Are you planning on voting in the upcoming presidential election?
I will be voting, as ever, because Not voting is actually a vote for the status quo we have now!
@avron I have AARP for over-65, had total knee replacement plus 2 stints at rehab, in the last 6 years, a total shoulder replacement 8 years ago, including rehab at home twice a day, then #2 6-week stints at a day rehab facility, total bill for all of the above, Zero. I pay $48/month for the supplement to Medicare. You need to go listen to Bernie on the subject! Oh, and yes, I have owned my own freestanding home for over 40 years
Hell yes. I've already voted four times in the last two years. Probably more if I took a look. KY and their off year elections suck for us. I get tired of voting but I drag myself out and vote anyway.
If you don't vote you forfeit the right to bitch about who goes into office.
You are so right sister!! Thank you for always voting!!!
Not in America. It’s a constitutional right to voice your opinion. You may think it’s a duty to vote but that’s just an opinion. Good thing you’re an American and can voice it
I have been beating that (very much alive) horse forever. People need to vote, not just in presidential years, but EVERY TWO YEARS!
There is absolutely no reason these people should be in power. None. Most people don't agree with them.
So they need to take a tiny fraction of their precious time, get their fannies in gear, and say so where it matters most--not at the local bar, not pontificating from their couch--at the polling station.
It's not that hard, y'all! They check your I.D., give you a ballot, direct you to a booth, even give you a little sticker, 'I voted,' when you leave! It's all good!
So do it!
Hear Hear, Hip Hip, Chin Chin, my friend.
Voting against Trump should be passed as law for 2020.
I have never missed voting in a major election, and I generally volunteer for Democratic candidates.
That's going to be especially true his year.
I have already donated to Warren but I also like Harris.
I will support the nominee.
I’d like to add that I was unable to vote in the last presidential election, and so was my husband. I was living in Thailand and he was at Baghram and neither of us ever received the absentee ballots we requested.
That’s shitty you didn’t get your absentee ballots
@Marcie1974 yeah I was pretty passed off.
Same thing happened to my son in the last midterms. He was out of state at school, and sent for his absentee ballots which never came.
Yes. I've always voted since I could. No damn excuses. There are mail in ballots for a reason. If you can't get to a poll on a day? Do that.
At least you'll have voted.
I hate the total lack of involvement of people who say "Well my vote won't count". It does in your conscience doesn't it? You can say "Well I voted against that!".
Basic civics folks. Vote your conscience.
I think lots of places offer early voting as well. That’s what my college aged daughter and her boyfriend did
@Marcie1974 Even when I was in college I changed my voting place to where I was so I could vote.
My Mom's favorite saying about it was "Don't complain if you don't vote". Basically meaning you didn't earn the right. I still agree with her.
Yep, blue no matter who. I don’t care if my favorite candidate does not make it to the general election, I’m voting for them democratic candidate. I will NOT be sway from this no matter who much divisive BS takes place.
This time around, I am in complete agreement.
Doesn't matter who gets the democratic nomination. I WILL be voting for whomever runs against 45.
I wish we had more than 2 legitimate parties, but until we do, I feel exactly the same
@Marcie1974 Exactly! I also wish there were more than 2 and will vote blue at least nationally until we do.
Will be there when the polls open, hoping that somebody..... freaking ANYBODY!!!!.... on the ballot is worth voting for. And yet knowing that even if a crusted over dog turd were the only other option in the race for president, it would still be a thousand times better than what we have now.
@avron so, by not voting you hope to have an influence on this?
@AnneWimsey I guess some people think threatening to pull the trigger and send money to trump is going to change your mind eh? I don't know how you put up with responding to folks who do nothing but offer negativity. I don't bother anymore or block them if they get to be to
I’ve voted in every presidential election since I was 18 (hooray for having an election that year). As I’ve grown older I participate in more local elections as well.
This is going to sound judgmental, and I admit that I am a bit, but I truly think it’s irresponsible not to vote. Despite how broken our system is, I think it’s an important civic duty and I still get a little thrill from doing it.
Yes, I plan to. I want that racist bastard out of there and into a jail cell for 10 to 20.
Burned at the stake comes to mind.
I always vote. If nothing else, I think voting entitles me to complain. I tell people, "If you don't vote or participate in the process, even though you can, then yo =u have no right to complain bout the reaults."
I say the same thing and refuse to even discuss it further with them.
If you've got the energy to bitch about shit you can find the energy to fucking vote.
I think everyone has a right to complain regardless of if they voted or who they voted for. It’s like saying you can’t complain about a government official because you voted for them. It’s a non sequitur.
