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When is it okay to say "I love you"?

Nick said "I love you" a week after we met. I was shocked. He seemed needy.

"It's too soon to talk about love," I replied. I felt pressured.

In past relationships, I waited approximately six months to a year before saying "I love you." Building trust takes time.

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 May 7

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I dodged a bullet. Every single day, Nick dropped by hungry without calling first.

He prowled in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. Raised to be a gracious hostess, I made him a protein smoothie or fed him dinner. Suddenly I was cooking for two. This was a big imposition.

"You are a great cook!" Nick said. He insisted he knew how to cook. But when he promised to make dinner, instead he brought fast food that I don't eat.

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time," Maya Angelou said.

After 2-3 weeks, I dumped Nick because of serious problems with sex and communication.


To answer the question: When you mean it.


First, I wouldn't assume the statement is made to pressure you. It could be, but if it's made in good faith, it's made without the expectation of a particular response or the assumption that you're coming along at the same pace. You have to question whether the pressure is real or not. It's not impossible for someone to be head over heels very quickly, and at least it's a huge compliment.

Tell him you're not there yet, and his reaction will tell you all you need to know. If he really loves you, he won't start pouting or acting out. He'll tell you that's fine.

Of course if this was literally a week, then chalk it up to irrational exuberance, and discount its value as actual "love". At that stage he could only comment on what little he knows of you -- outward appearance and appeal, interesting conversation, meeting of the minds -- but I agree it's too soon to make a declaration of enduring love. I'm just arguing there's no inherent reason to feel put upon.


Yeah very subjective no time limit


That is too soon.


It should be voiced when you truly feel it, but I think genuine love takes time. If someone were telling me they love me after only a week I'd be extremely skeptical and consider it a red flag of huge proportions. You can't even begin to know someone in a week or two.....not really at any rate.

Dew25 Level 7 May 7, 2019

For me it would be 2 or 3 months to tell someone I 💘 them.


I agree with your instincts.

Premature “I love you’s“ say “I want something from you”.

Whereas a timely “I love you” says “I care to give to you”.

“One week” notification would send me running... for they don’t even know me a little.


You say it when you feel it.
If the other person doesn't, then they probably don't feel it.
You both then get to decide what to do with that information.


My ex-husband told me he loved me when we were dating after a few weeks. I never said it back. After a week of him saying it and me not returning the sentiment he said it was hard to tell me he loved me when I didn't say it back. I said, you don't want me to lie, do you? Sorry now I ever told him I loved him.


The heart knows when it is time


There are different levels of emotions and not everyone has the same speed limit.


When you feel you must


It's said when you want to express it. Some short, some long. It's said when it's felt and needing to be expressed. No right, no wrong. Could be needy, could be clingy, could be codependent, could be loving, could be free spirited, could be amazingly supportive. Only one way to find out...


you say it when it feels right to you.


I agree with you. I guess at least months to a year of a great relationship. Before that ... it might just be infatuation, an impulse or sometimes a way to manipulate you to get you more involved...We all know that the phrase does stun partners, but it might also be counterproductive, like in your case.


Not letting things progress at their own pace seems a bit like fishing for reciprocation, but it would probably be preferable, at least from my perspective, to qualify these feelings instead by saying things like, "I love spending time with you, I love your take on the world, I love your personality, etc."

At this early stage, "I love you," seems to involve more questions than one might have later in the relationship. It's also an unfortunate reality that dating and partnering often pressures some people to try to "close the deal" as it were, out of fear the person they desire and have strong feelings for might "get away."

That being said, I remember someone once pointing out, "emotions are neither good nor bad, they just are."


I don't set any time limit on when I say it, however I do want to know the person before I do. Getting to know someone does take some time... more than a week, however if someone told me that they loved me after only a week it would not bother me.


Depends on what you mean by love. In the context of a relationship it can be dicey. I would explore why he said it. Use it as a way to talk about your relationship and were it is and were you are both looking to have it go. I find the idea of being threatened by it interesting. I get it I do and am in no way judging your response. Outside your specific situation which I know nothing about I think love means many things to many people. I mean can you take it as simply a sign of affection and a sign your relationship is growing? If you talk to him perhaps you will learn why he may feel needy. I think what you are both looking for is an important consideration. If you ask him about it and are honest about your reaction it may help either strengthen your relationship or end it before it gets deeper and more traumatic if it did end. Honesty is hard on all sides. But if he really values you as a person and partner he will listen and understand. If he reacts badly perhaps you will dodge a bullet as it were?

Quarm Level 6 May 7, 2019


I dodged a bullet. Every single day, Nick dropped by hungry without calling first.

He prowled in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. Raised to be a good hostess, I made him a protein smoothie or fed him dinner. Suddenly I was cooking for two. This was a big imposition.

"You are a great cook!" Nick said. He insisted he knew how to cook. But when he promised to make dinner, he brought fast food that I don't eat.

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time," Maya Angelou said.

After 2-3 weeks, I dumped Nick because of serious problems with sex and communication.

@LiterateHiker I am glad. Love for him means dependency and a complete lack of boundaries. At the end of the day you gotta be honest, anything else just makes things messier and messier.


I proposed marriage after one week.

She said, "But, I don't know if I love you."

"It will grow," I said.

"You need to talk about this to my mom," she said.

We've been married quite happily for more years than anyone in the family wants to remember because of how old it makes them feel.

So, in answer to your question: It depends on the people involved.


Why would there be a 'time' love is a feeling. honesty is important, saying it without feeling it wold be dishonest, not saying it while feeling it would be too.

a week, a month, seems right.. honestly waiting 6 months to a year is strange to me. if love hasnt bloomed in that long, welcome to the friend zone, Ive moved on to someone that understands their needs.


To each, his own.

I waited 1-1/2 years with Dan because he was terrified of love and commitment. He had never been married nor live with a woman. I knew he would freak out if I said "I love you."

We were having so much FUN: downhill skiing, hiking and weightlifting together. I loved the guy. So after 1-1/2 years, I leveled with him. Told Dan I loved him. I was right. Instantly he pulled away.

I broke up with Dan because it was too painful for me to love a man who was incapable of loving me in return.

We continued as friends and hiking partners. Alas, Dan moved to Utah. I lost my best hiking buddy and backpacking companion.


it's all very complicated, but usually it's right after pancakes.

Ooooooh. Pancakes.


I also think that love takes time. And certainly more than one week! It would be nice to hear what particular thing he loves..."I love your smile", "I love your sense of humor", "I love the way you handle disappointment"....particulars. If he says it again....maybe you can see what it is and if he can define it. Somehow that would be more of a buildup of getting to know you as the person you are and if your feelings are mutual or heading in the same direction! I find it odd when people throw that word around so casually.

Yes it seems strange to me to get attached and bond to strangers so easily and quickly. Like is that a common thing for people??

@demifeministgal Good question...I certainly find myself in the category of 'cautious' in this area. I am friendly but not THAT friendly...ha ha. Some people share so much about themselves, for example, things that would probably take months for me to share.


Love is a good thing. I don't see anything wrong with it.


Must have been 'love at first sight'........

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