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Advertising atheism.

Do you advertise your lack of belief? If so, how? If not, why not?

janniegirl 6 Aug 5

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I do on my Facebook Page primarily by the use of memes. I do not in public unless asked.


I do. It's how I make my living, creating and performing non-religious weddings and funerals for atheists, agnostics, free-thinkers and other nones.

I make it clear in my marketing information that I do not include religious references, and it's in my booking agreement that it will not be a worship service, but instead a service focusing on human values.

If I didn't come right out and say that I'm atheist, I wouldn't get the type of clients I seek and who are seeking me. 😉


This question is only pertinent in lands where religion dominates politics and government.
In Europe atheism is taken for granted as being a major option.


I feel no compulsion to hide my views when it comes up in conversation, but by the same token no motivation to bring it up unprompted. There's enough division among people already without fomenting it needlessly.


Went grocery shopping today wearing my t-shirt... And a pair of Sigil of Lucifer earrings, but I'm almost certain no one knew what they were.

5’s nobody’s business. I dislike it when others advertise their beliefs, so why would I do to them what I hate, by advertising my disbelief. If it comes up in the course of conversation though, I am pretty straightforward in saying I am an atheist.


It depends on the situation. I don't proselytize, but If it comes up as a normal part of a conversation, either in person or online, I am likely to talk about it. I do want people to have a clearer understanding of us non-believers and to realize that one can be good without religion and without gods. And, one way to do that is to engage them in conversation or to respond to posts that are either false or disparaging to non-believers.

It's not proselytizing Atheism responding to the ocean of violent faiths and global ignorance....perhaps it's better to avoid the topic locally to keep retaliation risks low in face to face relationships....very few Atheists have been murdered by religionists traveling from their theocracy to our CONSTITUTION ruled land ....our highest law makes no mention of the alleged word gawd got gods in any language allah yhwh geebush jeehobah ghostholes....we should shame the xians zionists and sharia law advocates back 500 years where they are stuck AND DEMAND the Vatican wealth be seized to pay millions of victims/survivors of 2 living popes covering up rapist priests globally. ....never forget 6 million women dead each year denied life saving abortions/deadly disease preventing condoms

@GreenAtheist : I hear what you are saying; and, I think there is a time and a place to be bold. I will boldly defend our country against the push toward a Christian theocracy that we are seeing today--and against any kind of theocracy that might rear its ugly head. I am simply for the more subtle approach when dealing with individuals. I prefer planting seeds of doubt rather than pushing so hard a person becomes defensive; when that happens, minds tend to close.

@Joanne good for you....face to face with xians can be a joy like talking to children who are not opportunity to undo the damage of priests/preachers....playing catch with nurf balls that can't hurt .....tossing words to think with INSTEAD of feared dogmas or alleged devils lurking in their ears


I have gotten a bit crazy with it. I have a tattoo on my forarm with the red atheist "A". It has started a few conversations. All of them good so far. I think that qualifies as a yes. I am almost 50 and it is my only tattoo. I got it about a year ago as people are not very open about atheism in my area....or so I thought until I got it!

I also wear atheist related t- shirts but have only had a few comments on them, again all good.


I don’t go around telling people that I’m not a fan of checkers. The same goes for many other things I’m not into.



I would feel like a bible thumper if I started spouting my beliefs. I have dignity. My beliefs are mine. No one else's. And I refuse to submit others to what I believe. When it comes down to it, most everything about me is not known to the public. I like that...


To me, it's the same a running around boasting "hey, I'm a non-stamp collector". Rather pointless.

Although I will interject my non belief when or if I am brought into a conversation about religion, or something of that sort.


The difficulty I see about NOT advertising is that Religionists often, not always, have built in assumptions that everybody should be thinking like them. They Prosletyse and preach. I just wish atheists had the confidence to do that without them thinking that they are being prosletysed. i.e. concentrate on solving the problem without referring to ancient texts or relying on dogmatic things that they have been told.

We don't because we don't have to, all humans are born atheists, think about it, to not believe is the natural state of being, the crap that your parents and society that surrounds you try to brainwash you with is unnatural.


Daily ~

Varn Level 8 Aug 6, 2019

@Joanne, check out this great stamp!

