Just silly claims...
MAGA cultist and right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau, who recently claimed Kamala Harris was a tool of Satan, has just cured cancer.
Or at least the cancer that just worsened for the cancer that is Rush Limbaugh.
Rush must be so thrilled. Iām sure he will stop any further cancer treatments!!!
Rush Limbaugh is just as big a piece of subhuman garbage as the big Chump. If he died I could give a flying rats ass. I hope he goes very slowly, and very physically painfully. He deserves everything thatās happening to him.
Science needs to synthesize that prayer into a solution that can be injected directly into cancer patients.
I think the active ingredient in prayer would prove to be a source of some awful infections.
This is amazing! Let's get that man to St. Jude right now. Who believes this horseshit?
Evangelicals and other Christian asswads.
Yeah, but what did he do for Fatso's laundry list of OTHER ailments? Like his Stage 10,000 over inflated ego? Or maybe his terminal case of stupidity and blovationosis? If the Rushing Windbag was even 1/1000th as smart as he wants us to think he is, why has he not come up with a way to pay off the national debt and return us to sound money again, like we had before 1913 yet? Is he leaving that information for us in his will?
You would think that a REAL man, and maybe a real "man of god" like El Blobo likes to make us think he is, would bequeath 99% of his fortune to various charities, if Death is really on his doorstep, right? That's what I would do! You'd think that somebody who is such an attention whore as he is, with a gigantic ego like he has, and always looking for ways to make people adore him, that he would make a HUGE announcement that he's doing just that! But what do we hear so far? Nothing but crickets!! He's NOT taking a dime of it to where he's going anyway, that's for sure!!
And if he's actually the smartest man on Earth who really leaves half of his brain up in his rectum just to make it fair for others to debate him, then why did he ever take up smoking, knowing full well that it could lead him to an early grave?? Yeah, that's really smart of him alright!! His formerly nicotine stained fingers and his currently tar and other various chemicals stained lungs bear out the fact that he ain't so smart after all!!
It's going to be funny when he dies.
I was just thinking that. I can't wait to hear his excuse.
I've been looking forward to Rush dying since I first heard Rush in 1990.
@OldMetalHead He's a competent version of Trump, and not a smidgen better morally which made him even more dangerous. Need I remind you that it was him that was the slow burning fuse that led us to our crisis of democracy to begin with? It took 30 years, it was like slowly being murdered by a sloth.
If I had a time machine I'd go back and kill him in his crib.
More like hysterical!!
I'd like to know where his body is going to be buried, so I can take a dog for a walk to the grave site, a dog that has been trained to poop on command, and have it take a massive one right at the head stone on both his birthday and his death day too!! And piss on the head stone as well.
@OldMetalHead Reagan, just another SOB. But at least he went silent when out of office. Rush kept it going until Republicans became another species of American, a dark evil version, like orcs made from elves.
The more he suffers, the better.
@OldMetalHead Yes, The Fairness Doctrine was eliminated in 1987, which opened the door for 24 hour right wing radio. So, yes you can thank Reagan for Rush Limbaugh becoming so influential.
How it is that my spell check knows that "Limbaugh" is spelled correctly? I think it is sad that spell check knows that.
@OldMetalHead, @KKGator filling a jug is better than my idea of just visiting the grave for a piss after having a large coffee. Now, I'm thinking "5 gallon water bottle".