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How many of you have been told you are going to hell?

I would say I am a friendly atheist, not militant like some prefer to be. Yet, when asked about my religious preference I answer honestly. I am often told I am going to hell and many other bigoted things. Why do people with religion think that this behavior is okay? Am I the only one receiving this level of hatred? Why are we allowed to discriminate against atheists but not religions?

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Dimples1114 4 Apr 13

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"Why are we allowed to discriminate against atheists but not religions?" - who says we're not? I am not confrontational, unless the person is rude to me. Usually it isn't strangers or friends, it's family that is the biggest assholes.


I believe the current pope said that there is no hell anymore so those people are way out of date.


Certainly I've been told I'm going to hell. It was used as a threat whether you were a believer or not. Once you slip away from the Evangelicals you are branded with 40's and 50's atheistic beliefs. Hell just doesn't seem too real to me. I am no more instantly in hell than I am instantly in heaven.


It's been a while since anyone overtly put it that way to me.

These days the people who know I'm atheist either know better than to start that discussion or we happen to be in situations where an emotional discussion would be inappropriate.


lol.. yea. my cousin told me.


I hate that shit.


I had a family member imply I was going to hell if I became an Catholic. This is back when bought into bs. That was the last straw and decided to be an Atheist.

you decided?


Of course not many people know my beliefs or lack thereof, because in Australia such things are usually considered private business.


Can't say I've personally dealt with that. No one's said to my face I'm going to hell in a serious tone. Sure they think it, though. And why do they think it's okay to think that? Because the people who brainwashed them put it in their weak heads that it was.

@Dimples1114 I couldn't agree more. It's so unfair to a child. It pains me to see my nephew going through this right now.


I have been told to go to Hell a few times. l have been told I am going to Hell, never.

@MissKathleen OK, once.

@lee_man So you found a warm place in Canada. Good for you.


Regularly. Lol


Good question!


I have never been told I was going to hell.....had some that questioned "how I was going to get into heaven"....

I’d respond with,
“Are you going to be in heaven?”

To which they always answer smugly, “I’ve accepted jezoos as my lord and savior & look forward to eternity with him!”

“Then I’m definitely looking forward to going to hell...”

@OtherPatrick I have, over the years, mellowed about the "little" things in life.....normally just tell them if They get to heaven, I hope their happy with their lifes mission.


It’s been awhile 😉 Anymore, it appears I’m leaving them convinced there ‘isn’t one’ 🙂 Militant, when such militancy wasn’t cool - ‘we’ve had our moments!’

Varn Level 8 Apr 13, 2019

You'd have to define "discriminated against". I've met women who would not accept an invitation to go out because I was atheist, but as far as I know I've not suffered any other ramifications.


I think that most people who want to tell me that, know me well enough that I will explain to them how stupid they sound, so they don't bother.


i've been told i'm going to hell.


Oooh, ooh, me! Me! I'm going to Hell!


I get told I am going to hell all the time.... It amuses me and I love asking for proof that hell even exists...


I've been given a free ticket for my non belief in the spiritual world that I'm going way down under into the fiery depths of hell . Where ever that might be


"I feel sorry for you," a Christian radiologist said yesterday when I countered his "God fills me with love" schtick by saying I'm an atheist.

"I'm not sorry," I replied. "I believe in rational thought, not magical thinking."

That shut him up.


I’ve never been told that.


My stepdad once told me I was going to split hell wide open. I wonder if people could then escape? Wasn't it jesus who reportedly did that?


If they tell you you're going to hell, just say, "I'll see you there when you arrive!"


I've been condemned to Hell so many times that I have a luxury, Lake-of-Fire side cabin waiting for me.

Party at my place when I kick the bucket.

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