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Would Like A Response From Anti Trump Posters

Why do so many of your anti Trump posts reek of vulgarity, profanity, sophistication & intellect?

alon 6 June 26

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Because there’s a lot of radical left wing idiots on this website. Unfortunately most atheist seem to be very liberal and left wing, a lot of them even embracing that crazy left wing nut job AOC.


I am not a anti Trump poster but i can tell you that these people are so consumed with hate and TDS that it turns into bile that they spew out in disgusting vulgarity.These nitwit liberals main reason for hating him is his personality which has absolutely nothing to do with his performance as a President.And what can you say about a pitiful group of people that think a person like AOC is intelligent and worth listening to

People who think AOC is intelligent must be brain dead because that woman is totally Wako!

@ToolGuy Yeah she has great values .Do you agree with this type of atrocious behavior in that she encourages people to break the law .I live in NY and I pay my subway fare and this moron says if people can’t afford a subway fare it should be free. positive characteristics what a joke .You liberals are part of the problem facing the USA.

@richiegtt These liberals are all dimwits themselves so they are actually unable to identify another dimwit when they encounter one ,that is why they think she is a genius. It’s as simple as that .

@richiegtt You are correct.These lowlifes like AOC care more about the lowlifes and dregs of society than the people that actually subsidize them .

@ToolGuy I see you reside in Canada so I do not think you should be criticizing me , a NY resident In my evaluation of The NY Transit System which is in dire straits now financially with not enough money , and you want to make it free.I pay extremely high taxes now in NY .If it was free my taxes would go up and I very rarely even use the transit system .When anything becomes free it turns to shit .

@ToolGuy Curious.. Did you vote for Clinton his second term?


And in the distance, is heard the defiant bellows of the Dying Orange Hippo, slowly sinking in the muck and mire of his own excrement!


@Sticks48 I tried not to be too "vulgar", or "profane"!

@davknight And you succeeded. ☺


I'm with you. Any good criticism is much more valid without vulgarity and profanity. And just because Trump is vulgar and profane is not excuse for anyone else to be so. When they go low, we should go high.

oh please. Intelligent people cuss also.If our brutish language so offends your delicate sensibilities then perhaps you should retire to the patio for a mint julep while the adults talk.

You can't get any lower as a life form than to support Trump. See not one fucking vulgarity. OOPS! 🙂

See this just lacks punch. And substance. But mostly punch.

Criticism is valid if it's true, not in how the fuck* one expresses it.

*Yeah that ones gratuitous. So sue me.

@JeffMesser Yes, intellegent people cuss too. But it lacks class.

@Sticks48 I hope you are not making a false assumption I'm a Trump supporter. I'm a Green Party member and Bernie supporter. 😉

@dare2dream Was this sarcasm on your part? 🙂

@dare2dream Class is pretty subjective.

Yeah well. Fuck that Orange motherfucker, and his pornstar third wife. Fuck Republicans, Libertarians, Baggers, evangelicals, and rightwingnuts. Fuck bigots, racists, Nazis, and loser confederate flag-waving douchebags. Oh, and fuck Brietbots, Infowars, and all the idiots who wear tinfoil hats. Plus hypocrite ‘pro-lifers’.
Did I miss anybody?

@dare2dream class? you mean that bullshit where you put on airs because you're so internally weak that you must think others like you? I judge people by what they have to say - not their adherence to a bullshit list of social niceties.

You don't need to be crude or vulgar to make your point. That even distracts from any point you try to make. Ad hominem attacks are fallacies of logic and do nothing to promote any point you might have.

You cannot denigrate or disparage Trump's crudness by stooping to his level. This invalidates your point.

Are you sure you want to represent yourselves this way?


Probably because intelligent people don't generally like him?


Humor helps me deal with the constant stress of Trump and Republican's attempts to destroy over 50 years of American progress. Go Democrats!

Trump is a narcissistic, profoundly ignorant, embarrassing, narcissistic, sexist, racist, compulsive liar and con artist. He is so stupid, he believes his job is insulting people on Twitter.

Why did I write "narcissistic" twice? It fits.

@LiterateHiker for emphasis !


and what does that have to do with anything? why do you support a lying sack of dung?

Where did I ever say that I support Trump?

@alon I am curious why you asked...does the vulgarity bother you? How does Donald make you feel?


Because DT makes even introverts so mad we want to gather with others to vent with about the sorry state of American political life and government policy under his administration.


Because using vulgarity and profanity doesn't mean one can't also be sophisticated and intelligent. It's called being well fucking rounded. 🙂

1of5 Level 8 June 26, 2019

@NoPlanetB that it supposedly does (I've seen at least one study on it), but I have a feeling that's only amongst those who aren't easily offended by crass words and less than pure thoughts.

