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Why are you agnostic? If you're not agnostic then why are you only a theist or an atheist?

waitingforgodo 8 Dec 7

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I'm only a theist that's an atheist.


Evidence, there's none. If that changes I'll reconsider.

Leelu Level 7 Dec 7, 2020

It's funny how religious fundamentalists always refuse to provide such evidence. It's almost as if their god doesn't exist!

@anglophone I know... funny that. 😀


" The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."
Bertrand Russell


I smell a troll.

Right? coz they don't have anywhere else to hang lol. They are jealous of our ability to reason and think for ourselves I guess.

This creep never replies to my direct questions so like you I feel "s/he/it" hides what sex is wanted hides real reason why so many insulting questions are posted ...... 3 times I have demanded capital a respect for Atheists & Agnostics..... IT'S against our community standards to post here nothing but personal questions....that's not sharing our stories that's a stranger interrogating us in the same breath with believers ....



Really! Do buy a dictionary.


Why do you feel the need to put labels on people? 🤔


I'm an Atheist because,
A) Sheeple, just like Sheep HAVE to be in a Flock and have a Human to guide them otherwise they ARE totally useless and eventually will die from their own inherited stupidity,
B) It is better to die on my feet than spend my life on my knees as a slave to religion,
C) it takes courage to stand alone and be counted as being FREE than it does to hide amongst thousands and never speak your mind.


I really want to be a theist, but then I see how these theists behave...
Although I must say that atheists and agnostics behave not much better...

Hanno Level 4 Dec 7, 2020

Basing your beliefs or lack thereof on the behaviors of others is, IMO, illogical at best and bizarre at least.

Actually I was quoting Ghandi.... who said he would consider Christianity as an option, however the behaviour of Christians are such that he would not want to be part of it.
Obviously no one actually base their believes on others behaviours. The point is that people on “both” sides of the equation are very poor examples of practicing what they preach.

I am an agnostic atheist.
Although I really dislike the whole labelling thing as I am both “conservative” and “liberal”, good and bad, libertarian and want a strong (but small) government, pro-life and pro-abortion (depending on the circumstances).. etc etc...

@Hanno When you quote someone you should say so AND you should quote them correctly.

Wooo! Did I just activate the forum police?
Was this my first and last warning, or do I get fined immediately?
Must be one of those angry atheist Dave talked about.
Chill man...

@Hanno No, it's a courtesy to others. If you don't want to be courteous to others, that's on you.


I spent my childhood with a bunch of racist, ignorant, hateful "christians". Then I escaped and began to develop my own mind. Problem solved.


I don't think there are any gods. There's substantial evidence to suggest all gods we know of on this planet are nothing more than people making up stories. The only question I have is what created the universe. I doubt a god but I can't rule that out 100% yet. I can rule out him interacting with us in any tangible way.


I am atheist about the God of the Bible and the God of the Torah, this for the simple reason that they cannot exist. I regard all other gods as being unevidenced.

For your information, I have a long history of coming down hard on all questions that are poorly thought out.


I'm an atheist because I've yet to be presented with credible, verifiable evidence that ANY gods have ever existed in reality.

If that ever changes, I'll rethink my position.
Until such time as that may occur, I'm perfectly content with total non-belief.
I refuse to live my life according to how any fictional characters think I should. Or their deluded followers.


I am a non believer, the rest of bs are just labels.


Why do people ask such silly ass questions that have an obvious answer?

Seems like they just repeat and repeat on this site. Is it newbies just starting out?

@Canndue. Don't know, there isn't shit on the profile, could be just another lurker.


Because I don't know if there's a God or not. I don't believe there is but there's no proof for existence or non-existence. I'm more inclined for the second one though I don't take it as a fact.


I am that I am.


@Canndue Yahweh.

@jlynn37 that’s what I said, imaginary figure 😉


I'll stick with atheist. Agnostic is too wishy-washy.


I am an atheist as I am firmly convinced that no gods exist and no guiding force in the universe.


I did a great deal of research on religion, and discovered that it is a scam based on mythology. Having no reason to believe that gods are real, I am living the life of an atheist. However, I keep an open mind, and sometimes I even say something like, "God, if you exist, please let me know. Give me some evidence. If you don't exist, I'm just talking to nothing." So far, I have had no response at all to such "prayers." This shows me, though, that I am partially agnostic, and not 100% atheist. 🙂

When people ask for signs, it always makes me think of this scene from Steve Martin's The Man with two Brains!


Because they are words that describe my views as an agnostic atheist?
Because I don’t believe in untested hypotheses in other areas of my life, but am continually learning.
What about you?


I identify as agnostic because it addresses my knowledge of the existence of a deity, of which I have none.
I identify as atheist because it addresses my belief in the existence of a deity, of which I again have none.
And so, the absence of both knowledge and belief regarding a deity comfortably coexist in my philosophical mindset, which I most readily identify as nullifidian: A person having no faith or religious belief.


I identify as agnostic for a number of reasons. Not proving the existence of something is not the same thing as proving the nonexistence of the same thing. The persuasive powers and practices of the believers I've encountered in my life has ranged from unconvincing to laughable - my sister-in-law often intimates that there is no need for a god, as she's more than happy to determine who will go to heaven or hell. Declaring that something is, or is not, so because the "good book" says so strikes me as nonsensical, since the book appears to be a loosely patched together fables. I would be no worse off to accept that Horton actually heard a Who and all of the knowledge imparted by that "good book". I fail to see the power of prayer. Were the invocations improperly performed to reduce gun violence? For any true believers, would that not be a goal worthy of divine attention? What about warring factions, each declaring that God is on their side? To quote Mark Knopfler, "Two men say they're Jesus. One of them must be wrong." I'm often amazed by the efforts of the believers to support any claims to a supreme being being more or less equal to their efforts to disprove and even deny the same being, so I've decided to remove myself from the equation wherever possible.


I'm a me does that count?


All agnostics are indeed atheists. Whether they apply the label, or not.

Mvtt Level 7 Dec 7, 2020

I'm agnostic atheist because I don't believe that anyone can really know that which can not be known, only believed in. A god can only be believed in because it's not real, otherwise it wouldn't be a god. There have been many old mythologies over the millenia and they have gotten replaced with new mythologies (which are called religions when they are current) and there will likely be a new one in the coming centuries. Hopefully the new one will be based in science and won't include any god/s. Therefore I will remain an agnostic atheist.


The question makes no sense.
So, do "The Safety Dance," as it would be more productive.

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