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How old were you when you first watched porn?

Go ahead, my little naughty men and women lol! Answer truthfully. I was 15 and would sometime get caught on late school nights after midnight when watching Cinemax adult movies by my mom. They got to the point to where they took Cinemax off cause they knew my dirty little secret and there was nothing they could do else to keep me from watching it. Lmfao!

EmeraldJewel 7 Jan 30

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Can't remember any video did find a magazine one of the girls had 3 breast. May be was 13 or so.


Old enough to take matters into my own hands and come up with a solution.

Dwight Level 7 Jan 30, 2018

Hah! Excellent...


I hope to soon. I hear it's quite popular among the kids nowadays.

Damn kids today with their meth and their porn! Get off my lawn!

@EricTrommater lol

@EricTrommater I got a good laugh out of your comment.


I'll say I was around 15 or 16, and I can tell you exactly what it was: a bootlegged copy of Candy Stripers and Jailhouse Girls on VHS, borrowed from a friend who borrowed it from his friend. Ah, and hence my descent into depravity began.


I was probably about 10 years old when I first discovered my dad's stash of magazines. After that, it was trying to watch some of the scrambled stuff on TV when I was a teenager.

Duke Level 8 Jan 30, 2018

OMG I went out with a guy in college who would tune into the scramble! I'd forgotten about that.


There were always magazines in the woods when I was a kid, elementary school. I don’t remember when I first saw video.


18 years old. I went to a college that was 90 percent male. We women would get together on a Friday night and watch one or two VHS tapes, And drink. It was a lot of fun actually? Though some of the movies were abysmal. The one with David Hasselhoff in it sticks in my head though,

Therapy may help.

@phxbillcee rofl

If not, there's always the lobotomy option! Anything would be better than "The Hoff" stuck in your head, especially in a porn!

@phxbillcee He was very young and not very well known. I knew who he was from a Soap Opera my Mom watched.

@RavenCT Well, they love him in Germany. Maybe that says something!!!


About 13 or so. But it was more erotica than showing people having sex... I still remember it: on a black and white 13" TV, watching underwater footage of a naked woman swimming around. Quite titillating (hee hee) for a 13 year old back in the mid sixties.


I was 11 when I discovered my dad's collection of Penthouse Magazines but I didn't actually go see a porn movie until I was 19. Back then you had to actually go to a dimly lit theater in a bad part of town. I remember finding the whole thing quite tawdry and an article I wrote about the experience for my college newspaper won several awards because porn movies, back then, were concidered quite a lower class enterprise. My mother actually told me she'd rather I'd written an article about smoking crack or something else more respectable. Lol. Times have changed.


The first porn I saw was Story of O. I was seventeen at the time, and I wanted to see for myself why the church I was going to was demanding it be banned.

Being from a relatively sheltered upbringing I didn't understand a lot of it, but I was intrigued.

I can relate to that. I had to find out for myself what the big deal was behind Deepthroat and Behind the Green Door.

It's sad to think of what a huge influence Corinne Cléry had upon our generation, given the rest of her work.

If the Story of O - was based on the book? OMG.


I saw my first porno last week. I was a lot younger, in better shape, and had more hair when it was filmed.

Ha ha... That's a line I use when someone tells me I look really familiar. I say "Do you watch porn?" 😉

Once smacked a very expensive camera out of my then boyfriend's hands when he pulled it out from under the bed. rofl Now all these darn camera phones.


I think I was either 12 or 13. It was an odd scenario. My mother purchased a used car and inside was a VHS tape, called "The Adulteress". It was in this odd little nook between the trunk and the back seat. I remember sometime later trading it with my friend for this ancient DVD called "Women loving women".


Saw the Night Porter in college which was more s & m than porn. Then Flesh Gordon when I was married.


About 12..and I only had access to mags..which I usually found and shared with my friends.


Does spying on my sister when I was 6 count?

Hahaha you dirty birdie. Yes, it counts.

I was born a dirty old man.


I can not actually remember the first time I viewed a porn movie but it was probably a movie theater in Manhattan ,because they did not have a way to watch them at home in the 1960s.No such things as VHS tapes then.


You'll have to wait until I do so I can tell you. I have never watched a pron movie, I married young, before video players were available, then had kids, as a single dad with my own kids and many others in the house, there was no way I would have any porn around. Most of my lady friends quiz me on this saying we will have to get some and watch together, but it hasn't happened.

That's amazing.


I had an aunt living in Jamaica NY. When I stayed there, I slept in the basement. I found a stack of "girlie magazines" with lots of stories. I was more attracted to the stories than the pictures. I thought they were hers... thinking about it maybe where her adult son that didn't lived in the house. But for about 55 years my image been they were hers. I was 9 or 10. Already a rogue in catholic school.


Not till my 30's I think, but internet wasn't a thing until I was out of school.
When my parents finally got internet and a computer at the house it got locked up about a week later with all kinds of porn videos all over the screen. Obviously one of my little brothers accessed it earlier than me,or my dad ewe.. Anyway they had this porn virus locking up the computer and the only one in the family that knew about computers was the youngest, my 14 year old brother. He had to sit there and try to fix it in front of all this porn with my mom fretting and horrified and my dad cussing about stupid mother f***ing overpriced bs comuters. Classic family story <3

MsAl Level 8 Jan 30, 2018

That's a great story! Lol


I was 6 I saw it by mistake but couldn't change the channel it was to interesting. By the time I was 8 I started ordering them off ppv and thats when my parents found out adter I racked up about a $500 bill, though they never said anything to me about it...


Didn’t have Porn on TV where I lived when I was young but I started looking at magazines like playboy, penthouse and Hustler when I was about 12. Also growing up on a cattle ranch I could see that animals were doing it so it didn’t take me long to figure out that humans must be doing it to.


I was about 11.
I found out my son was watching porn at 8 by searching his internet history on his game device. He's 14 now and demands his privacy lol


18 or 19 Linda Lovelace...Deep throat.

Right on 🙂


I was 11 years old and was flipping the channels when HBO series real sex came on.


Hmmmm.... I don't know. I was going to the bikini lounge when I was 16. It was next to my dad's service station. I saw it up close... it ruined me.... I couldn't do enough for those ladies.... I was hooked at and they had me and they knew it.... playing rock me baby, rock me baby, all night


I was 5. I found my parents stash and I haven't stopped watching since lol.

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