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Who are some famous people you wish would just go away?

For me, the first answer that popped into my head was anyone with the last name Kardashian! I also wouldn't miss Kathy Lee Gifford if she faded from sight (fat chance!). If that woman mentions her "faith" one more time, I may just hurl. Three honorable mentions are Pat Robertson and Rev. Franklin Graham and Ann Coulter.

RobLawrence 7 July 19

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Elon Musk.

Actually I have to disagry on that one. Elon is a visionary. he has dedicated most of his life to the betterment of humanity. The only thing that his faults are is that he is thinking to force the future into the now. He reminds me of Tesla. JMHO.

@TristanNuvo He comes over as an arrogant asshole. He called the British diver who led the rescue of the Thai kids a paedophile because he was angry that he wouldn’t use his sub. I hope he sues him and gets a big settlement.

@Marionville I do respect your view of him. Every one has their own opinion.
But I have to stand my ground on him. To me he is one of the bet inovators of our time. His comany Space x Has surpassed some of NASA's expections of space travle, and with his company Tesla, he's devoped electect cars, and home electricty far beyond what has been devoleped in about a decade or so.. JMHO The only trepidation about him is that he wanrs to change the world over night. And we all know it takes people a long time to adjust to something new.

@TristanNuvo I know what you are saying, but I am separating the man himself from his innovations. But I guess we will just have to agree to differ on this!

@Marionville True enough. I have no problem disagreing on a subject. I welcome your input, sometimes I've had my mind changed by another who has a different opinion to what I think.
But I still have to differ about Elon, I still think he is one that wansts to change the world. He could be right, he could be wrong, I can't say for sure. But his influancein progressing towards the fututer has inspired many to do the same.

One of my favorite humans on this planet, Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is A huge fan of his. I don't hold any one to the authority of all that we think. But I do have to give props to those that try to educate, and try to make a difference. I only wish there were more people like that.


Any Kardashian whatsoever


Kardiashians, Duck Dynasty, Ann Coulter, Chuck Norris.


Bieber. Kardashians. The duck dynasty idiots. Trump.

Joel Osteen

Taylor Swift


Trumpski, everyone at Fox News and the whole Murdoch family, Breitbart can go along with all the other fear mongers. Finally all the televangelists that get rich while their “flock” live paycheck to paycheck. I’ll stop there.

Breitbart already died. Unfortunately his stench still lingers.

@Seminarian shows how’s much attention I pay to the hate sites.

@Green_eyes That was a great and glorious day or so Il thought. Then years later I saw a racist Breitbart meme posted on Face Book by my white supremist uncle. Steve Bannon had taken over Breitbart's company and the rest is history.


Jim Bakker and Tami Faye, or whoever Tami Faye's replacement was. Joel Osteen. All of the children of Billy Graham, especially his daughter Anne Graham Lotz. Definitely any Kardashian. I haven't figured out why they're famous. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Ted Cruz, Paul Ryan, DT of course. McConnell, Huckabee Sr.


All of those listed (except for Elon Musk), + any & every televangelist predator, Ryan Seacrest, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Fox & Frauds, Rupert Murdoch, Sheldon Adelson, Alex Jones & Lars Larson (a regional, lo-budget Sean Hannity).


I’d rather it be that idiot Obama.

@Trajan61 both


So many good ones on here, but I'd like to bump Kellyanne Conway for sure. I haz the hates.


Let me add Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Newt Gingrich, Ted Cruz, Justices Aleto and Thomas,


I cannot begin to fathom the appeal of that guy. But, I'm 68 yrs old; lotsa stuff I don't get.


Donald trump ?


This side of the pond, Piers Morgan, Nigel Farage and Morrissey.

lets not forget katie hopkins though i would truly love to be able to do so

@weeman She is pretty loathsome, but she seems to have self-destructed. Which is a very good thing.


See if you can guess. He was a C list celebrity and his breath smells like Putin's butt.

Mine too.

@JanGarber, so, you like Puti's booty?

@maturin1919 I know, huh? (Just having a little fun)


POTUS, Vlad, W, Coultergeist, televangelists, Gowdy & Gomer, Cruz, Sessions.

Coultergeist. Love this.


The orange beast in the White House

Is that the one with candy floss, urine color hair. With small hands like a Rex.

My orange cat attacked him on the TV screen

@Castlepaloma I love cats - and yours is clearly brilliant !


Pretty much the entire GOP. Or maybe they're infamous and not famous?


Pope Francis.

Good reply.

@Trajan61 And I dislike him not only for what he represents but specially for his political involvement and the damage it causes to my other land.


The Tax man
Federal Nationaism
Military men
White secret societies.
All assholes and bullies.




Steve Harvey


Every tv evangelist especially Kent Hovind. At times Le Bron. Lavar Ball. Pretty much the whole Fox Noise team. Alex Jones.


I don't even live in America but Donald Trump


George Soros, Theresa May, Justin Turdeau, Sadiq Khan, Angela Merkel

Thats an eclectic bunch to say the least. Justin Trudeau? Thats my wifes hall pass. Prince William as well, but I think I'm safe there. By the way the Tangerine Tyrant made up with Theresa May. You still want her on the list?

Affirmative. May is doing her best to sabotage Brexit and keep the U.K.'s borders open to followers of a treasonous, cruel, oppressive theocratic political ideology.
BTW I spell it "Turdeau".

So you want to kill off the good ones who show intelligence, morality, and character?

Anyone who facilitates the spread of Islam cannot be regarded as either intelligent or moral.

@PBuck0145 I do not believe in any religion. But, you hatred, bigotry, and intellectual dishonesty disturb me deeply.

I do not hate Muslims as people. I hate and fear the ideology of Islam. This viewpoint is based on evidence, including the content of the Qur'an and the Hadith.
I hope that you are not one of the facilitators.

@PBuck0145 I am no facilitator of any religious or political ideology, except for the idea of treating all people with dignity and respect, and for the idea and practice of true democracy. I detest all the "iisms", including ethnocentrism.


Anyone famous for showing their tits , having made a seedy Tape or being naked in general.

Why do we have to miss all that???? ?????

In exchange men could show you their nuts.?

@Castlepaloma men can show their dicks as long as they do something important first. Lol

Fair enough?


Judd Apatow, he's destroys comedy by making it bland enough to appeal to a mass audience. He even unfunnied Amy Schumer.

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