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Was becoming atheist difficult?

For me, it wasn't. My family has been in New York city for well over 100 years... Irish heritage. From an early age i didn't buy the story of Christ, let alone the catholic thing.

I remember asking my grandmother - if Jesus knew he was god, then why is any aspect of the story impressive?

The best she could do was to tell me "its just important to believe" which of course just doesn't last. But she never raised her voice or made me feel unaccepted in anyway. I was about 10 at the time, and never gave the god question much thought until i was 23 or so. I was irreligious but believed there must be something... then i met a woman who commented "unless god means a timeless, disembodied creator of the universe, then you're just playing word games". Ive been an atheist since.

Despite the religiosity of my mother, and her mother, i didnt get much guff for my questions. And i never felt in anyway disadvantaged for not believing.

I'm privileged to be an atheist in NYC... its really not a big deal in my experience.

Whenever the subject comes up, i freely state my disbelief. My biggest interest is how anyone can believe, and as far as ive been able to figure, its a combination of wish thinking, tradition, lack of consideration, or fear of death.

I'd enjoy hearing about other people's experiences.

Juggler67 6 Aug 10

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58 comments (26 - 50)

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No. It wasn’t difficult. It evolved over the course of a few years as a natural progression.


One of the easiest things I've ever done.


The Jews invented Guilt. The Irish Mastered it.


Do you know the joke about Why Jesus was Irish. I'll let this go until you want a reply.

I like the Jewish father who goes to his Rabbi because his son wants to convert to Christianity. "Funny you should come to me"


I think unavoidable would be more accurate.


No, what would be difficult for me is pretending to believe in a fairy tale for grown ups, talk to imaginary beings, and associate with people who can read the bible, qur'an, talmud, etc. and claim theirs is a benevolent, loving god.

JimG Level 8 Aug 12, 2018

I was suddenly became clear to me what a steaming pile of hosshit it all was...that was many decades ago

Xena Level 6 Aug 12, 2018

Brought up as atheist. It’s nothing to be atheist in the UK but now I live in the Midwest, I just shut my mouth and avoid god topics. The other day at work I was sick and got touched by a woman’s hand who then started praying over me. Ugh. It feels creepy to me.

Livia Level 6 Aug 12, 2018

I'm also in the midwest but rarely interact with religious people. I'm pretty openly atheist and rarely does anyone have a problem with it.


It's always tough facing fear and pressure, but not as bad as having to lie to yourself for a lifetime.


I was an atheist all my life like all my relations so probably not difficult being one as I didn't have a 'becoming ' 'stage to overcome.


For me, it was agonizing. It still is. It has been hard to let go of eternity and the fact that there is no god who loves me beyond comprehension and invites me to foreverness. The fact that I will not see my parents again just about stopped my heart. That is still a tough one. After 70 years of belief, it is very hard.


I’m not sure you “become” an Atheist so much as you just kind of wake up to the lies floating around you that are built on what at best is a really bad history book. I am not sure I ever swallowed the whole praying and thanking malarkey, since it was obviously kind of a useless pastime (people still died, food was bought at the store by money earned by working, Santa didn’t bring toys). I tend to question everything and search for logic, and there was none to be found in any religious practice I could find.


Becoming an atheist was easy. I don't believe I was ever anything else. I went to church weekly with choir practice an additional day or two; however, I don't ever remember using the word Christian to describe myself. Athiest just felt right the first time I said it.


Not if you're raised an atheist


I think the hardest part was the mandatory circumcision, as an adult male I found that really painful but otherwise conversion to Atheism was practically painless.


I'm agnostic not athiest. My family and friends for the most part, don't know. They do know that I left the church I was raised in. Difficult isn't a strong enough word for that. I have PTSD from the experience. I'm glad to be on this side of it but it wasn't easy to get here.


After many years of "not really believing", then holding out hope, and going to church, then "not really believing"....I finally opened my eyes to the incredibly unbelievable nonsense and decided that "I'm an Atheist".

While growing up my family "always" went to church on Sunday, there wasn't a lot of religious pressure in the house, or during the week. It was just kind of "assumed" that prayer worked. God is alive. Jesus was resurrected, blah, blah, blah. We weren't active members of the congregation.

So yeah there were those admonishments, but not much else.

When I married and we had babies, we went down the christian road. I mean, we have to save their little souls, right? My wife claimed to be a believer..... But she was little more than indoctrinated if you ask me. She picked our church. Went through all of the rituals to join......then she was the 1st to quit. After all of that we went to several other churches , to find the one that "fit us" ......MADNESS!

One day after we had not went to church for a while, she says: " I want to try the catholic church. It looks like a beautiful religion"
I replied: " You just go ahead and go for it" I knew I was done forever at that point.

twill Level 7 Aug 21, 2018

@Juggler67 YW. My story does not seem to interesting. I like to hear from people (atheists) who were deep into the belly of the beast. Maybe that's why I like Seth Andrews best!


Figured religion (as it did not confirm to reality) was a game adults used to control children when I was very young. It wasn't until I was in my 20's that I realized some older people actually believed in the BS. That realization was very scary. . . A world filled with older children with the power of an adult that did not grow up out of religion.


I feel trying to live a patently obvious Lie would be the difficult trying to pretend you are a Nazi when you are really Jewish, or gay, or gypsy.........


I grew up in a mostly secular Jewish family on Long Island/Brooklyn. It was fairly easy for me to drop any beliefs in god. It was a huge relief to me when I finally came out as an atheist. When attending any services be it a funeral or wedding, I just have to shake my head in disbelief in the BS and just keep my moth shut. My wife is a believer and that makes things awkward but I think we've come to an accommodation. I know prefer to be around other atheists.


I was brought up Seventh Day Adventist, which is some no-joke, hardcore, Revelations-based BS. My one Aunt even pulled strings to get me and my sisters a scholarship to a private SDA school although we were poor. So, even though I was always inquisitive and picked up on the flaws in logic and the inconsistencies, it was a long process to admit to myself that it was all a lie. "Coming out" to family and friends has not been easy, either. But the freedom and healing I've experienced is well worth it.


I guess for my formerly catholic mother it was. I always had the impression that her agrophobia was the echo of her fears that there might be some divine authority persecuting her. Thunderstorms would just scare the hell out of her. Even my demonstrations, standing outside during a thunderstorm, didn't strip her of her visceral fear.


No being an honest child it was easy saying no to Santa Claus lies Ishtar boy bunnies laying candy eggs on dogshit lawns was also easy to say no to so alleged vaginal virgins birthing alleged baby boy gawds in dirty donkey stables was just another bullshit lie in dead of winter. ...what was hard = bigotry of peers against girls, my black kindergarten teacher and my beloved JW great Aunt Mabel. ....hard for a little kid to say the Emperor has no clothes when your mouth gets washed out with soap and your great grandmother is called a SQUAW. ...bigotry is all about white privilege AND ALLEGED PURITY OF CHURCH WEDDINGS authorizing fucking on demand


For me, the hardest part of being an atheist was the social isolation caused by being a disbeliever. Fortunately, I've learned to appreciate the quality of friends, not the quantity


Easy as pie. i examined my beliefs at the age of 15, and some remained while others fell by the wayside. god went right out the window.


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