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Professionals near me advertise their religious beliefs. To what extent would you find this annoying?

Dentist websites in Oklahoma...

They like to include in their bio about their religious beliefs. The missions they go on. Some even have prior degrees in theology... or went to Christian Universities. They wear it like a badge of honor.

I just want to know they have proper and extensive dental training! But, so many of them do it. Even my vet has crosses on their walls.

Would this irritate you? Or, would you shrug it off?

silvereyes 8 Mar 1

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Mississippi just sent a new representative to the senate - Cyndy Hyde Smith. Her words were that she was going to bring her faith to the senate to guide her. This is exactly the type of bias people that never should be allowed to work in our government. But the fact is that most of the people in the senate and house are completely religious and are using their religious fantasies as guides to govern instead of science, logic and reasoning. It is the 21st century - why are still being forced to follow the fantasy based beliefs of ancient, ignorant people that didn't even know where the sun went at night? Why why why?


A someone who lives in it its insanely annoying. In addition to all the yknow, other horrible stuff involved with people proselytizing at work etc. You have to think about the environment the workers are in. And the hiring process. Churches breed nepotism. It's easy to imagine that the people there could be less qualified than others, but were simply hired because of their church connection, as is often the case where I live.


It puts me off. I will take my business to someone who does what their book says and keeps that behind closed doors. I don't display anything in my place of business that would offend anyone. Although I have been tempted to put up an occasional anti-tRump meme.


Irritates the shit out of me. I don't think I'd go to any dentist, medical doctor, etc. if they advertised like that, unless there are none that don't advertise.

@silvereyes I have a tendency to judge those that do as inferior, ie. they rest on their religious beliefs in order to get business. I may be wrong.


It's even weirder than I thought it could be. Do you think all the fracquakes are releasing some sort of crazy gas or what? Looking on the bright side, they aren't zombies yet. Hang in there!

jeffy Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

@silvereyes No Mr. Bill, not zombies


I would drive 50 or more miles out of my way to avoid ANY business that openly proselytizes in literature, outside signage, etc.


Just just about any extent.


Its annoying-Would ignore.


would the religious find it annoying if i'd have sex in public? ... just because i KNOW of the healing powers of sex?

true, @silvereyes, & what i'm getting at with my seemingly raw example is that they do exactly that: flaunting their fuckin values under everyone's nose .... & im NOT allowed?! everyone please keep their privates in their privacy 😀


I see it as blatant pandering. They know what most of the population around them believes so that's who they target their ads to.
It doesn't matter what they believe, it's what they can pass themselves off as.


There are a million and one things to get irritated about in life, this should not be one of them. Just satisfy yourself in knowing how hypocritical they are by capitalising on their "faith."


Welcome to Oklahoma my dear. Imagine how I feel at the courthouse when the attorneys and judges wear their religious beliefs on their chests basically as a badge of acceptance. I feel your pain daily.


I see this alot with dentists. On some level it annoys me but my dentist does not push it tho in his office you are aware of his beliefs.


I would find it irritating unless was hiring for a religious organizing. Also if I was an applicant I would be concerned that I could be discriminated against for said belief's.


THey did that in Alabama too. As we recently saw calling oneself Christion is often more important than other attributes. I just want a good dentist


I personally believe that if they have to advertise their religion, they have something to hide. I will not buy/use a company that has any advertisement of religion as part of their publicity unless they're a thrift store/charity.


It irritates me, but it is a business strategy. I work in the insurance and Health and retirement planning industry. I work for commissions and the agents in my office that are the top producers are the one that hold seminars at their church and network with the doctors and lawyers and professionals at their church. We have to find the clients and that is how they find their clients and they are very successful. I do not belong to any church group.


It’s Oklahoma.. so it probably works out great for their bottom line.

Marz Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

It isn't as common here, but it's still annoying. I went to a shop not long ago that had a lot of religious BS posted. I'll shop elsewhere now.

JimG Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

It's up to them I guess


If at all possible, I'd be taking my business elsewhere.
I do find it incredibly irritating, and wholly unnecessary.
Believe whatever you please, as is your right, but keep it to yourself, and definitely
out of your business.


My first impulse is that they are doing that for social signaling / marketing purposes. In your area, which I believe is part of the Bible Belt, or at least a concentration of fundamentalist organizations, they probably have to attract clients who want a "good Christian dentist" or whatever. Those clients think such a provider will be more competent, or more plugged into god's guidance / grace / leadership, plus, they are more likely to trust a member of their own tribe.

I would tend to ignore it, sometimes with an internal eye-roll, so long as they don't try to proselytize you or in some other way disrespect you.

As a long-time consultant, one of our Prime Dictums in getting an understanding of some new situation we're in, is: "things are the way they are because they got that way". Meaning in this case, they are including their religious beliefs in their CV because there's a demand for it, and it does them more good than harm. You can bet they would NOT be doing that up here in the Northeast, apart maybe from some rural areas.


When ever I look into hiring someone like a contractor I wait to hear them express their strong Christian values. Those our the first people to try to rip you off.


So not jealous! Here in Scotland you'd probably get laughed at, it would be seen as silly and irrelevant (appropriate for religion 🙂 ) because it has nothing to do with dentistry. Sometimes I feel like I just wanna rescue all of you stateside folks when I hear these sorts of stories

@silvereyes haha! Would love to, i'll be right there 😉


Very irritating! Ugh!

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