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Atheist Medical Practioners- Are there very many?

I got to thinking about this after leaving my Dermatologist's office this afternoon. And I wonder if the medical speciality makes any difference.

alon 6 July 10

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Surgeons are always pissed that most people thank god for their healing and not enough really thank them, who did all the dirty work.


The medical director at the skilled nursing/ retirement community I work at told me about a private Facebook group she's in that is for agnostic/atheist doctors, so I'm sure there are quite a few non religious medical folks out there. Apparently their banner photo is a a bunch of drawings of mythical creatures - Santa, the Easter bunny, Jesus, a leprechaun, etc.

dkp93 Level 8 July 10, 2019

There are some not as many as there should be

Patients like to bring up religion a lot
They ask me to pray for them or with them
I have one patient that I asked/told to stop handing out her religious material

I get asked if I believe in god all the time

My typical reply is “it’s my job to be neutral and available for everyone”


Atheist doctors hold that information close to their chest. Remember that they are in fact selling themselves and most people are theist. A believer will likely not trust an atheist but an atheist might be more pragmatic and base their decision on how well they do their job.

As an atheist in the medical industry, I've met a few. There are many more providers (medical professionals) that I have no idea what their personal beliefs are about.

CK-One Level 6 July 10, 2019

As it should be
Our lives should remain private and out of public scrutiny for the reasons you listed.


My granddaughters orthodontist has bibles on every table and religious music playing. But he is the best in this area so I say nothing 😟


I wish. I've had doctors ask where I go to church. One even suggested I go to church.

Really none of their business.

Not part of the health questions!


I am an atheist

Amisja Level 8 July 11, 2019

I don’t care if or what my doctor prays to as long as she is a good doctor.


i don't ask my doctors what they do or do not believe except as it relates to medicine. i did go to a chiropractor once, on the advice of someone i knew, and this chiropractor had a big picture of jesus (not his real name and not his real image) over the treatment table. that doctor also touched me inappropriately, and no, i am not shy with doctors but i know an inappropriate touch when i receive one. that's the only indication i ever had that a doctor believed in any religion much less a particular one, and it didn't work out so well even though we didn't talk about religion.



Had a new dentist casually ask why I’d chosen ‘her.’ Told her, from the photos shown, the four guys looked like right-wingers … and that she didn’t. She smiled, saying, “And you’d have been right.”

I suspect they’re there.. Keeping as low a profile as necessary to maintain their hard-earned positions.

Varn Level 8 July 10, 2019

I haven't met any yet.
I sincerely would have loved to have had an atheist gynecologist.
Long story. Another experience that helped to solidify my atheism,
and anti-theism.


They are people just like anybody else. I am sure there is a wide spectrum from non believers to lost marbles fanatics and anything in between.


I work around a lot of doctors, and in the Bible belt. Seems to be a fair share of agnostics, at least, probably more than outright atheists. But you never know, that might be their self-preservating diplomacy on display.


Can’t see why there wouldn’t be, but a doctor is a doctor regardless of how many heads he/she has!


I'm pretty sure Drs fall along the same lines, belief wise, as everyone else, Being "sciency" but also devoted to defying the odds, seems to balance out with thed rest of humanity.


I'm a P.A.

bobwjr Level 10 July 12, 2019

If I am ever operated on I do not want a doctor who prays with everyone first.


I believe there are many. They aren't going to make a big deal about it for fear of alienating their patients.

BD66 Level 8 July 11, 2019

Umm, as long as they are competent, None of My Business, or yours.’ve been in bitch mode as of late ...don’t ya think ~

@Varn oh sweetie, been there going n 60+ years....(will be 71 Friday) and have definitely learned that many of everyone's problems would be bettered if people Butted Out unless asked.


I used to work in the regulation of various health professions. I think that it would be improper for a health practitioner to push religion at his patients. In fact I was once involved in such a case. Here is a link to the case for those who are interested []

Senex Level 5 Aug 1, 2019

Wish I could find one. I have had a couple doctors suggest prayer for stress.


There are a lot of nonbelievers in the medical profession, not just the doctors.


In my years of being a Nurse I was fortunate enough to meet and get to know a great deal of Non-Believing Nurses and Doctors, etc.
Once even worked with and beside a well Respected and Highly Acclaimed Obstetric/Gynaecological Specialist Surgeon whilst he was desperately trying to repair the utter, undescribable CARNAGE that was wrought upon an 11 year old young girl who was repeated raped and beaten by her own father, a Minister in the Presbyterian Church.
He said, repeatedly, over and over again during the 7 and a half hours of the operation, " There CANNOT be a God of any type because NO God would stand idly by and watch and allow this to happen to anyone, let alone such a young, innocent child a this."


I'm an RN, but I would say I'm agnostic, which isn't the same thing as being Atheist.


I was gonna ask a similar question! The closest round here is chi. Crosses and shit all over. My business partners daughter had a throat infection. Took her to the Dr, and she said she needed her toncels taken out. He explained they were already taken out. She is a box of rocks.

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