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Did popularity ever matter to you throughout High School Years?

I guess I was just a weird teen lol cause I just never really cared. Even now as an adult, I still don’t really care.

EmeraldJewel 7 Oct 29

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Never wanted to fit in..and never did .And I still dont...prefer to embrace individuality .


I was quite popular in high school. I can't help it, I'm a transgender girl in an all-boys Catholic school. I stood out. And I was never bullied for being different. πŸ™‚


No, I preferred to be the outcast, I had a few friends then that were similar to how I was


It did in reverse. I quickly learned that most of the popular people were shallow, vain, and boring. There were exceptions, like two of them, but paying attention to who was popular and who wasn't helped me meet the more interesting and intelligent people.

JimG Level 8 Oct 30, 2018

It wasn't important to me, but I was friends with everyone, so maybe that's why.


Popularity always matters when unpopularity can mean getting your head kicked in. I was too loud to fly under the radar. Looked about 2 years younger than I was, and skinny as a rake. Nerd in junior high, started smoking in the boys room and listening to heavy metal in senior. Got bullied pretty regularly until I gave one of the bullies a black eye. Couldn't wait to leave.


I had only a limited popularity in high school. Even today I'm not much for being popular or wanting popularity. What I want and value the most is for others to say that I tell the truth, or that I tell the truth as I see it.


Nope. I was a nerd. I just wanted to get out of there.


Made it a point to not be one of the "cool kids"


It did not. But I did find out that there were two other students that shared my birthday. Juan who was Puerto Rican, and Donna was African-American. I was a white girl but we somehow managed to convince everyone we were triplets. We were famous! So we started an underground School newspaper. I think the newspaper put us on the map.


Being popular was never a serious consideration, but being unpopular was quite the obstacle and made my childhood rather difficult.


Not one bit.


High school was where l learned to get along with different groups of people. I was a wandering independent who had friends in all of the little social groups in high school. That is the only thing about high school that seems to have had a significant impact on my life.


No, popularity didn't matter to me. I was into gymnastics and that's what mattered to me at the time.


No, not at all. I hung out with the hippy crowd. I was just trying to focus on my studies and get through each day. One of my favorite movies is Dazed and Confused. My high school years were a lot like what was depicted in the movie.


I didn't give it much thought at the time. I went to a selective single-sex school (Age 11-18 ) I was smart and athletic and mixed easily through a wide range. Maybe because of this, and I didn't really notice at the time, I made few close friends.
At the end, I walked away and never really looked back. When the precursors of today's social media sprang up, I joined the sites for my schools. The greater interaction came from my classmates at elementary school rather than school.
Having transplanted in midlife, I have come to appreciate the value of meaningful relationships and the difficulty of creating new ones.


Didn't really care. I had friends and always attracted attention so I didn't have to


Deeply, because I was So not.....


[] Says it all really !!


Nope. I just wanted to get through. I coasted under the radar most of the time.


At the time, yes. The day after graduation, no.


Short answer: Yes. It's important to every kid! In high school, I was not a member of the popular crowd. For example, the Key Club or the football team. However, I was in the chorus department, and I was very popular there. There were a couple of my friends in the chorus department who were also in the "in crowd". If I had played football, I would have also been in the in crowd. But now I would probably have CTE! I was bullied by the football players so I'm glad that society has now developed the anti-bullying campaign


I was already on my career path. So no.


Not even once. Somehow, I knew that that wasn't life. I didn't want to peak in high school


I was not despised, but I was not popular. Most kids in my class didn't really know me. Due to family crap, HS was endured.

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