@vertrauen It looks like I might be purchasing another stamp 🙂

@vertrauen, @Joanne Good luck finding one 😕 I’ve twice contacted American Atheists asking if they would make ‘these stamps’ available …. and nothing.. Very disappointing, as this was a ‘one-time opportunity’ purchase through a no longer active Atheist Organization in Portland, OR.

I’ve some smaller stamps, too - but this one’s boldest and best! I’ve refused to spend ‘unmarked money’ for ...I’d say 40 years.. Countless folks have no doubt been encouraged or enraged 😉 And never having had a credit card - I’ve spent a lot of cash ~

@Varn Well, that sucks!

@Varn Gosh, thank you for your 40 years of stamping! That's terrific!

@vertrauen You’re welcome ...carried a thick black stubby permanent marker before I got my ‘atheist stamps,’ I’d black out either ‘god’ or the entire proclamation right in front of a cashier. I was stupid bold sometimes, and still have to watch myself.

I’m here as an Atheist First, came from a militant mom who’s the same. I believe the last court case (now case law) decided something like, ‘defacing US currency is an acceptable form of protest,’ ‘as long as no attempt is made to alter the denomination or serial numbers.’ least that’s what I’m prepared to tell any clerk who asks.. Few do.

Had one Manager say (who apparently had to be shown by a confused employee), “Well, I’m glad they’ve at least got money.” Very few appear to think ‘I did it.’ Recently, the manager of a fast food place brought my order to a halt saying, “What’s this?!” Two more employees instantly joined her she tested my bill with ‘the counterfeit pen.’ It was real 😉

A daughter had a close girlfriend who freaked out with joy when shown ‘one of my bills.’ “Really!” “Where can I get one of those stamps?!” Cool girl, she’d pull over with my D to take on ‘abortion protesters!’ Worthy, I gifted her a pristine ‘Atheist Money’ stamp & ink pad. She’s my kindred kid.. A former teen model, she also makes a good looking Ath.

But hey, thanks for the positive feedback … makes all those years worthwhile 🙂

@Varn I'm simply in awe. Words fail me. @Joanne, I'm not sure that this will flag you again unless I tag you, but @Varn has just blown my mind. Here I thought you had mass-produced a bundle at home, @Varn, and then used them, but you bearded the lion directly at the cash register. Awesome!


i can't afford a billboard in times square, but if it comes up, i don't hide who i am, and if it's relevant, i bring it up myself. today in the cab on the way home from lunch ($3), a movie (free) and a workout in the pool (membership free thanks to my insurance, which also pays transportation to and from), all at the jewish community center, my favorite driver and i were conversing and he said something about god's genius. i just said "well, i see it a little differently, but there is definitely genius involved." we were talking about nature, and no, i was not referring to "intelligent design." he laughed and we continued to converse. had he pushed the issue i'd have used the word "atheist" but i saw no reason to be pushy about it. he said what he thought and i said what i thought and life went on. sometimes i do have to be pushier.



I just wondered. I live in the south and I don’t advertise. I feel certain if I was to put even a bumper sticker on my car it’d be vandalized. But I hate that I have that fear.

I feel the same way! (I just posted about this in a Texas group.) Here in the south, it’s easier just to avoid the whole religion discussion because it seems everyone is hyperreligious.

I think this is exactly why we should be announcing it. Otherwise the religious assume we are one of them. We shouldn't be allowed to live in fear.


I used to do it when I was young, but not now. Why? Because I think 'everyone to their own business'...


Social suicide many of my friends wouldn't care but still not wise


Don't really bother, in the UK nobody gives a D.

Just to say I do not agree. Each to their own I suppose.


Not one to bring up my lack of faith in normal conversation. I find it irrelevant (and sometimes annoying) when folks advertise their faith arbitrarily in conversation as if it makes them a better person or “higher being”. Why follow their path? I’ve nothing to prove, nothing to sell.


No. The only thing I wear on my sleeve is my absolute abhorring of the sociopath Trump.


I don't advertise I just tell them I am or I don't beleive in superstitions


I am British, its more common to encounter non-believers than religious types


No. Leave the self-righteous pontificating to the bible thumpers.


No. Social suicide and it's not like anyone ever will be convinced to lose thei gate
I make no effort to hide, though.

Edu_0 Level 4 Aug 6, 2019

I'm open about it if it comes up but I don't proactively announce it when I walk into a room or meet someone.


No , Business wouldn't be very profitable here in the bible belt if I did .

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