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Have you ever had a romantic "pet name?"

Pet names from lovers, do you like them or are they silly?
Have you ever had one assigned to you by a lover?

When talking to me, my husband calls me "squishy bear." And, when talking about me to others, he calls me "the General."

I think I would like them to be combined. As in, General Squishy Bear. LOL

silvereyes 8 Mar 17

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"Psycho cunt from hell". that's a bad thing?
(I maybe, but his credit score is 800.)


Does, "You're sick"count? Followed closely by "get away from me you disgusting pig" count as a pet name because I hear that a lot from women.


Former lovers usually refer to me with the pet name: "Dirty bastard". I could never figure out why. 🙂



Yes, I've had them.Yes, they're silly.
Doesn't mean I didn't like them.


Ugh..."baby cakes" by my ex. When he would get really drunk he'd only be able to manage "cake"....geeze...but it still makes me laugh

@MrLizard thank you so much!


Thumper lol that was when I was 18. Have not thought of that in years.


"My Honeysuckle". She said she enjoyed turning me over and suck the sweet juice out of me.


Sweets - my ex-husband actually called me that on phone 10 years ago.

babe-my last BF who remarried his wife and daughter still is a friend and still calls me that on the phone and FB.


I think the closest my ex came to a romantic nickname was calling me a Lazy Bastard, compared to some of the other names it was really quite endearing!


When we were single, my ex's signature looked like it said "Beagle" so she was called Snoopy by the people at work, hence I got "Charlie Brown".
The ex would call me "Fido" because of what she said I was always chasing.
Most recent partner calls me "Marvin" because she says I must have a brain the size of a planet and because I am always complaining. She named part of my anatomy "Merlin" because of the magical power it could have over her.


Thumper and The man are the last 2 that i can remember. I have given every long term partner a nick name. I think it creates a special bond.@azzow2 Did your girl move to Florida? LOL

One of them did she was working for Disney for a while she would do overtime as one of the charters Cinderella.

@azzow2 The girl I'm talking about did work at Disney for a while. What are the odds? I'm not in touch with her anymore so we'll just leave it as an amusing coincidence.


"God's gift to women." Okay, I made that up. And even in my fantasy it was said sarcastically. sigh


Babe, Love, Dear, Muppy. (Monkey-puppy- don't ask it was high school...) Lol.


I married a Latina, she would call me "El Pandeho Gordo". I think that means big man or something. Whe having sex she call me "El pene de cucaratcha". I think that means lion dick or something.

the closest to "el pandeho gordo" in spanish is "el pendejo gordo", which means "the fat asshole" in english. sorry to estallar la burbuja 😀

As usual, spell check screwed up the post. el pandeho gordo means "fat fool or fat drunken fool. El pene de cucaratcha means cockroach penis. It's a joke, see?


He called me oreo cream lmao

(He was black, I am very white skinned, and he said "plus the cream is the best part!" )


To a lovely Québecoise I dated for a while I was "My Crazy American." I may have fit the description.

JimG Level 8 Mar 17, 2018

I used to, lovingly, call my soon-to-be ex "stinky." Now I call him "that lying, cheating, pile of shit."


Yes. My late husband used to call me Sil; I liked it so much I wanted to have my first name changed to Sil.


mon cher

jeffy Level 7 Mar 18, 2018

My ex was fond of using pet names. One of my favorites of those was "love bug."






I have had a couple. The one that really gets me is my current girlfriend preferring to call me by my full first name. The way she says it is very sweet and almost no one else calls me that, so it feels pretty special, despite not being a traditionally cutesy pet name.


I was called Fluffy or Fluff. I didn't mind being called that, except when she did it in front of other people.


Over the years some of the standards like "Sweetie", "Sweet leaf" and "Foxy Lady" but the more obscure ones would be "the slapper" and "99".

Kimba Level 7 Mar 18, 2018

I had someone one call me D-Bear.... and someone else called me Hubby (BTW my last name is Hubbard) and I was not mairred to her.

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