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Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical companies would lose money on treatments?

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UrsiMajor 8 Oct 2

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80 comments (26 - 50)

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While I absolutely believe Big Pharma is basically evil AF, IF there were a cure for cancer, they would stand to make TRILLIONS of dollars.
They're too greedy to pass that up.

I agree, but insurance companies are also evil.

@EdEarl Also true. However, insurance companies get enough in kickbacks to make it worth their while.

@EdEarl are they evil or just capitalistic? Are the two terms equal?

@Spongebob Euphemism for greedy capitalist.

Sick people keep big pharma in business. Healthy people keep big pharma in the negative.

@PeacefulChaos There will always be sick people.
Big Pharma is FAR more worried about marijuana being decriminalized. If people can treat their ailments with pot, they won't need meds. Big Pharma is way more worried about that.

@KKGator I doubt big pharma is worried about the Cannabis boom. They will buy out the small business and/or grow their own (the best money can buy), put "sick" in it and sit back and wait for the prescriptions to be written.

@PeacefulChaos Oh, they're worried. They're pouring millions into the states where it's not legal yet, into the "vote no" campaigns.

@KKGator Its gonna be interesting to see what happens

@EdEarl What about non US countries with socialized healthcare? Or those that can pay for the treatment? If one existed, surely it'd be made available to the rich and affluent, no?

@demifeministgal I'd expect the rich to have such treatment, if it existed.

@demifeministgal As far as this whole issue of socialized medicine, versus greedy capitalists, the
story is much more complex if people knew the story than emotional statements.

In fact, Genentech's Immunotherapy anti-cancer drug is much more effective than chemo, with none of the horrible side effects. It is covered by most insurance companies in the US. It is a huge advance. Just look up Genentech next-generation cancer drugs.

However, in Great Britain, the National Health Care System, approved Chemo as a treatment for cancer, because it was less expensive, though less effective and had much worse side effects.

While I greatly support socialized medicine, this is an example of a dysfunction in socialized medicine.

@Bob4Health Show me the stats on Americans having this treatment used on them to treat their cancers and then you will have a point. As of now all you have is the existence of this technology. Also provide efficacy rates long term if you can. Then we can have a real chat.

@demifeministgal OK, let's have that real chat.


@demifeministgal Or this...


@Bob4Health Which ones did you have in mind? Or do you expect me to read every published article they've ever posted? Do they discuss how often this treatment is used on American cancer patients though? I doubt it is used widespread otherwise there would not be so many cancer deaths in the USA.


There are enough potential whistleblowers out there to ensure that such knowledge would be exposed.I am afraid Americans in particular, as the home of the movie industry and evangelical types in all fields of human activity are dreadfully prone to conspiracy theories.When we do not have an answer to a pressing problem it is so easy to claim that the solution is being kept from us by “them” although no one seems to be able to accurately define who exactly is keeping us in the dark.


As greedy as companies are i think they would gain more from a cure.


There are already cures for many forms of cancer, cancer is not a disease it is the description of a condition.


I'm sorry, the poll has many other answers.
Most medical progress these days requires deep pockets. No doubt, Big Pharma is indeed greedy and the most profitable industry in the United States.

That doesn't mean that there some secret cure for cancer. If there is a cure, it should be subject to the scientific method, which is independent of capitalism or socialism or any kind of ism.

The Gold Standard are REPLICATED controlled clinical studies, published the top PEER REVIEWED, scholarly publications in the world. Many studies must be submitted to the FDA, This process is not perfect, but then, the development of medical cures is obscenely expensive.

Many things appear to be true, but fail to hold up under the gold standard of REPLICATED clinical studies, hopefully done by someone trying to prove it wrong.

That said, perhaps the most advanced research in Cancer is being done by Genentech, now owned by the German company Roche. They provide new cures for cancer using immunotherapy, using the bodies own immune system to fight the cancers. It does not have any of the side effects of

However, in some countries with socialized medicine, including Great Britain, they have chosen to provide their citizen Chemo instead of Genentechs more effective treatment, without the toxins of chemo.

Why not use Genentech's drugs? Because they cost more.

That said, I fully supported socialized health care for the entire population. However, we simply do not see the advances in medicine being done in any non capitalistic nation.

Let me provide a vivid example. In China the three primary causes of blindness, first is Trachoma is the leading cause of infectious blindness in humans. This is treatable with antibiotics or other drugs for parasites.

The second is Cataracts, again, easily cured with Cataract surgery. 98% of cataract patients get their complete eye sight back without any complication.

The Third leading cause for blindness in China is Cataract Surgery.

This is not true in the US or any other advanced Capitalist Country.

I rest my case.

CDC and FDA can't bribe or control DR BRYZYNSKI so he plugs along curing as many patients as can afford ten grand per month MUCH CHEAPER than Roswell Park or even Emory University $$$$ corrupt insurance companies won't pay in or out of state patients


No, there are always going to be conspiracy theorists that will believe that big pharma is suppressing an absolute cure for cancer, because they can make more money by treating cancer.
It's just like the old conspiracy theory I used to hear back when cars had caruretors. supposedly someone had invented a carb that would give a car the ability to get 100 MPG, but the big Oil companies had bought the patent and squelched production of it, so they could sell more oil.
There are plenty of real schemes out there to get people's money without making them up.


I will go with ignorance rather than a conspiracy at any given day.


This question reveals the depths of ignorance people have about cancer. And if you are truly concerned about the practices of the pharmaceutical industry, check out
Oh, and I think that Ben Goldacre's Bad Science should be compulsory reading. For everyone.


A loaded question. Assuming a non capitalist country would be more incetivised to find a cure? It's more likely the opposite is true.


Check out the current nobel prize award for medicine.


