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Do you think abortions should be illegal?


Just a study I come across about the groups of people that supports abortions and wanting to think kw your thoughts on it.

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 9

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Abortions should be legal and stay legal.


No. I am no longer personally in a situation where I would ever need an abortion. But I believe that I have no right in any case to control what someone else does with her body and her reproductive system. And I certainly believe that live women are more important than embryos. I think abortions should be legal, safe, and rare -- which means that access to contraceptives, evidence-based sex education, and teaching children of both sexes that girls have a right to say no are all important.


Gawd aborts more than 17% of fetuses through miscarriage...part of his plan I guess.

It's actually a lot higher than that somewhere around 25%

@Kojaksmom lol all you people are geniuses!


I stand with Roe v Wade. 1st trimester , it's up to mother. After that, threat to mother's health, rape and incest are a valid reason for abortion.

So you just stand near Roe v Wade then I guess...


100% Not against it. Teach people sex ed, make it easy to get and readily available. No one should be coerced into parenting, no one should be put into the position of doing so illegally or otherwise risking their life. I am pro-adoption but the system isn’t great and I support quality of life over quantity of life.

Equally so, I support right to die legislation, as long as you have tried treatments for debilitating conditions or are terminal because let’s be honest, crippling depression is not a high quality life either and self determination is part of what makes us human.


Definitely should be legal


I'm in the 'woman's right to choose' camp.
Never going to be an easy decision

Whether it is easy or not is entirely up to the woman making that decision.

Only a man could put that answer down 😟

@jlynn37 I'm with you. I've known women who have said it was a very easy decision given the circumstances...


I really don't care what someone does with their own body, I have my own problems.


No i fully support a woman s right to choose. Abortion can be modified slightly, but should never be outlawed.

In some areas of the country, there's no difference. If you are for restrictions, you do not fully support the right for all women to choose.


I fully believe in choice.


Of course they should. And MEN should never be allowed to make any kind of law about it. If one MUST be made, it should be ONLY women who decide that...

I agree with what you're saying in principle, but there are just as many women who aren't qualified to make medical decisions as there are men.


If abortion became illegal, abortions would still happen - just as they did in the days when abortion was illegal - and many women who underwent the procedure in illegal, unregulated backstreet "clinics" suffered awful, life-changing injuries or died as a result. Personally, I think that's good enough reason for it to remain legal (and for pressure to be put on those countries where it's illegal currently to make it legal immediately) without even getting into the whole right to choose argument - which is also a very convincing reason for it to be legal.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 9, 2018

NO. Making abortion illegal will not stop them. It'll just drive it back underground, as it was before Roe v. Wade. It's also no one's business which medical procedures any person has.
If someone doesn't believe in abortion, then they shouldn't ever be forced to have one.
Beyond that, it's no one's business. It doesn't matter how anyone feels about it, nothing will ever make it their business. If it's not your body, or your life, it's not your decision, and it's not your business. That is a general "you".


No and it is legal.

Lmfai! I must say I’m pleased with everybody’s knowledge and comebacks here.

I remember a George Carlin skit when he talked about "pro life" people. They are all for the unborn, but once you're born they don't want to know healthcare, education, daycare etc.


The question is not of the legality of abortion because laws won't stop them. The question is one of are we willing to accept the deaths of thousands of women who are forced into illegal abortions.
Then there's the matter of individual freedom. Economic and social oppression of women, and medical decisions being made by men who are thoroughly unqualified to make them.
There are tons of reasons to allow abortions. Religious beliefs are not a valid reason to deny people legitimate medical care.

JimG Level 8 Feb 16, 2018

Doesn't matter what people think and Roe v. Wade is STILL a constitutional amendment. I am Pro Choice and always will be. It is one person's choice and no one has any business infringing upon her rights!

ParkS Level 4 Feb 12, 2018

f NO . the morning after plan b pill should be free and readily available and perhaps decrease the need for so many abortions . most of all education is so important. An unwanted child is a difficult situation to rise above


Why should I make other people's choices for them? I'm pro choice, and anti forcing women into breaking the law or make medically questionable decisions due to someone, (who thinks they're doing the right thing), deciding to make abortion illegal.


I was recently attacked and called a baby killer cause I support abortions 100%. It is their body, not mine. And you never know the situation a woman could be in. I don’t think any woman should be forced to stay pregnant against her will.




Anyone who believes that giving one up for adoption is easier is beyond delusional. I've given two up for adoption (found out the hard way that the pill does not work for me) because I don't believe in abortion. Was the hardest thing I've ever done.

And the physical effects of pregnancy and childbirth are always ignored in these conversations.


That is a choice only WOMEN will make!!!! Anywhere in the world is that case.


No I elected to have a legal abortion, (england), but the surgeon awaited to do it to the last moment it was legally possible then said that he would not do the operation unless I was sterilised at the same time I was so desperate I let him do it but have hated the idea that someone was so free with their religious beliefs that they took them out on me. It isn't why I am atheist I never had a god.

Sorry to hear that such a decision, (sterilisation), was pretty much pushed on you. I hope that you've come to some kind of peace with that occurrence since.

@girlwithsmiles yes thanks I had two children its enough, I just hate what was done to my body without my real consent!


I do not believe that abortion should be illegal. There are far too many reasons that an abortion might be necessary.


Illegal? Absolutely not! Every woman should be entitled to a safe, legal abortion if needed. And if one doesn't believe in abortion, then don't have one! When I purchase from Amazon, I use Amazon Smile and designated Planned Parenthood of Arizona to receive a donation from me with each sale. While it isn't much, it does add up.

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