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What have you always wanted to do or try, that you just haven't gotten around to?

I probably have a long list of things, just to name a few-

like swimming with the dolphins in Florida...
and Scuba Diving...
also, traveling to Japan... I want to do that one day.

silvereyes 8 Feb 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Going to grad school

School psychology, history or math. @silvereyes


a roadtrip across the northern half of australia on my own.


I want to go to Cuenca, Ecuador and stand on the equator.


Visit the pyramids

Love Egypt. Lived there 3 years. Hope you get there!

@Archer I'm retired, so I doubt it, especially with the unrest of late. Damn!

@EllenDale True. I really want to take my son but can't go back yet. Mayan pyramids?

@Archer There's a thought!


I'm going to learn how to play the piano.

Cool, looking at you, I think you should play Elton John songs.


Kayaking, experience a redwood forest, bee keep

I'm trying to figure out where in my small yard to put a bee hive, and how to placate the neighbors when they discover I have bees. And if I would have time to be a good beekeeper.


Sail the eastern Caribbean in my own boat and travel throughout Asia.


I don't have many wants, I had some people I wanted to meet, most have died so that will be hard.

maybe later 🙂


I want to go skydiving. I have to lose a bunch of weight first though.

It is cool. Do it! Worth the time for the story! I was the biggest in the plane and got to sit right next to the door in a packed Cesna. As we got to altitude, I sat next to the door facing backwards. The instructor reached around me and touched the door release, which cause the door to immediately slam upward into the wing due to the air pressure difference. So I sat there with an unimpeded view of the ground some 1500 feet below, without a seatbelt on, because all the seats are removed except the pilots. Since I was in the door, I was the first to "get out on the wing", which means standing on a small step while hanging onto the wing strut. To get in fall position, you stick out your outboard leg and wait for the instructor to tell you to go. I was mesmerized by the earth passing below, so I didn't hear the instructor at all. He finally just smacked my helmet, and that scared me enough I let go. It seemed like an hour for the chute to open, but it was only seconds and I lived. They heard me scream in happiness from the ground they said.

Yes there is a weight limit, but do it soon !!!! It is awesome and not as scary as you think. Also it's completely NOT what you think it will be ! I've done it 4 times and will do it again.


I want to travel Europe. Then settle down and live in my favorite place. I'd still travel though.


I have long dreamed of driving from the southern end of US95 to the Canadian border, photographing as I go. The highway used to go from Nogales at the Mexico border to the Canada border in Montana, but for my plan I would start in Phoenix. It passes through Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks and passes near Vermilion Cliffs, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and Glacier National Park.

Sounds great George! There are so many beautiful places in the states. Big Bend in southern Texas, the New England area, especially Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and upper NY state, is mountainous, wooded, hilly, and in Maine, rocky. The West coast, hwy 1, southern California to Canada. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan. So many beautiful places to go.
P.S. let me know if you need a navigator. 🙂

@BeeHappy I might, can you drive a stick?

Yes, I can!

@BeeHappy Road trip!


@Silvertongue My broomstick: []


Definitely skydiving!

It's fun, do it!


I've always wanted to try "powered paragliding".


Downhill or cross-country?


I've always wanted to lunge wildly at the Pope, just to see what would happen.

You’d probably break out with a bad case of the holes…


Whitewater rafting in Canada and New Zealand.




go to vegas, joining a poker tournament


I have always wanted to be a pilot and to experience the freedom of flight. I believe it would be wonderful to fly above the jungle, cliffs etc and view the many sites that I would not be able to view from the ground. I also wish I had done more scuba diving as it was so quiet and beautiful among the fish and coral.


I want to learn to surf. I love the ocean, and riding it looks fun


I've always wanted to try being a standup comic. But it's a little bit intimidating.


Having a billion dollars.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 24, 2018

A. Going birding in South America and South Africa.

B. Visiting a lesbian bar and kissing someone to find out if that rings any chimes.


Kayaking. I know there are groups that go out, but I don’t care for groups … but doubt it’s wise to set off on my own. And, I’ve yet to buy one … so I’m considering a motorcycle, been there, done that 🙂

Varn Level 8 Feb 24, 2018

Kayaking is fuuuun, you won't regret it when you get around to it (:


Tough question to answer when life has been full of unexpected experiences I wouldn't have thought of before.


Learn to play the guitar 🙂

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