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Do you remember Cosmos with Carl Sagan?

Carl Sagan Cosmos change my life I'm thinking about doing a post trying to get people to discuss Cosmos the series and how it affected them. for you youngsters it's available on YouTube for free

m16566 7 May 25

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I couldn't wait for it to come on every week. Between Sagan's Cosmos and David Attenborough's Life on Earth, my life at that time was complete.


of course! i adore sagan.



The reboot of Cosmos on Netflix, with Neil deGrasse Tyson, was really good, too.


I watched the series and read the book.

JimG Level 8 May 25, 2019

Who doesn't?


He also changed my way of thinking. A great man and a brilliant mind...


The most inspiring video on youtube...


Ran home every Sunday from that church thing with Catholic mom to watch it with Atheist dad.


I read "Contact" before the movie came out. I was surprised the novel had some emotional heft. Art Bell used the clip, "Wanna take a ride?" on his radio show after the movie came out. (Yes, I listened to Art Bell. It was fun and free in the '90s.)

I'm another Art Bell fan as a night shift worker Art got me through those long shifts... and he was entertaining. I have some oh his best audio clips.

Me too; read it before it came out...but loved the DVD so much I bought it and showed it repeatedly for years in my science classes. Excellent story.

Here's the Trailer;


Who can forget Cosmos? I read the book as well. Sagan is my hero.


Fondly, yes. It's what made relativity "click" for me. He was always so much fun to watch - it was apperant he loved the subjects and also teaching others about them.

Truly remarkable person.

My background pic on Facebook is a dandelion seed with "Traveling on the starship of the imagination" on it.

1of5 Level 8 May 25, 2019

One of the best shows I've ever watched. Utterly eye-opening and digestible to even the most laymen of observers. Factual information done to the highest caliber. Simply amazing.


On Family Guy they did Carl Sagan's Cosmos...edited for rednecks.


The best series ever!


Absolutely! I thoroughly enjoyed watching it!


I've watched some of the videos and love him!


Very much so, and then the remake with Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson. Which btw is having another season starting soon.


Yes the book. I would read some sentences and paragraphs over and over again because I simply could not wrap my head around it. I guess I ain't The Brightest Bulb on the tree.


A good series and well work watching again.


It changed my life too. Forever in debt to Carl Sagan.


I just finished watching the first episode. Google: "youtube cosmos sagan episode 1" if you want to see it. Very enjoyable. 🙂


For a couple of years there was an internet streaming channel that played nothing but episodes of Cosmos, back to back.


I loved the original “Cosmos” and Carl Sagan is one of my heros.


How to forget?

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