Cuba claims they have learned how to cure certain kinds of lung cancer. They were on the verge of sharing it with us before Trump chilled emerging relations. And I've been hearing rumors for decades that they had developed some kind of heroin substitute that satisfied junkies, but was non-addictive. After a month or so, they can stop using it without suffering withdrawals. But Methadone, and drugs like it, are a pretty large and reliable revenue stream. Curing people would be a threat to that.


A Nobel prize was just awarded to an American and a Japanese citizen due to their efforts in Cancer research. This is proof there is a race to find treatments and cures.


@pepperjones Thanks for the comment. Immunotherapy is looking very promising as a new treatment for some cancers that have not been treatable with existing methods.🙂


I do not believe that is the case, but I think more people have lived off cancer than have died from it.


Cancer will probably need about as many cures as there are types of cancers. It's pretty unlikely that there will ever be a single cure that kills all of them.

Carin Level 8 Oct 19, 2018

True...BRYZYNSKI is not a panacea


I work with companies engaged in drug development. On average, it costs $2 billion to develop a new drug and 90% of them fail in clinical trials. No way are they holding something secret in their back pocket.


Look around you! It's not just the drug companies who would loose with a cure. Thank of all the so called charity organizations who would have to shut there doors and sell their limo's and fire their drivers because they could no longer ride the cash cow!


everything is all about the money in this life. the court system is that way. they have probably had the cure for years. it not just the medical stuff. thye probably have a car that could run off water but they are not going to put something like that on the market. a few people are in control and they want to stay in control. sad

@BeerAndWine Are you sure?

Total truth my comrade please spread the word DR BRYZYNSKI IS CURING BRAIN CANCER IN HOUSTON TX but 49 states illegally suppress his antenoplaston therapy. ...he is relatively cheap only ten thousand buck$ a month for a short course cure and monitoring. ...sadly chemo&radiation scams destroy pollution victims brains without killing the tumors and DR BRYZYNSKI does reverse tumor growth but can't reverse chemo&radiation damages


Let's see... Let's be honest... Will it be the First Time that have ever happened in the history of Humanity/Science/Medicine/Pharma/Health Insurance/Greed/Money? Is the question about a First Time Ever? No? Then you got your answer. Greed is Possible of Everything!!!!

@TheMiddleWay Explain me how a cure to a disease in a third world country may cost 80 us dollars a pill and in the manufacture country the us costs 1000 us dollars the same pill. Oh you just reminded me to add health insurance on the greed group. Remember how expensive AIDS treatment was? Only the Rich like "Magic Johnson" could be treated? How many years that lasted? How many poor that carried the same result died while he didn't? It was Not an Act of God or playing basketball that he is still around. Your life has a cost and a price. I am sorry to tell you but you may not have the money to pay for your own life. Don't be that Naive.

@TheMiddleWay Is time for you to be ignored... I am pass my time to school the Naive. Ignorance is not an excuse so keep living or dying in your cocoon. But my favor to mankind for this week will go to you... study the whole history for "hep c". From the misdiagnosis in the 70's, 80's, 90's to many decades later a "Magic Pill Cure" at a Prohibited Price. But a Must even if not effect of the illness found other than exposure. Start with the misdiagnose. Keep the results to yourself... I already done it. Have a nice life or Death.

@GipsyOfNewSpain ooo ouch,,, The Middleway is cool..Just tenacious...

@UrsiMajor Sorry!


I immediately think of something a doctor in a podcast I often listen to said about how he finds it so insulkting and offensive when people in the alternativve health commmunity will try and claim that a cure for cancer has existed for a long time, but that doctors are basically hiding it from people. As though he and all these other doctors are just letting people die

Doctors aren't letting people die or letting people suffer out of meanness. They have been taught to trust only certain sources and they know that if they don't rely on those sources, they will lose their licenses. They have families to provide for and it would be devastating. They are overlooking simple cures for everyday issues, I know for a fact, but I don't believe they are greedy or cruel. They are simply human.

@Meili and your speaking on behalf of all doctors?

The sources they were taught to believe are the ones that involve peer reviewed studies that can be verified with data and are repeatable.

Yes quackery is not knowing how to cure or even properly diagnose the condition


I've observed horrific things done in the name of greed. While I don't believe there's a one pill solution to this problem, I do believe that solutions will always take a back seat to profits.


Many cures exist, but all have been attacked and shut down by the American medical board, who don't want competition with their toxic, synthetic, over-priced drugs.

Example: cannabis; grows everywhere, should be free.

Link: BBC- Evidence is growing that cannabis cures serious diseases like cancer. []

Link: Patients should be warned about the dangers of chemotherapy after research showed that cancer drugs are killing up to 50 per cent of patients []


Neither choice is a good one. I have always found the conspiracy surrounding cancer and this myth completely illogical.
There is no logical basis to this conspiracy theory. Curing cancer would create much more money then research.
Also as a medical provider and a biochemist I find this argument insulting and ignorant. Why would I not want to cure a disease that plagued our friends and family members?
It’s completly idiotic.

Because you aren't a multi-billion dollar organization that has found a pot of gold to dig into. And you have a heart.

@Morganfreeman I have no clue what you are trying to say here. ?


Even if a cure existed for every single cancer, people would still get cancer.

Yes, but the cancer would be curable.

@jlynn37 Depending on the type of cancer...

@mykhael "Even if a cure existed for every single cancer"


Because of course there would be No money to be made with a cure. And of course it would be effective on All types of cancer! LOL, in a sad way.


There are a lot of cures that are ignored because they can't enrich the medical industry. Many are far better than drugs. I know because I use natural cures first before resorting to medical care. It's sad. Cucumbers will dissolve a kidney stone, relieve the pain, and help you pass it, but doctors will tell you there's nothing you can do but wait. I have no idea about a cure for cancer but given their track record, it's possible.

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