@indirect76 I'll complain if hte official I voted for doe something I don't like. I think you are missign the point here. If you have teh right and opportunity to vote, but just don't vore, and then try to complain aboiut the results, then I dont' want yho listen to it, simply because you had the oportunity to participate and contribute, but chose not to.
Basically ti would be like having a neighbor who mows yoru lawn for you, as a favor because you were too lazy to do it yourself, and then nit picking and complaining about how the lawn looks afterwards.
If you want to complain you need to make an effort to contribute in some way, and voting (at least) once every tow years to contribute and be a part of the process is not really all that burdensome.
Yep, just mailed in my voter registration card to get my new card for next year's election. I would never miss an election. I also vote in my local and state elections because it's important to try and keep the religious funnymentalists out of our local politics too!!!!!
I am an Independent and I always vote for the man that will do the best job, and i can RESPECT. Its going to be a long year before we can vote, but i promise i will do my homework very carefully. If we can't get Trump out of office, then we have no one to blame but ourselves for not voting. This man is an atrocity. He is destroy our nation, and making enemies with our allies. So people think about this when you go to vote, our climate control our infra structure our middle class and of course the taxes , etc. Do your civic duty, and get out there and VOTE. SEND THAT ORANGUTAN BACK TO THE JUNGLE...New York is waiting for him with handcuffs.
I have voted since the first year 18 year olds were allowed to vote...local, state and federal...I have never missed a single election.
and while I am not happy about any of the candidates so far, I know I will vote for anybody but tRump
Really? Out of two dozen, none of them intrigue you?
@altschmerz I'm surprised. There's such a wide gamut of people and policies to consider, I'd think there was something for everyone. It's like a pizza with a couple dozen toppings to choose from -- something's gotta look good. I guess not though.
What's missing?
@altschmerz Exactly...right now, I like bits and pieces but not one specific candidate...I contribute a lot of money so I do send to those I want to get qualified for the next debate, but that does not mean any are my favorites...I don't want the status quo but I also am not one to fork over my taxes for programs that are not sustainable in the long run...I look hard at the financial end of things as well as the records and ability to play nice with others...I absolutely want trump out but I also think we deserve a good person in office to get us back to some decent values...I want someone tough but fair...
@thinktwice @altschmerz I'm with both of you on Ds who just want to maintain the status quo. That's the very reason I don't want a centrist like Biden. Establishment Dems are useless. They have no vision and no ideas. They'll pay lip service to progressive concepts while actually disdaining the movement. That's why I think Bernie is our best bet. He wants sweeping changes that Rs and centrist Ds are terrified of. The fact that both Rs and Ds think he needs to be stopped is a good indicator of just how fearful they are of the vast changes he wants to make. I see Liz Warren as a solid second choise -- a sort of Bernie lite. Harris is okay as a third place fallback The rest of the field can be returned for a refund.
@Sgt_Spanky Interesting...I am guessing that going from zero to 90 on the dem side will be just as abrasive to the republican side as trump was after Obama...people don't like change when it happens so abruptly, needed or not...I am thinking of where the money will come from and where it will go...I am thinking of who really gets out to vote and who has the money to support the campaigns...
@thinktwice In all honestyI take a perverse joy in anticipating how many heads would explode if Bernie got the nom and was elected. It would be a meltdown of Chernobyl proportions of Rs and centrist Ds -- all the people whose heads need to be exploded. We need a total rebuild of the American government. It's like a house so completely eroded by termites that the structure needs to be torn down and rebuilt. Patching it won't do the job. Bernie's policies atre the closest to doing this. The money is there, it's just usually wasted on corporate welfare, giveaways for the wealthy, pork barrel politics and the military industrial complex among other wasteful interests. Where the money will go depends on how much corruption is voted back into power by people who just don't get it.
@Sgt_Spanky If we don't get trump out, there won't even be a foundation is unrealistic to think such a large bureaucracy can be started over in such a short period of time...all of the stars would need to be in alignment...the house and the senate, the judicial and executive branches...doubt that is going to happen...I would rather see good policies started or reinstated...and a very hard look at such policies that use the word "all"...those are the ones that are easily abused...
@thinktwice I agree there's a ton of work that needs to be done and there'll be resistence every step of the way but as it was written in the Tao Te Ching, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. We need to take that first step and deal with the difficulties as they arise.
But we still have to take it.
@Sgt_Spanky That first step is to get him out of office...period
@thinktwice Yes, ma'am. Preferably in handcuffs.