriages). It's frustrating and challenging for us menfolk too!

I don't know what else there is to do but to keep on trying to meet Ms. Right. Every time I strike up a new relationship with a new woman I'm hopeful! I've the advantage of a large dating pool near a big city. Your profile says you're in Kentucky, and especially if you're in one of the more rural areas that may be the real factor. Do you have access to Louisville or Cincy, maybe?

There are men out there who are 1) not religious, 2) not obnoxiously conservative, 3) reasonably easy on the eye, and 4) interested in finding partners (that word chosen deliberately) of approximately the same age. Keep on fishing, in bigger and bigger ponds if need be.

Everyone fears this...[]


I've noticed that even in their 40s, people tend to be significantly more unyielding with respect to what they won't put up with. They see themselves as not having much time to weed out the prospects that are only promising yet not perfect.

So your perception is that the casualty rate in the first and perhaps second waves of attempts at dating them is much, much higher, it is saving you a bit of time. I don't necessarily agree that it significantly increases their chances of finding someone they match with, but I certainly can't tell them they're not entitled to do things the way they are comfortable with in their own private lives.


I honestly haven’t found it as difficult as you may have. I do find that if I lay things out including who I am, what I’m about like my politics or beliefs which I won’t compromise on and yet respect others opinions, thoughts..... it helps . Also I try to be honest the I’m 66 years your and I’m an active sexual creature ( straight ) and enjoy intimacy and giving a woman oral pleasure.... this is who I am too


Sudden inspiration:
If looking for sex, check out repressed believers in fundamentalist anti-sex religions, because they often seem quite ready to abandon their scruples when given the opportunity. And if they're scam preachers, they have money.


As a man over fifty when people find I'm looking to date I'm labeled a dirty old man.When women over fifty are looking to date people tell them good on you.I find it confusing.


It's totally a nightmare. I separated and then divorced my "last" wife ( the key word is last) shortly after I turned 50 12 years ago. I haven't had a serious long term romantic relationship or even casual sex in almost 13 years. So I'm getting a bit tense. I had a goodly number of single dates on POF but when they saw that I was driving a little Nissan instead of a BMW or Mercedes, I was history. In other words, gold-diggers. All I have to show for my upgraded fees is a lot of heartache and frustration. Although I did meet a few new friends. Sadly, they don't keep me warm at night. So yes, definitely a nightmare.



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