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Sin or not, if yes, why?

Why does every religious person say masturbation is a sin when there's noting written about it in the Bible and why would it be a sin if God designed me like this (so I have cravings) and also God gave me the possibility of pleasure? Answer this

Manka77 4 July 20

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Probably one source is when god killed a guy for cumming on the floor instead of into his dead brother's widow because the kid would have been considered his brother's.


...agree ; there is stigma today or
another reason the PURITANICAL are
leading this country in the Wrong direction..
PHYSIOLOGY states masturbation
benefits the human body, so another
misguided idealogy.


The Bible is fictitious.

Does it matter what it states? Really?


Sin is a religious invention and does not exist outside of those religions so go ahead and pleasure yourself without feeling guilty.


The Bible is a book written by men to control the masses. Since the very first book it was shown that any sort of pleasure is wrong; however, since the Bible has so many inconsistencies and authors, a person can take any verses and make it be sinful.
In my experience, Christians say verses like Galatians 5:16, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, 1 Peter 2:11, and the famous verse Matthew 5:30 (if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off). But then you have books like songs of Solomon which is like a bible version of fifty shades of grey and talks about sex and pleasure being a gift from god.
So with so many interpretations, verses, books, and authors you can make so many interpretations. Some interpretations say it’s sinful and wrong and some say it’s fine in moderation. So it depends


I believe that there is a passage, in the bible, about not spilling one's "seed" on the ground, but have always taken this to be a population's wish to add more people to it. At the rate the human race is growing, now, perhaps masturbation ought to be encouraged allover the place.


A biblical means of increasing one's own tribe ( and power) "Let all your seed go to making more young people to be fighters, carers and servants".

Each ' sin ' needs explaining in a different way, but all are about control.


Its a sin according to religion

sean Level 3 Sep 15, 2019

Its brain washing.


God knew that I was going to jerk off before I even knew what jerking off was. Either A) it's part of his plan, in which case I am more than willing to go along, B) God is unable to stop me from jerking off, therefore he is NOT all powerful, C) he is willing to punish me forever for comitting a victim-less crime, in which case he is unjust or D) there is no God and a bunch of assholes are making up fairy tales to try and make other people feel uncomfortable over things that are none of their damn business.

I like D (and I KNOW how dirty that sounds.)


I think masturbation is important for mental health. Being raised on a farm, Ive witnessed most animals doing it. It calms them, releases pent up frustration. Plus you learn how to please yourself first, then you teach your mate how to please you. This intimate exchange is what makes us human.


Sin is an imaginary product sold to you by unscrupulous charlatans so they can turn around and sell you their equally imaginary forgiveness from an unseen and unseeable entity that cannot speak directly to you at the simple cost of your soul. It's a scam. Period.


Onan refused to ejaculate into the the vagina of his dead brother wife.... under orders from the alleged bible gawd geebush jeehobah ghostholes to breed more killers in the endless Palestinian wars 3000 years ago, Onan "spilled his seed on the ground" ....this sole detail, leaves out his it respect to the widow or not wanting to be a bigamist....this situation also begs why he ejaculated at all .....presuming the sight of a nude woman caused his erection and he had no self control....he may have touched his throbbing penis directing his semen what the fuck ? Song of Solomon is not much help regarding coitus nor masturbation but does address lucious loins breasts and pomegranate sweet lips..... (not labia ?)


Sin is a very sillynasty, idea designed to get money & loyalty out of you. Get over it!


Actually there is plenty stuff in the Babble about 'spilling seed" and it is roundly condemned. The world "onanism" comes from the the real trouble Onan got into when he masturbated. So get some "Facts", please.
On the other hand, that stuff was written when "not enough population" was a real worry...but nowadays,forgedabowdit.


I'm not sure EVERY religious person says that. But, generally speaking, religious people are afraid of their own bodies.


Your question is based on a false premise. Not every religious person says that masturbation is a sin. Some do of course but many do not.


It s from Genesis 38:9. Read the "joeandbarb" explanation below.


Sin requires the demonstrated existence of at least one god. I am without sin (thought I do enjoy masturbating).

It's the Sir Wankalots that condemn masturbation that annoys the jizz out of me.

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