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If you could learn one thing that you don't know yet, what would it be?

Just for fun I'm thinking about taking some little community courses at a community college in various elective subjects that are way outside my specialty.

If you could do something like that, what sort of subjects would you want to learn? 🙂

Rhetoric 7 Aug 21

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How to accept myself


I feel like I'd like to start learning math... I love physics, but never understood the math. I'd have to start at basic algebra I'm sure, and then work my way up... I also wouldn't mind learning another language. I've always like German, but Spanish would probably be more practical.

Considering today's business economy , you may want to consider Chinese . I had Algebra I and II , calculus , and trigonometry . Aside from the algebra , I don't think I've used any of the others since graduation .


How to get the FUCKING lid off of a Goddamn bottle of medicine!


How to be more charismatic.

Charisma is the most valuable skill that exists and I am usually a dick head.

I'm an awkward duck most the time too.

But I do hear that Charisma can be practiced and learned... so maybe there's hope. 🙂

@Rhetoric Yeah I try reading up on it, there are different theories but unanimously they agree that you can learn charisma.


How to know what I don’t know


How to make a lot of money by doing as little work as possible.

Run for congress.


Play a musical instrument and preferably the piano.


Ballroom dancing

GwenC Level 7 Aug 21, 2018

American Sign Language

Marz Level 7 Aug 21, 2018

How to ice skate


How to play piano


I'd like to know how to better tell when someone's lying to me and how to best respond.


How to play the bass. I'm trying to teach myself at the moment, but I'd love to have a big chunk of time to devote to it. But kids, new job, etc. etc...


A second language and scuba diving


high-level calculus, or advanced aerospace design

I eked out "c's" in my three calculus courses in college, the only "c's" I ever earned. And they were 4 credit courses too. I stopped short of differential equations. I had only a passing familiarity with the concepts, but I learned how to get computers to run optimizations for me, and that's how I learned APL.


HVAC & more than just basic plumbing work. Oh & floor & wall tiling (again, more than just the basics).


Id probably benefit the most from a public speaking course but fuck that. Anything to do with art, film, music, photography or cooking probably? Astronomy or local history might be interesting, although I’ve already taken astronomy at my local community college.


Over the past two years, I took increasingly difficult Spanish classes. Now I speak Spanish like a stroke victim.

"The Geology of North Central Washington" was cancelled by the local community college years ago. Darn.

I love "Nick on the Rocks" from Central Washington University. Geologist Nick Zentner leads viewers on armchair adventures through Washington’s diverse landscapes.



How to read the stock market so i could make money out of other peoples misery (sarcasm)?


The results for the next lottery draw(s).



lerlo Level 8 Aug 22, 2018

Spanish.. Would really help on my future career! I need to get going on this. Yes, I know this is a boring answer. 🙂


I would like to learn more about art appreciation. I would love to learn about geometry and physics. I am definitely very poor at math subjects. I love the beauty of geometry and physics in the natural world. I have a tattoo of a nautilus with a crescent moon in it. I love the fibonacci sequence.


Cellular biology.
I know a bit from school, and i've read some papers, but I would love to have a much better understanding.


I'd pull an Elon Musk and learn rocket science...

Good way to get one's mind above the clouds. 😉

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