You know, fucking prudes. But we haven't actually answered his question, which is quite rude of us.

So @alon it's because he's a vulgar, profanity inducing piss poor excuse for a human being that the world, as a whole, would be a better place had he never existed. For people like that vulgarity and profanity are required to express the appropriate level of contemp, frustration, and hopelessness being exposed to that motherfucking buffoon causes astute and erudite people.


I agree with everything said here by Trump's critics about the appropriateness of vulgarity and his deserving of it. I just don't get that involved in Trump bashing because I do my best to not get that focused on him or bitching about him either as I know it won't change anything by itself, that it won't change the minds of any of his followers, that he is really more of a symptom of the fucked up system than the real problem or cause(s), and that venting about him might feel good but is really just preaching to the choir. Like Sticks and others have said, I have talked that way most of my adult life, as do some of my friends, and all of us are way more intelligent and knowledgeable than most sheeple Americans. Just because I have a vocabulary of 10K or more doesn't mean I have to limit myself only to polite language if I am expressing contempt as emphatically as possible or interested in entertaining myself as well as others while expressing myself.

Excellent response, friend...

@thinktwice Thanks, Louise. Besides, I like Tarantino's films a lot, so maybe I enjoy imitating his art some in my conversation, lol......Of course, I limit my Tarantino speak in person to people I already know that can handle it or share my enjoyment of such expression.

@TomMcGiverin I love everything he all time favorite movie is Reservoir Dogs...Linda...😉 new avatar... 🙂

@thinktwice Ah, a fellow hipster. My favorite, of course, is Pulp Fiction( the theological musings of Samuel L. Jackson's character being my favorite part), but your fav is a close second. I can't wait to see what he does with the next Star Trek..... I'm told by a friend who is a Trekkie to not expect his usual type of violence or language because Tarantino is known so far for respecting the genre types that he has been branching out into lately but, still, I'm sure this will not be your usual Trek movie.


I'm trying to figure out if this is real or satire... We need a new font. Times Roman Sarcastica... so we can tell.


I have talked this way all my life. When discussing Trump with Trumpettes, intellectual conversation is a waste of time. If they had any level of intelligence they would not have voted for or still support Trump. Do you understand that? I can make it even more simple if you struggle with this. Oh, and fuck that orange douche bag.


We have a criminal POTUS. I run Leftists and Me Too-Women and Men's Rights which despise Trumpism and everything he stands for - RACISM, Anti-LGBTQ policies, hate vs certain Black and Brown and Hispanic peoples and FACISM based on his idol Adolph Hitler. How can we just post civilly when he constantly LIES and tries to destroy the Constitution. WE ARE ANGRY and EXPRESS THAT ANGER THE ONLY WAY WE CAN _ VERBALLY.



The majority of these people proved you are correct with their comments and reply’


Because they are hypocrites


I cussed way before that shitbag came into office...probably because I worked for attorneys and CPA's that cussed as well, sometimes with creativity and sometimes with is a mindset that language is to be used effectively in whatever manner deemed appropriate for the situation and a few fucks along the way seem to add the drama and fuck is the perfect word to express certain sentiments in the cleanest and fastest way..everyone knows what the word is and how versatile it is...


I'm not sure I understand your sentence structure but I'm sure you'll receive a lot of response to a question of why people find trump disgusting.

The real question is why don't some people find him disqusting? That's what I can't wrap my head around


Don't you mean "lacking sophistication & intellect"


As a Democrat, I register new voters, march and work to elect progressive politicians.

Vote Republicans out of office!


Because we have the 1st Amendment .......currently.


Because Shitler is vulgar, vile, disgusting, cruel, dishonest, childish, . . . I could continue but why bother?

trump is disgusting, but his supporters are worse.


We are sinking to his you think he would comprehend anything else? Really?


I have read most of the comments that precede mine and I am shocked to see that we have so many trump worshippers here. I have alwsys equated atheism with reason and critical thinking. Apparently that's not that way.

Thank you for helping pull off the hoods. I am immediately less trusting of the members here.


The more rabid members from both sides (pro and anti) do so. I think it has more to do with extreme emotionalism and possibly a lack of control. Perhaps if those emotions have been stirred by substanceless propaganda, rather than intellectual information, it’s harder to respond thoughtfully, rather than to knee-jerk react. Brainwashing might have feelings ramped up without any sensible reasons for feeling so.

Don’t those stirring pot hope for exactly that? Blind loyalty to their side, rather than considerate thinking?

Zster Level 8 Jan 29, 2020

That behavior comes from both sides.
Also people can't speak on behalf of others as supporters and non supporters are made up of individuals not a whole.
If you really want a answer ask these people directly.

kc33 Level 2 June 26, 2019

You must not be paying attention to politics. The "both sides do it" myth was the first salvo against democracy.

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