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Which horror movie character/monster would you hate to face in real life?

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The Great Orange Fondling Father...


The god of the old testament!

smoyle Level 6 July 26, 2018

The shit he put Job through is fucking awful!

Keeping us on brand; I like it!


lala from that horrific tv show...teletubbies

Nardi Level 7 July 26, 2018

Momma in Throw Momma from the Train.


The monster in The Thing with Kurt Russell it was just so horrific because it actually absorbed you




These guys. I figure that the southern variety would sting (like fire ants).

Zster Level 8 July 26, 2018

@Byrdsfan Me too! I still think it was well ahead of it's time.


My ex mother in law because she lives on the 11th floor and she better know how to fly because she gonna need it.

That escalated quickly.

@Mountain-Heathen Nah she saved it for more than 30 years just because first time my then GF grandma asked me to screw in a lightbulb and I dropped it and was the only one in the house not in use so Grandma said "Oh lord he can't screw a lightbulb" My answer pointing at future mother in law "that's not what this one daughter says". She spreaded lies to my kids after the divorce so... I will dance on her grave.... 2 left.


The guy that used to host The Apprentice, that dude is scary...


The alien organism/creature from John Carpenter's version of The Thing. Either that, or the Alien from the Alien films. That latching onto the face thing....shudders

This was going to be my answer also.

@SpikeTalon Yep!


Freddy! He's a total nightmare!


He was far more terrifying in the novel and the miniseries than the movie, but overall it's Pennywise. If you insist on strictly a movie character, Pinhead maybe, but based solely on the original Hellraiser installment.

JimG Level 8 July 26, 2018

The little boy in Pet Cementary or Pennywise.

Sirena Level 7 July 26, 2018

Alien, didn't work out very well for the crew of the Nostromo.


Donald Trump

That's who I was going to say

Without his henchmen, he's nothing.


The alien in Aliens terrified me.


The shark from Jaws.


Pennywise. And I’m talking about the Tim Curry version. Saw IT when I was 3 and it made me scared of clowns even today and I’m 31 years old >.>

Leo716 Level 6 July 26, 2018
3 a boat with no land in sight.


I wouldn't wanna be inside the Mist... But I would love to meet Predator though. I'm a fan 🙂



Marine Level 8 July 26, 2018

@SpikeTalon I have never disliked a person more than him as he has ruined everything that I have fought for for many years. He is an ignorant, racist,bully, who lies and morally isn't fit to hold the office of President.He is a total embarassment to the country and his policies have hurt those who placed him in power to serve the most wealthy people in the country. All of his actions qualify as a horror!!!

@Marine I think you misread the said "hate" to face.
I would LOVE to face that monster 😉 That would be a monster beat down that would be an epic adventure!


Ain't nothing come close to my ex! Although Annie Wilkes (Misery) springs to mind 🙂

btw I still have both feet and both thumbs

ipdg77 Level 8 July 26, 2018

Zombie Jesus.


Any shark from any shark movie.

Deb57 Level 8 Feb 9, 2019

Well, I have been in a situation very much like the famous scene in the shining and it was quite scary. Thankfully the police must’ve been very close to the neighborhood because they were knocking on the front door as the client was breaking through my office door with me still on the phone. I can now say that I know what fear feels like at that intensity. Very useful for the writer in me.

Snedge Level 4 July 27, 2018

Although not necessarily a horror movie, the other mother from coraline.

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