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How do you style your hair everyday?

I have wavy hair, so I straighten my hair everyday. On my days off I leave my hair down with it straight. For work I put it in a ponytail and gel back my long bangs. I'm growing them out. When I get home, I rinse out the gel and then leave my hair to be wavy for bed. I hate putting my hair up. How do you do your hair everyday?

Sarahroo29 8 Apr 9

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A razor.

Don't cut yourself.

@Sarahroo29 lt rarely happens, but it happens.

@Sticks48 You're a pro then.

@LovinSpoonful007 of l used a straight razor it would be a blood bath. Lady Bic disposables. 🙂

@LovinSpoonful007 l like them becuase l get a close shave and the head is narrower than other disposable razors making it easier to shave the edge of my beard. I used to use a Mach lll but they ridiculously expensive and did not shave any closer than the Bic.


Most days i style it for 8 hours by rolling around restlessly in bed !

Bed head.

@Sarahroo29 Haha yes sometimes a lot lol

@Nickbeee Lol.

@Sarahroo29 🙂


With thick, wavy hair, I wash my hair every four days. It takes too long to dry, even with a hairdryer.

When I awaken with hair madly flipping around, I pull it back with a barrette. The same hairstyle I had as a kid. Now it's an instant facelift. Ha. Always had bangs. This heavy hair swings into into my face.

Why do we long for what we don't have? I always wanted the swept-back look like Jackie Onassis.

Who is she?

Jackie Onassis was the window of President of John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated.

@LiterateHiker Oh wow.


Straight down both sides


@Sarahroo29 only because i have no hair on top. and less and less every day on the sides

@lbusche Awe. That sucks.


I have one of my daughters trim it down to a 1/4" about once a month. Otherwise it just feels like it's getting out of control.


@Sarahroo29 , I used to have long hair, I would say 4" past my shoulders long. I walked into a barber shop when I was about 18 and had it all cut off, it's been that way ever since.

@Woodron Wow.


Different every day. Have curly hair but like it straight. When I wash it blow dry or nothing. Sometimes use straightening brush. Depends on my mood.

Wow. Your hair is long.

that was before chemo-lost it twice. Other pic s current. It's growing again.


Shower, towel dry, brush, done.


And it's about the same length as yours only blond.


Your hair is very pretty and shiny. Mine has been permed or it would be straight as a stick. After I wash it, I mousse it and scrunch it and let it dry. Since it grows fast, I sometimes need to hit the shorter hair in front with my curling iron.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

Mine won't curl.


My hair is usually down and all natural until I have to focus on something, then I put it in a pony



Normally, I wear my hair short and comb it in a traditional work friendly style. But, now I'm growing it back out. When long, my hair is naturally straight and I part it down the middle or I wear it back in a cue.

Gohan Level 7 Apr 9, 2018

Oh cool.


I work with children and have long hair, so I usually put my hair in a braid or at least a ponytail.

Cool. I hate my hair up.


Mine is about 1/2 mm... So I don't do anything to it except rinse out the shower gel.

Cool. That sounds easy.


What hair? I'm bald.

ebdb Level 7 Apr 9, 2018



Usually I pull it back so it's not in my face.

Nice. How long is it?


I don't - I have very straight hair and I cut my own fringe by gathering the fringe together then twisting it tightly and cutting though the twist - (it works so long as you hold your nerve) My hair grows very quickly so I grow it for cancer wigs - Its a bit disheartenign because they actually never tell you if they used it or not but still its worth the try because I am not very worried about how i look - when my hair is longer after the last donation i just tie it in a low pony tail.

Cool. I used to have long hair.


I get a little gel and run my hand through the top of my head, spiking my hair in the process. Friends call me Spike for a reason😉



I don't have to do



Does the bed count?



My locs come down to my mid chest and they are getting heavy!



I have wavy hair too, but I don't straighten it. I learned a long time ago to just let my hair do what it does. Most of the time I wear it down, but if I'm having a particularly bad hair day I'll wear it in a ponytail.



My hair is always up. When I was younger my hair was thick and curly. As I get older it's much thinner. So I don't know what to do with it anymore

Um, get a trim?


I have long hair. I have a long ponytail, or sometimes French braid it. It is getting pretty grey. When I was young, I had it dyed a dark auburn, and permed it so I had long loose curls. It was kind of wild and I loved it. Now it has a little wave if I leave it down.

That is cool.


I have a No1, that's one up from bald if it doesn't translate. I do nothing with it, when it grows it gets fluffy, as my daughter likes to tell me when she rubs her hand on it, then it's time for another No1 🙂

Oh, okay.


I have very little to do these days. My hair is normally no longer than one inch and I do this to make it easy to take care of. I was vain in my ealier life, have even had long hair twice, by my view today is that "Elvis is dead." I don't even keep sideburns.

Oh, okay. No sideburns? Why?


What hair? I'm bald.

ebdb Level 7 Apr 9, 2018
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