43 4

If you're not married, would you marry again? Never say never, of course. But at the moment I can't imagine wanting to do that. I've done so much on my own and I like my life the way it is. What is your perspective?

chicagojcb 7 Mar 9

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I can say with 99% certainty that I will never remarry. If I did it would mess up some retirement benefits I am entitled to. If my future potential long term is rich as Croesus I may reconsider, The liklihood of that happening.... I'm pretty sure I'm going to die single.


I was married for 23 years and my wife passed away at the young age of 42. I was single again for about 5 years and I never thought I would marry again but I ran in to the right woman. I am very happily married again.

Nuke Level 5 Mar 9, 2018

I can confidently say NEVER.


My marriage was very bad, and contributed literally nothing to my life except for physical intimacy. At this point, I only want a relationship if it really adds to my life, since my experience is that it is better to be alone than in a bad relationship. Marriage is a level beyond that. I don’t know if I would ever want to get married again, if I would feel actively opposed to doing it, or if I might consider it if it were really important to the right partner


I couldn't imagine that as a possibility, especially at my age... I did have a nightmare about getting married..


Marriage is for childraising

Suppose the two people do not want children? Suppose one is not capable of having children? Your definition is incredibly narrow minded.

No oreason to get married. I remarried at 42 because I was pregnant.

@sassygirl3869 Was that a good choice for you or for the child ?

I never had planned to have another child because my older daughter was born with cp. Was told by doctors too dangerous-would go 3 months early again. Knew high risk downsyndrome-having been special needs teacher knew I could handle it. As it was-normal pregnancy-normal baby.


It would be number 3 for me. I like living alone, but (always with a but) I love waking up next to someone with messy hair, morning breath and wearing one of my old T-shirts. I miss that and if I can have that with someone without the paperwork of marriage I'm all for it.


Nope. And it would take someone pretty damned extraordinary to entice me into another relationship. He'd also need to be in my zip code. I have no desire to move again.

Oh, you sound just like me! I was married for 25 years, and moved every time he thought it was necessary -- I have had drivers licenses in 8 states. Gonna be buried right here on my little hill.


I agree with you ! Hard to imagine what kind of relationship I would need to have to even think about getting married again. I'm so used to providing for myself, being on my own, and not having to discuss decisions - on anything. I honestly don't know if I could trust enough ... Though, as you say, "never say never !"


I'm 61 and I've been married and divorced 3 times. Never again not that I consider myself suitable to most women.


Lovely hair .


Marriage seems beneficial if you'd like to lower your overall tax rate. My likelihood to get married again is close though not a bleak to that of god's existence, highly unlikely.


Probably not. Only reason I'm currently married is because this is the US and I needed to get her on my health insurance. If I'm in a committed relationship I don't need the piece of paper to confirm that. In fact currently getting out of my relationship but will probably stay legally married to still keep her on my health insurance.

my second marriage was not much more than a friendly business relationship - so I get where you're coming from. I got health insurance - he got my business and rental property write-offs against his rather generous salary. We never lived together as marrieds - and it ended peacefully after he met a woman who had trouble accepting that he had a wife in a different state ... ha

Any reason she couldn't buy her own health insurance ?

@Cast1es We will be splitting up our monthly expenses. That's one of the ones I get.


No, just no. It has no relevence in this time.


The current tax benefits of the patriarchy make marriage a very tempting offer.

While tax benefits , are beneficial , the costs of being married , remove the financial benefits .


I think I might, but only for a most excellent match. I am not miserable or lonely doing the solo thing. An empty nest might change that, though. Time will tell.

Zster Level 8 Mar 9, 2018

I want a partner, but I don't see marriage on the horizon. Going by the past, I can't monetarily afford it anymore. So many decades of solitude.

@Gwendolyn2018 behind. 30 years solely

@Gwendolyn2018 I wasn't clear. At 64, only 17 were with men (3). I'm ready again!


Been there, survived that. 🙂 Never again! I like being coupled, and I miss it when I'm on my own. And I'd certainly be better off financially. But I don't see myself getting married again. I'm not even sure I'd want to live with someone ever again. Too confining, maybe. More compromising necessary than I care to do anymore.


I’m less inclined to remarry. Not that my ex and I left on bad terms (quite the opposite). I wouldn’t say never though, since there are legal reasons for doing it. Where I draw the line, is that it won’t be done by a priest or in a church.

Marz Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

It would have to be a really great guy and we would have to really mesh for me to marry again. I don't want someone askingme to give up what I do because I wouldnt ask them to. I think I would be more likely to just have a committed but unwed relationship. I like my space.

Agreed...however....I have been married 3 times...1 amicable divorce and twice widowed. I My case (if I should so lucky as to get married again) My Wife would get Military privileges (I am retired US Navy)

@PeterJHeaton My dad was also navy, US Helena, Korea. I personally don't want to know anything about a mans finances until things get serious to the point that knowing each others finances would matter such as marriage. I see too many people trying to get with another for their financial resources. I have a friend who has married numerous times mistaking financial security for love. No surprise these marriages didnt work out.


Never say never but generally speaking I do not see any necessity. ....why spoil a good thing by getting married?


I don't think that everyone is cut out for it. For me, it feels very confining. I like my personal space and conventional marriage requires that you live together.

Lani Level 5 Mar 20, 2018

I don't think I would marry again....but indeed I would like to be in a relationship based in respect, friend/companionship, fun, mutual interests....


Nope, but if I met the right man I would just have a "commitment ceremony".


I was married 37 years, I don't think I want to do that again. I mever lived with anyone before, but that is a possibilty, but we will always have our own seperate places. You never know, sometimes without even trying you meet someone so wonderful, they make you rethink everything.


I married young, it didnt last long. Never did it again. Came close, dodged that bullet. Now I just happily wallow in sin as my uber religious sister calls it.


Someone just recently told me "you don't need a man, except maybe to do heavy lifting". I replied, I'm kinda heavy.....can you lift me? Never say never.

Nena Level 6 Mar 10, 2018
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